[IC Joining] I'm going on an adventure!
2 Posts
Ooc —
Amzinasis turned her head towards the cream colored wolf. She seemed proud, obviously this was her pack's territory, but the way she carried herself showed she was not a high ranking wolf. "Are you a new member of Horizon Ridge, or is your sense of smell as bad as your sight?" The unknown wolf said to her, almost as if she was mocking her! But, Ammy didn't know this wolf, so she held her tongue. "No," The silver wolf said, "I am not of any pack... And I guess my senses are terrible." Amzinasis shrugged at the last part.
Well, she would pay more attention next time, 'and hopefully not embarrass myself once again...' She thought herself as she awaited the pack wolf's reply.
Messages In This Thread
[IC Joining] I'm going on an adventure! - by Amzinasis - January 23, 2014, 02:28 PM
RE: [IC Joining] I'm going on an adventure! - by Amzinasis - January 28, 2014, 03:22 PM
RE: [IC Joining] I'm going on an adventure! - by Akhlut - February 03, 2014, 02:55 PM