It's raining snow
<b>Currently:</b> Broken ankle, exhausted and weak from a recent fight.
49 Posts
Ooc — Sophia
Thick, fluffy snowflakes fell softly from the white sky, tiny gusts of wind sending them in a mad flurry of whirling white. The whole landscape was white, a searing blankness that hurt the cloudy fae's eyes. Her fur had paled, and she halfheartedly wondered if it would stay the soft white it was now, or darken with the coming warmth. Now in the care of a pack, her fur had thickened and she wasn't as scrawny as she had been when she had arrived. She had yet to know all of her pack-mates, so this morning went in search of one of them.

Weary of her wandering, she flopped into the snow, soft white snowflakes settling on her pelt. With a happy sigh, she settled her head into the snow, soft eyes half lidded, scanning the woods in front of her. They turned to the sky, watching the flakes, all unique, falling from the sky, blank as a painters canvas.
Messages In This Thread
It's raining snow - by Silverfeather - February 22, 2015, 02:20 PM