Redhawk Caldera Swiss Cheese Land [Packtivity/Pack Play Session][MFT]
44 Posts
Ooc — nicole

A howl for the pack arose, the sound piercing through the peaceful surroundings. Prima got up and tidied herself before deeming the call to be from somewhere at the top of the caldera.

A smile dawned onto her lips. Truthfully she couldn't wait to visit the caldera again, as she'd seen the breathtaking view when Elwood had brought her up the top of the volcano. The petite girl was planning onto doing something fun around the caldera— jump off the ridge and into the lake, maybe? Theseus could join her this time, since he seemed to like that sort of stuff as much as she did. Well, during their little lake encounter, anyway.

Immediately she made her way up towards the mountain, following the path that Elwood had guided her through the last time— she remembered it surprisingly well, she noticed. When she got to the top, she saw few of her packmates— the swarthy Alpha, Peregrine, Elwood, and a female she did not know. She seemed to be standing in front of— dug up holes? Respectfully dipping her head to them as her tail swayed low, she settled herself somewhere nearby. ”Heyo, guys," She greeted the two males. Following that she turned to the wolfess that she didn't know, and offered her a smile and an introduction. ”Since not everyone's met me yet, I might as well run through this. Hey. I'm Prima, and I'm relatively new around here.”

Messages In This Thread
RE: Swiss Cheese Land [Packtivity/Pack Play Session] - by Prima - January 12, 2015, 01:25 AM