[IC Joining] I'm going on an adventure!
12 Posts
Ooc — Riven
Dublin wasn't a particularly notable wolf in the ranks of Horizon Ridge—in fact, she sat squarely at the bottom of the totem pole. It wasn't a place she wanted to be, but until she found a way to prove herself to the higher-ups, it was the way it would stay for the foreseeable future. She kept to the higher reaches of the ridge, where her long cream fur was less likely to become full of sand and dirt, searching for what herbs she might find hidden beneath the snow. Some would be viable, especially if they were protected by the layer of fallen leaves that had blanketed the world in autumn.

She was searching near the roots of a large sequoia, in the part of the rainforest that wound itself through the ridge. It was places like these that would have the best yield, Dublin knew from her time in Watchtower Coast. As she nosed through the snow and buried loam, her ears caught the sound of another lumbering through the forest. Her head lifted, and she tasted the air for the creature's scent—wolf, and not particularly perfumed with the fragrance that belonged to wolves of Horizon Ridge. Abandoning her task, Dublin moved to follow the potential intruder (though she knew it might be someone only just accepted), her posture all dominant and aggressive.

But she made her way around one of the sequoia's roots just in time to see a silver blur almost purposefully step off the edge of the ridge. Dublin's emotions were equal parts surprise, horrified, and dutiful in that instant: she ran after the other, and rushed down the path that every Horizon Ridge wolf knew to take to get to the sand below safely. When she reached the bottom herself, Dublin saw that the silver female was sitting and seemed well enough, but it was just as likely that the stranger was concussed.

"That was an impressive fall," she told the other with raised brows, stepping closer to a more conversational distance. Dublin's posture remained dominant and proud, ready to chase off the intruder as soon as it became apparent that it was necessary. Still, even as the next sarcastic words left her mouth, there was concern in Dublin's silver-blue eyes. "Are you a new member of Horizon Ridge, or is your sense of smell as bad as your sight?"
Messages In This Thread
[IC Joining] I'm going on an adventure! - by Amzinasis - January 23, 2014, 02:28 PM
RE: [IC Joining] I'm going on an adventure! - by Dublin Redwood - January 25, 2014, 10:05 PM
RE: [IC Joining] I'm going on an adventure! - by Amzinasis - January 28, 2014, 03:22 PM
RE: [IC Joining] I'm going on an adventure! - by Akhlut - February 03, 2014, 02:55 PM