Blacktail Deer Plateau It's alive with the beating of young hearts
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421 Posts
Ooc — Zyn
Oh, she was a restless thing, but it was not without cause. Not without reason. Only a night had gone by, and within them a breadth her mind awakened to the cold of reality and of snow itself. What stood pronounced on her mind was not the frigid morning itself or the new air she breathed, but the fact she was within lands now claimed. Again and again the questions of how and why entered her mind, circling the tender flesh like carrion in the midst of a predator's den. Taunting, teasing, when inevitably the strike would come and the mind would fall prey to the torment that lied visibly in wait. The question she placed at the forefront of her mind, but would not acknowledge save for bitterly;

...why on earth was she here?

Why had she left her prideful existence as a wanderer? Why had she fallen into the like fold in which she claimed never to want to be a part of again? Desperation came to mind, as did the urgency for food. The instinctual notion that a pack as a whole stood a better chance at gaining food was a winning factor that aided in her decision; of this she knew.

But when her belly was full and strength returned, what then? What was more there beyond the staples of existence? It was doubtful camaraderie would be a determining factor in her remaining. Loyalty of course was considerably out of the question. There was no trust to be a found, let alone placed in strangers. The treacherous plans of her prior community offered her that much of a conclusion, and no doubt the same would be found within these lands.

So why linger? Why dirty her paws by the shifting earth to make her den? Why remain at all? Was food truly her only reason? Absently, she looked down to her muddied paws, enduring the throb and ache as blistered were bothered and threatened to burst at any moment. The mild scent of infection already settling in as split pads were exposed to the air rather than covered and healed.

This was outside of her norm. Outside of what she desired. And yet she still labored... and yet she still remained, taking yet another swipe at the earth to deepen her den. Her mind left wandering though her paws remained fixed.

And her ears too wandered, catching the sound of swift movement. No doubt another wake in the early hour taking through the territory either on hunt of her pleasure. Regardless it was a beautiful distraction, something other to steal her mind away lest she succumb yet again to the questions of how and why for reason. Forfeiting a further delve into the den she placed her paws firmly then pushed off from the ground. Cool winds of the morning breeze brushed against her damp belly eliciting a chill down her spine. Especially as she moved. Graceless strides well soundlessly as she turned from her work to the origin of sound. Her stride brisk but not urgent as her tongue unfurled to taste the crisp morn of the plateau on her tongue.

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RE: It's alive with the beating of young hearts - by Xi'nuata - January 20, 2014, 09:06 PM