Northstar Vale New Beginnings, A Flower Bloomed In Autumn
Montagne de Ciguë
46 Posts
Ooc — Yabble
 Kaaya made her way into the denlands, glancing around curiously and taking in the new scents. She turned over towards @Viskani, opening her mouth to speak. "It’s beautiful here." She remarked.

She took in the sights before her, feeling quite pleased with her decision to come here. The mix of different smells threw her off slightly, but she was sure she’d get used to it. It was rather quiet, however. 

"I must thank you again. Your hospitality will not be forgotten." There was no way she was going to allow a lack of manners to get her kicked out of a warm den. "Is there any way I can be of service to you?"
 "The knowledge of this world is endless, and so is the ego of the creatures that inhabit it.
 You must first look away from your reflection in order to be able to flip your point of view."
Montagne de Ciguë
217 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
"Not just yet." No favours could be asked until she knew what Kaaya could do. She would need to learn more about the girl.

"Tell me more about yourself. I've been curious." She smiled, tail waving. "It will help me to see how you could fit in here."
[Image: Untitled373-20240819135642.png]
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If you see this, it is because this wolf is currently pregnant! For each thread that she joins, the amount of symptoms, and which she is experiencing will be randomised.
Montagne de Ciguë
46 Posts
Ooc — Yabble
She thought for a moment, wondering how much about herself she should even share. Sure, she could talk about where she came from or all the hardships she’d endured, but there would be much point to that. 

Her home has always moved. Ever since she was a pup, her pack would travel along the Great Lakes and sing songs of praise to the moon and stars all night long — only to return to their pledge of silence once dawn arose. She could talk about how she hated the constant quiet, or how her curiosity was always trampled on by those around her.

Yes, she had much to explain .. but she figured all of that could wait. "When I was a young pup, I often found myself curious of the world surrounding me." She started off with finally.

"Why the trees grew so tall, why the mountains were so large, why the sky was so unreachable .. things like that. Though, after some time I realized that there truly was no answer to longing questions such as those." She chuckled, shaking her head. "While I still desperately crave knowledge, I will only learn what the world allows me to. So, I set my sights on something more attainable."

Her claws sunk into the earth beneath them, drawing up a bundle of dirt. "I began to focus on what the earth surrounding us can do. What plants and roots heal us, what we should stay away from. What gifts we were given silently by our lands to find when we need it most." Her gaze shifted back towards Viskani.

"With knowledge like that, there is no limit to what can be done. What can be changed." A glimmer began to appear in her eyes. "Or at least, that’s what I think."
 "The knowledge of this world is endless, and so is the ego of the creatures that inhabit it.
 You must first look away from your reflection in order to be able to flip your point of view."
Montagne de Ciguë
217 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
What the younger woman told her instantly sparked her interest. A healer, or at least someone who had the potential to grow into one. "How much do you know?"

"Can you heal?" She asked. She could only hope that her luck had not run out, that this new member would be what they needed.

Her mind went back to Chesley. Could she tell them what was wrong? Fix his eye, even?
[Image: Untitled373-20240819135642.png]
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If you see this, it is because this wolf is currently pregnant! For each thread that she joins, the amount of symptoms, and which she is experiencing will be randomised.
Montagne de Ciguë
46 Posts
Ooc — Yabble
She shrugged. "Yes, well .. I suppose you could say that." Her tail flicked, an old habit she couldn’t shake, it seemed. "I’ve been collecting herbs and different types of roots since young, so I’d say I know more than a fair amount."

She yawned, seemingly thinking nothing of it. While she was well versed in herbal knowledge, she’d never really been able to test out her abilities except for when she would find small injured animals. Peculiar as it was, it definitely helped in the long run.
 "The knowledge of this world is endless, and so is the ego of the creatures that inhabit it.
 You must first look away from your reflection in order to be able to flip your point of view."
Montagne de Ciguë
217 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
"My son has an injured eye. Do you think that you may be able to do something for it?" Viskani was not one to trust strangers so quickly, but for Chelsey's sake she would.

She had to let Kaaya take a look, at the very least.
[Image: Untitled373-20240819135642.png]
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If you see this, it is because this wolf is currently pregnant! For each thread that she joins, the amount of symptoms, and which she is experiencing will be randomised.
Montagne de Ciguë
46 Posts
Ooc — Yabble
She thought for a moment, unprepared for the sudden request. While she would typically turn away the idea, she owed this wolf a favor. Moreover, it could end up fading well for her research.

She nodded in agreement after a few seconds more of thought. It wouldn’t hurt to build up points with the Matriarche anyhow. 

"Of course. It’s the least I can do for you." She blinked, looking around. "Where does this injured wolf reside? The quicker we find the source of the problem, the quicker it can be solved."
 "The knowledge of this world is endless, and so is the ego of the creatures that inhabit it.
 You must first look away from your reflection in order to be able to flip your point of view."
Montagne de Ciguë
217 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
"It's my son, Chesley. He injured his eye some time ago." She responded with a careful frown. "He should be in the dens, but we have no herbs stored."

"I'll go find him if you would like to go find something that may be of use." Viskani could only hope that her request would be met; even if they did not help Chesley, it would be good to store some before winter.
[Image: Untitled373-20240819135642.png]
Please read my player preferences here!

If you see this, it is because this wolf is currently pregnant! For each thread that she joins, the amount of symptoms, and which she is experiencing will be randomised.
Montagne de Ciguë
46 Posts
Ooc — Yabble
"Sounds good. Though, if you could tell me what exactly caused the injury it would be of great help." She raised a brow. The cause of sudden blindness varied much more than one would think. In order for her to truly understand what was going on and be able to gather the correct herbs for it, she would need to know the cause. 

A few months back she had found a wolf who scratched its eyes on the snares of a sharp rosebush, causing it to slowly begin losing its   vision. It had all been because of an infection that formed from the injury. Back then she was lucky enough to find some Eyebright and was able to heal the stranger, but she wasn’t quite sure if that was the issue here.
 "The knowledge of this world is endless, and so is the ego of the creatures that inhabit it.
 You must first look away from your reflection in order to be able to flip your point of view."
Montagne de Ciguë
217 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
"A bite from another wolf. I believe it pierced his eyelid." She sighed, shaking her head. She knew the boy was upset, and she could see the tension it had created between him and Chaudry. She knew that Chaudry was upset too.

She herself felt some frustration surrounding the situation, yet knew she could do little to make amends with it. It was more important to stay here, with her sons. To wait for Chae.
[Image: Untitled373-20240819135642.png]
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If you see this, it is because this wolf is currently pregnant! For each thread that she joins, the amount of symptoms, and which she is experiencing will be randomised.
Montagne de Ciguë
46 Posts
Ooc — Yabble
"Is that so? That certainly helps me out. I think I should be able to help out." She assured her, starting to make mental notes in her head for all the herbs she needed to collect. Eyebright, Golden seal .. the list was endless — but attainable. 

She dipped her head respectfully, glancing over her shoulder before opening her mouth to speak. "If I leave now, I should be able to get back before moon-high. Would he be prepared by then?" She titled her head in questioning.
 "The knowledge of this world is endless, and so is the ego of the creatures that inhabit it.
 You must first look away from your reflection in order to be able to flip your point of view."
Montagne de Ciguë
217 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
She took a moment to consider it, then nodded. "Yes, I believe so. I'll make sure he is fed and awake."

She would gather a meal for him, and Kaaya as well. Something to keep Chesley still long enough, and to keep him from whining too much.

"I'll be here when you return."
[Image: Untitled373-20240819135642.png]
Please read my player preferences here!

If you see this, it is because this wolf is currently pregnant! For each thread that she joins, the amount of symptoms, and which she is experiencing will be randomised.