Blacktail Deer Plateau all the poisonous venom is seeping through the honey badger's body
26 Posts
Ooc — Riven
If BDP members wouldn't mind waiting until Dapper can, um, finish the job, I'd appreciate it!

In Dapper's erratic wandering — guided by hunger, and occasionally the driving need to find her — he had come close to the edges of claimed lands before, but instinct overrode hunger and he had kept his distance. As he trekked northeast, he caught the scent of caches intermingled with the faint scent of pack; it seemed luck was with him today. If he was quick and cunning, he could feast upon the caches and dash away before their owners could intercept.

It was in pursuit of these caches that he caught wind of another, more heady scent — despite the fact there was the distinct scent of death intermingled with it, he growled his approval. His course altered, and soon he had her in his sights. A wicked grin spread his maw, and he trotted up to her prone, collapsed form. Drawing close to her ear, as if she were his lover, he whispered, "Hello."