Big Salmon Lake last night's clothes and tomorrow's dreams
6 Posts
Ooc — Rush
He felt as restless as the Lake that day, whose waters seemed recently more energized by the spring thaw. Chunks of ice and more bits of cold sunk into the depths as the temperature shifted to more suitable spring weather. He'd kept himself tucked away most of winter, save for short hunting spurts to keep himself in good health. Dagger made an excellent lone wolf because of the exceptional hunting skills he'd crafted over his four years of survival. Now at the edge of the changing seasons, and the birth of a new spring, he sat rather fat and happy in his solitude along the Lake's gaping mouth, lapping at the chilled water.

The Oathbone male was a seasoned traveler, and knew how to pace himself when trekking across the Wilds by now. He had lurked in the area a few seasons as a shadow and a whisper, successfully avoiding most other wolves. Until now. With the thaw, more scents were slowly revealed. As he lifted his great, shaggy head from past the banks, Dagger noticed a dark shape slumped in a heap of fur a bit closer than was comfortable. He'd been too preoccupied with refreshment until the wind shifted and alerted him to her presence in the distance.

After the initial glance of interest camouflaged her body piled close to the shore, he guessed she had been aiming for a drink at the Lake. A fat tongue squeegied lake water from his still dripping jaws, and strong teeth, slightly yellowed with maturity, clacked together in an attempt to alert the resting body to his approach. Coal nose worked hard at determining how sickly this wolf was, and caution was apparent in his stance as he halted daringly closer than he imagined he would. Tail was stiff and even with his body, ears forward and hackles lightly raised with the excitement of the situation.

Dagger mumbled a half hearted 'woof', not entirely sure if the creature could still hear, or if death had begun to claim her senses. Yellow-green eyes trained on her sides, and he watched the minute rise and fall. She seemed in bad shape. Breathing deep, Oathbone took a few cautious steps closer. You're nearly there, y'know.. He waited for a reaction of some sort. Curious, cautious, simply waiting. Tail moved slowly behind him. You going to give up now?
Messages In This Thread
last night's clothes and tomorrow's dreams - by Emori - March 04, 2015, 01:17 PM
RE: last night's clothes and tomorrow's dreams - by Dagger - March 04, 2015, 04:39 PM