Duskfire Glacier Hope for survival
Mama Bear
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The light female hushed the youngster softly and his thank you's. Though, she did smile a bit every time Adlartok showed gratitude. It was a good trait to have. In return Scarlett didn't approve of how the other female was thinking, yet, she was relieved that Manauia wasn't determined to prove her point with aggression. Scarlett's nose nudged Adlartok in a soft matter. It was clear she meant it in a scolding way. The younger one shouldn't snarl while he was in recovering state. It could start the fight she didn't want to happen. Scarlett wouldn't know what to do if a fight would break out. Her red eyes turned to Manauia with some sense of relief and gratitude of her own. It didn't matter to the female. Luckily it didn't. If Manauia was injured Scarlett would still rush to help her fellow pack mate even if they didn't agree about certain things.

"Don't mind her words, okay? Manauia just said it didn't matter to her. But you are worth something to me," Scarlett tried lecturing the young male. It was difficult with the other female still here. She didn't want to .. be to motherly. Scarlett's words did continue, mainly because she didn't want Adlartok to grow bitter. "You might not know this but I've been talked down my whole life. I was useless and a monster because I have blood red eyes and a colorless fur. I was called a demon and what not. If I didn't realize I was worth more than to be talked down each day I wouldn't be here. Who knows, then maybe there was no one to heal you and you wouldn't be here on his earth anymore. What I am trying to say is... You might not be useful now, as Manauia just pointed out, but one day your actions will affect someone. Now I am not a fortuneteller, but, I do know that you are a great young man with the right mindset to be a source of light in someone else's life!," she spoke with so much belief. Although the female was bullied badly she tried to be a shining light in the lives of the wolves around her, even when they might not like her. Scarlett then realized how passionate she sounded and felt her skin heat up under her fur.

Scarlett was then reminded of Manauia's question. "Eh. Well, we assume it is Tuwawi who did it. Fire furred Queen, right Adlartok? Well there is only one as you might know... Malachi went to talk to her. I am not sure how it went down since... I was here all the time," she spoke and looked fondly at Adlartok, she even gave him a quick lick over his nose. Scarlett would definitely turn into those embarrassing moms one day. Definitely. But! She would be a loving one, that was for sure.

Scar channeled her passionate inner mommy mode. Apologies >D
Messages In This Thread
Hope for survival - by Scarlett - January 22, 2015, 12:18 PM
RE: Hope for survival - by Adlartok - January 22, 2015, 12:27 PM
RE: Hope for survival - by Manauia IA - January 22, 2015, 12:28 PM
RE: Hope for survival - by Scarlett - January 22, 2015, 12:47 PM
RE: Hope for survival - by Adlartok - January 23, 2015, 05:05 PM
RE: Hope for survival - by Manauia IA - January 23, 2015, 05:28 PM
RE: Hope for survival - by Scarlett - January 23, 2015, 06:10 PM
RE: Hope for survival - by Adlartok - January 27, 2015, 03:05 PM
RE: Hope for survival - by Manauia IA - January 29, 2015, 12:26 PM
RE: Hope for survival - by Scarlett - January 29, 2015, 12:39 PM