@Casmir - oh lord your sister is in the crush mood these daysssss~
Eilidh did not know of what had happened on the beach with Behati, nor that Casmir was hurt, nor that Aria was missing. She had been so intent on searching for herbs for Dante and trying not to make moon-eyes at Tachyon that she wasn't sure what was happening outside her little realm of the pack. All she knew was her quest: find herbs for Dante to make him well again. So far her search had been rather fruitless, but she hoped with the warming days, the herbs might be easier to find. Or perhaps she'd need to make a trip south toward warmer climes to find what she needed.
But to do that, she'd need someone to go with her, like a scout. And who better than her brother?
Eilidh hadn't seen him in a while, and while she knew he was fraught with his own drama lately, she sought him out. The pale child followed his scent through the Sentinels, hoping to find him alone for once, so she could discuss his availability for a scouting trip soon. Maybe it wasn't the best idea, but she also thought it would be nice to actually talk to her brother and find out how he fared. So she traveled through the woods in search of Casmir, unaware of the life-altering events of the past hours.
February 19, 2016, 03:13 PM
lol she's cute. hmm, set this a few hours before the pack meeting?
the boy stirred, and immediately winced at the tiny movement he'd made turning his head to one side. he could only see a dimly lit darkness around him, but the scents of herbs and milk were comforting, allowing Casmir to relax while he puzzled out where he was.
it came to him in pieces what had happened -- a weird, ugly woman talking to him on the plains, how their conversation had veered south, the sudden flash of her teeth. a dull throbbing on one side of his head reminded the boy that he'd been wounded, but he didn't realize just how much he had lost.
he was in the baby den, he knew now; a cursory sniff told him that Em and Deedee were nearby, and that his mother was also. Lasher had been here, and that one black-furred girl, named for a bird or something.
the boy gingerly rolled onto his side, then his belly, blinking away the black spots that suddenly swam in front of his dizzy vision. ironically, he needed both a pee and a drink.
February 21, 2016, 08:45 PM
Sure! :)
She didn't find him immediately; instead, Eilidh followed his scent toward the alpha's den. Her brow furrowed as she realized where the trail led, and wondered at it. Perhaps it wasn't unusual for her brother to visit his sisters, too, but there was a distinct tang of blood on the air, which caused panic to rise in her throat. When she reached the den, her parents were gone (but not far), and the tiny forms of their sisters were asleep deeper in the confines of the den. Eilidh poked her head into the dark space, her nose wrinkled against the scent of blood that permeated the air and the earth around them. "Cas?" she asked softly, worry in her voice.
Then as her eyes adjusted she saw him, laying fitfully near the entrance. One ear was completely missing and his head was bloody from its severance, and she gasped, only just stifling a bark. "Cas! What happened to your ear?" she whispered, crawling into the denspace beside him, her heart hammering against her chest. She inspected the wound carefully, eyeing the ragged edges of the missing ear, and licked gently at the blood that coated his head. It was mostly gone, indicating someone had cleaned it recently, but more had seeped out onto his dark fur, and in her worry for him, she cleaned it up. She knew he'd want to be presentable if any of his lady friends came calling.
February 22, 2016, 09:02 PM
Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: language
heyyy....cas is mad and lashing out .... send me a PM if u dont like it
Behati was dead.
the full realization of what had happened, and why he was here, unfortunately dawned on Casmir right as Eilidh entered the den. she fairly glowed next to his glowering angst, and the pain in his chest did not grow into tears, but lashing anger. "didja miss the fucking memo, Eeds?" he demanded, jerking away from his sister even as black spots suddenly popped and danced before his eyes.
how could she not know what had happened? Behati was dead -- his mind repeated this over and over again, an agonizing mantra, and he shuffled himself to the edge of the den, glaring at his sister, though she had done no wrong against him, save for bring happy clouds into his depressed storm.
"some bitch bit my ear off when i was out looking for Behati. then i come back, and she's fucking DEAD! like, how are you so stupid and so out of the goddamn loop?" he had never spoken to her this way; regret welled instantly in his belly, but in some twisted way it felt good to vent, to tear at her with all the pain and rage in his young body.
February 24, 2016, 11:51 AM
Course I don't like it, but drama never hurt anybody. :P
Casmir pulled away from her, hollering and nearly screaming the girls awake. Her pale ears twitched atop her ears in surprise. Did she miss the memo? Eilidh was prepared to ignore his cussing, but in his next sentence, her vision blurred, and anger as she had never felt before roiled within her. All calm and rational thoughts fled from her as birds from a storm. "Don't you talk to me like that, Casmir Llewellyn Mayfair!" Anger fumed from her as she stood up, bringing a paw down to smack his shoulder. "I'm sorry I haven't been in the loop of your drama. I don't belittle myself with who is fucking who, in case you haven't noticed!" Her voice became shrill, losing its usual calm quality as her anger built and overflowed.
Eilidh left the den at that point, not caring if her brother bled to death. He could die in that den for all she cared, her anger was so complete in that moment. She stomped away, breath puffing from her lips as she did, romping in circles outside the den. She didn't know any of that had happened - that her brother had been injured, that Behati was dead. None of it. Because she wasn't mired in his drama, Cas was mad at her? And was going to yell at her for it? Well, he had another thing coming. "Don't come crawling to me when your ear starts to rot off!"
February 24, 2016, 12:08 PM
Blue Willow had taken to napping outside when the girls and Cas were all three inside. The den was large, but there was animosity exuding from her son and she was finding it toxic to her own mind set. She couldn't blame him, but a part of her knew that she would need to rectifiy that situation soon enough. She was woken by a clamoring of voices, and was surprised by the irritation and shrill note in Eilidh's voice. She watched as her daughter stomped away, and she shook her head. Enough was enough.
Blue Willow pushed herself into the den and stared at her son. She spoke softly a hint of steel in her voice. Casmir Llewllyn Mayfair. Don't you dare ever talk to your sister in such a way again. It is not her fault that all three of you youth's have made bad decisions lately especially about love. Behati should not have run away, and you should not have followed. Saint's alive isn't it awful enough that the poor girl is dead, you have to bring anger and animosity into her memories as well! It is also not your sister's fault you were attacked, that fault alone lies with the ones who hurt you. Eilidh did nothing wrong, but try and help you and take care of you adn love you and you threw it back into her face. You Casmir should be ashamed of yourself. Now hush and get some rest you won't get better the way you're running around angry and shooting your mouth off at everyone, especially those that care.
Blue Willow pushed herself into the den and stared at her son. She spoke softly a hint of steel in her voice. Casmir Llewllyn Mayfair. Don't you dare ever talk to your sister in such a way again. It is not her fault that all three of you youth's have made bad decisions lately especially about love. Behati should not have run away, and you should not have followed. Saint's alive isn't it awful enough that the poor girl is dead, you have to bring anger and animosity into her memories as well! It is also not your sister's fault you were attacked, that fault alone lies with the ones who hurt you. Eilidh did nothing wrong, but try and help you and take care of you adn love you and you threw it back into her face. You Casmir should be ashamed of yourself. Now hush and get some rest you won't get better the way you're running around angry and shooting your mouth off at everyone, especially those that care.
Hello Everyone. It's been forever.
February 24, 2016, 12:17 PM
guilt mounted, along with shock as Eilidh proceeded to Lose It. his eyes widened as he shrieked at him, and he found he was vaguely afraid of this wild-card she'd played. her hit to his shoulder didn't hurt him, but surprised him more, and his rounded gaze watched as she stomped away.
her talk of 'who was fucking who' and the insinuation he would come crawling to anyone pissed the boy off again, though. "i wont!" she shouted, hackles raising. he would have said more, but the thunderous shadow of his mother passed over him, and though her tones were calm, there was an iron to him that instantly caused the boy to cower and fold his ears back.
there was still a little sulkiness to him, however -- he shot a dark glance toward Eilidh, one that softened. he was being a class-a dickweed. but she was furious, and he doubted she would forgive him. great. another nail in his stupid-ass coffin. "sorry, momma," he mumbled, chafing that he should treat him like a months-old pup -- he was a man, dammit.
her talk of 'who was fucking who' and the insinuation he would come crawling to anyone pissed the boy off again, though. "i wont!" she shouted, hackles raising. he would have said more, but the thunderous shadow of his mother passed over him, and though her tones were calm, there was an iron to him that instantly caused the boy to cower and fold his ears back.
there was still a little sulkiness to him, however -- he shot a dark glance toward Eilidh, one that softened. he was being a class-a dickweed. but she was furious, and he doubted she would forgive him. great. another nail in his stupid-ass coffin. "sorry, momma," he mumbled, chafing that he should treat him like a months-old pup -- he was a man, dammit.
February 24, 2016, 12:25 PM
(This post was last modified: February 24, 2016, 12:26 PM by Blue Willow.)
Blue herself was rather surprised at Eilidh's outburst, but she said nothing at the moment. She would speak to Eilidh later, honestly she felt her daughter had every right to yell back at her brother given the circumstances, though she would speak to her about language. They definitely did not get that from her. She huffed quietly.
Casmir! Stop sulking. And that language by the way I don't like it. And if either of the babies pick it up I will put pepper root on your tongue. I don't care how old you are young man."
Blue's face softened and she sighed. It's okay Cas, but you owe you sister an apology, though not right at the moment, she may bite you." She gave him a small smile and nudged his head. She settled to her haunches at the den mouth and looked out.
Casmir! Stop sulking. And that language by the way I don't like it. And if either of the babies pick it up I will put pepper root on your tongue. I don't care how old you are young man."
Blue's face softened and she sighed. It's okay Cas, but you owe you sister an apology, though not right at the moment, she may bite you." She gave him a small smile and nudged his head. She settled to her haunches at the den mouth and looked out.
Hello Everyone. It's been forever.
February 25, 2016, 01:12 PM
Last post from me. :)
Eilidh had paused far enough from the den to be out of sight in order to take her anger and frustration out on an unsuspecting bush. She tore into it, growling quietly as she tore evergreen leaves from its branches, and shook it from side to side. After her outburst, it felt good to expend her energy on an inanimate object, even if what she really wanted to do was pound her brother's face in. Afterward, while she was collecting herself, panting, Eilidh heard her mother's voice chiding Casmir, too, and a grin split her muzzle. She couldn't hear exactly what she was saying, but at least she knew he was getting in trouble for saying such nasty things to her.
Then Eilidh decided it would be best to get on with her daily duties, and began her daily run of the territory, keeping her nose tot he ground in case she caught scent of Tachyon or Raven. She figured either of them would be willing to help her blow off some steam.
February 27, 2016, 02:19 AM
and from me :)
Cas wanted to 'hmph' and stomp away, but he was easily ashamed by his mother's displeasure. and he had woken up the babies, it seemed; they came tumbling toward him, babbling in their secret little language. "i'll talk to her," he mumbled, before falling to his belly to begin a slow and gentle romp with his sisters.
why was he such a dick? he didn't even know.
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