Blacktail Deer Plateau all the poisonous venom is seeping through the honey badger's body
confidence, charisma, character
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Saena was on the verge of a nap when a sickly sweet smell reached her on the breeze. She slowly lifted her head, drawing in deep breaths, and then rose quickly when she recognized it: that was exactly what Junior smelled like when she was at her worst, when delirium nearly drove her to pitch herself off the Plateau.

The young Eta moved swiftly through the trees, easily pinpointing the source of the scent at the base of the cliffs. Only when she drew near did the scent of blood also reach her. The sour mixture was almost enough to turn her stomach, so much that she didn't even notice the panicked howl that rose from the flatlands.

And when she came to the bottom of the towpath and finally saw it, it did turn her stomach and, weak in the knees, she turned away and promptly vomited.

There lay the lifeless body of Honey Badger, the fiery female she'd met at the edge of Otter Creek, but she wasn't Honey Badger any longer. She'd been disembowled, and even without spotting the bloody pawprints nearby, Saena could tell the work of a wolf when she saw it. But she couldn't think much on it; Honey Badger had, after all, reminded her of Junior in a way Saena hadn't been able to explain. Coupled with the same scent of infection, Saena was seeing not the black and white body of the loner, but the body of her sister.

Her psyche grew fragile and threatened to snap as she scoured the scene, spotting first the bloody pawprints that led into the distance and then Jade. Logic should have told her that the prints didn't belong to this female, but logic was the first thing to go as hysteria quickly set in.

"Who are you?" she shrieked at the lone wolf as she advanced to stand protectively over the cadaver. Her fur puffed out at all angles and her face was twisted into an ugly, furious snarl. There were tears matting the fur under her eyes, but she didn't notice them. It wasn't right to treat Jade this way, but Saena was in a state of extreme and almost hallucinogenic grief, having compared this body to Junior and now associating it with her sister. She barely knew Honey Badger; it was only the association that cut her so deeply.

She loosed a fearsome snarl and, standing at her fullest, bellowed, "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY PACK," while taking an sharp, uncharacteristically menacing step toward Jade, who hadn't done anything at all but was now the scapegoat.