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46 Posts
Ooc — CJ
February 11, 2014, 01:40 AM
As the monk came to adjust to life in the Teekon Wilds, he found himself more comfortable assuming an alpha position. Though his cleric ward stood beside him in such a 'ranking' system, she wasn't the most fit for such a duty. The Dragon, on the other hand, was qualified in brawn but Tenzin did not trust the beast's fiery rage. Watching the Dragon rip his fellow monks and clerics to bits was a most terrifying sight, but even so, Tenzin did not cower before the creature. Should the Dragon challenge Tenzin for his place as alpha, the monk would not fight; but not all challenges were won with tooth and claw. As the male went on in thought, a voice came to him on the wind: sad, searching.
Tenzin turned to look over his shoulder toward the direction of the call. He hesitated for a moment, assuming the Dragon would likely be prowling the borders, but decided on going to meet the stranger himself. Though the monk was looking forward to teaching those interested in monk-life, he did not expect them to become as spiritually involved as he was. The man did not take a fancy in mates nor did he assume aggressive responses where others would. He lived only to aid others in spiritual guidance and treat any that needed it. As he neared the borders of their paradise, the monk tasted the air. There was no sign of the Dragon from the way he had come, so the monk proceeded.
What was most striking about the male sitting in the snow was his striking resemblance to one of their newest additions. Tenzin raised a brow curiously but approached with a smile nonetheless. "Hello friend," he greeted warmly, features relaxed despite his position as alpha. He was only assertive when the situation called for it, and the monk was against throwing his dominance to those who specifically sought out their home of healing. "I am the monk Tenzin of Northstar Vale. Are you in need of assistance?" Tenzin asked softly, taking care to note the small amount of faint red that glistened in the snow where the stranger had walked. "The mineral springs are lovely for tired paws," he added with a large grin, lifting his own front paw to show his cracked but healing pads.