Redhawk Caldera Swiss Cheese Land [Packtivity/Pack Play Session][MFT]
762 Posts
Ooc — Andrea
Peregrine, Fox, Finley and Prima were all taking part in the games too. A competitive instinct was taking over FitzDutiful as the game began and he sprang into action.

As he dodged his way to the first cache he noticed Somnia was stalling Fox as a mountain lion and Perry seemed distracted in a lurking capacity. All the better for him. He sprang for the hole and just as he uncovered his first fur, he noticed Elwood distracting Finley. As he dropped his first claim into his hole she had got past him, swinging her catch proud as Elwood put some pressure on Prima.

It seemed as though his strategy had worked. He was already uncovering his second pelt as Finley was dropping hers. Making his way back, quickly, to keep his lead he was careful to remain inconspicuous. He didn't want anyone paying too much attention to him so he could win this game!
Messages In This Thread
RE: Swiss Cheese Land [Packtivity/Pack Play Session] - by FitzDutiful - January 20, 2015, 10:13 AM