Blacktail Deer Plateau all the poisonous venom is seeping through the honey badger's body
If you take the time to look at the simple things, you will realize they are beautiful.
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Jade had been following a trail, one that stank of infection and near death. Herbs she had picked up along the way she held in her maw, but deep in her heart she knew the horrible smell of infection was strong, and one had little chance of surviving such an illness. As she grew closer, the smell of terrible sickness grew stronger, so did the sudden tang of blood. Heart pounding, Jade raced towards the smell, then backpedaled wildly until she slammed into a thick trunk.

Her maw opened in a scream of shock at the bloody scene before her. Herbs dropped, and as Jade gathered herself, she edged closer to the body. A mutated and scarred fae lay before her, perhaps she had been beautiful once, but with all the gore it was hard to tell. It's tail seemed to be the source of the terrible infectious smell, her stomach ripped open and gutted. Jades eyes stared disbelievingly at the bloody paw prints, and her nose wrinkled as the previously missed scent of a brute met her nose.

This death was not natural. A wolf had killed another of its own, and eaten it. A cannibal lived in these wilds.

Staying far from the body, Jade let up an urgent and scared howl, requesting help. With a cannibal on the loose, everyone could be in danger. She was however unable to tear her eyes from the prone body.