Redhawk Caldera It might seem crazy wearing stripes with plaid
311 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
The following are welcome to thread with newborn Nightjar: Peregrine, Fox, Wildfire, Derp, Finley, Elwood, Magpie, Somnia. Any and/or all of you are welcome!

When he first hit the floor and his little womb apartment was taken away from him, Nightjar's fur was dark, almost black, with dampness. Over the next four hours, most of that, along with the blood that was left behind on his face, tail and legs, was cleaned away by the tender tongue of one of his parents. Drier now, he sported an array of brown, black, and white streaks arranged into a mottled mess upon his thin-furred back.

He perfectly resembled his namesake. If someone stuck wings and a beak on him, the large pup could probably pass for one of those birds.

Thankfully, his parents weren't conducting these sorts of experiments on him just yet, and he was contentedly laying alongside Wildfire and Fox's thigh. His awareness was still incredibly dim; he could feel others touching him, but for all intents and purposes, could not separate them. Fox, Wildfire, Peregrine, Derp and Raven all comprised a single entity in Nightjar's mushy mind, a massive milk-making machine that insisted on probing him in all his uncomfortable spots whenever he so much as shit. His instincts were much stronger than his brain at this point, to the point where he loved this intrusive entity more than anything in the world, even if its constant disruptions should bother him.
Messages In This Thread
It might seem crazy wearing stripes with plaid - by Nightjar - February 22, 2015, 01:23 PM