Redhawk Caldera Swiss Cheese Land [Packtivity/Pack Play Session][MFT]
527 Posts
Ooc — Sydney
Next round on 2/1 I'm thinking that this round and the next round should bring the thread to a close. :)
Somnia went around, visiting each of the participants to see how many pelts they found. After getting the numbers, she stepped back, towards an area where everyone could see her clearly. "The winner of the game is FitzDutiful with a total of five pelts!" She announced loudly, casting a smile in his direction.

Suddenly, Somnia wished she had some sort of prize to give to him. The thought had flitted through her mind before. But, anything she could give as a prize would be useless. While a pretty feather or rock could entertain a young pup, Somnia found no uses of those for a grown wolf. While she would actually come up with a prize to help entertain the pups when they were old enough to play, Fitz would have to deal with just a 'congratulations' for now, and that's what Somnia gave him.

"Congratulations on winning the game!" She told him after stepping towards him. Although her attention was primarily on him, she let herself look around once to see what the others were up to. Now that the game was over, they were welcome to hang out and chat, or they could depart if they had other things to do.
Messages In This Thread
RE: Swiss Cheese Land [Packtivity/Pack Play Session][MFT] - by Somnia - January 29, 2015, 10:22 PM