kings of suburbia
98 Posts
Ooc — Victoria
Despite that, at first Sumayl had dreaded the talk with Vienna that he had known was coming, but had suppressed until it was absolutely necessary, he felt much better about it having talked about it with her; he was glad that she had brought it up with him because it made things easier for him. Clearer. Regardless of what happened in the future, they would be together. Selfishly, this made Sumayl ridiculously happy, knowing that they were on a crash course with the future he had began to imagine with her the moment he'd begun to realize that what he felt wasn't a fleeting attraction. The once playboy had been tamed, suddenly and without any intention. It was a weird feeling, in many ways, recognizing that he was in a stable relationship. He'd never been stable with any girl before, having favored the “heart-breaker” role from early on; but he didn't want to ever break Vienna's heart. He wanted nothing more in the world than to make her happy, and someday, start a family with her. He'd never thought that he'd want those things, but he did with Vienna; and it wasn't as if it was a ridiculous and preposterous thing to want of life. It was surprisingly simple in it's want, and not as greedy as it could have been for the narcissist. He could have wanted power, too, but he didn't. He didn't expect to ever become a leader and therefore didn't feel it was something that he needed; he was too narcissistic, too confrontational, too wrong for such a role — or so he'd always thought.

Sumayl lacked any sort of filter between his mouth and brain and so thus everything that he thought came tumbling out, without much of a care of if his words would hurt feelings or not. He was brutally honest. It had cost him in his life, and he had feared it would cost him the thing that he wanted the very most. Luckily, it had not caused Vienna to leave him, as he had feared it would. He couldn't, and wouldn't lie to her. It wasn't who Sumayl was. He didn't want to be lied to so he always told the truth, and expected everyone else to do the same (though he knew that was a high expectation). He stretched as carefully as he could in the confines of the den he shared with his girl, mindful not to disturb her should she still be asleep.

It would have been easy to just lay there, beside Vienna all day and never move but of course that was impossible. He would have had to move at some point, whether to feed or relieve himself, but more than that there were herds to track, caches to check and fill, and patrols to be run. There were things that needed to be done, and anyway, Sumayl didn't see Vienna as the stay in bed all day kind of girl, anyway. The golden Ostrega had untangled himself despite that he truly hadn't wanted too and exited the den, his first order of business to ...take care of business. Once that was done he went immediately to the caches and began checking them, plucking a little snack out of one, to tie him over until he hit the point in his routine in which he could hunt his own breakfast.

Messages In This Thread
kings of suburbia - by Sumayl - March 01, 2015, 07:51 AM
RE: kings of suburbia - by Summer Ostrega - March 05, 2015, 06:58 PM
RE: kings of suburbia - by Sumayl - March 08, 2015, 05:29 AM
RE: kings of suburbia - by Summer Ostrega - March 08, 2015, 06:49 PM
RE: kings of suburbia - by Sumayl - March 22, 2015, 05:53 AM
RE: kings of suburbia - by Summer Ostrega - March 22, 2015, 07:31 PM
RE: kings of suburbia - by Sumayl - April 02, 2015, 03:29 PM
RE: kings of suburbia - by Summer Ostrega - April 03, 2015, 07:33 PM
RE: kings of suburbia - by Sumayl - April 19, 2015, 06:03 AM
RE: kings of suburbia - by Summer Ostrega - April 24, 2015, 07:26 AM