Ravensblood Forest standing waves
First Mate *
83 Posts
Ooc — honey!
the rogue moved with a casual arrogance that made her hackles bristle, but she kept her composure, head held high.

stay close, she muttered over her shoulder, her mummer’s accent laced with a faint edge. captain don’t take kindly to strangers wanderin’ in unannounced.

they reached a rise, the horizon stretching wide, the scent of murkwood thick in the air. planting herself firmly, meredith tipped her head back and loosed a clear, sharp call for nox. it echoed against the quiet, carrying with it a note of authority.

he’ll come, she added, glancing at the rogue, her expression hard but not unkind. an’ when he does, you best show respect. captain don’t have patience for fools.
join murkwood!

speaks with a mummers accent.
ᴄᴀᴘᴛᴀɪɴ, i think i'm in love with 'ye!
46 Posts
Ooc — grim

he gave an amused hum and chuckled lowly: aye, lass, i’ll be on my best behavior, a smirk and a drawl tugging at his lips made it clear the promise was as thin as smoke.


i’ll bow an’ scrape if that’s what yer captain demands. but if he’s as sharp as ye say, he’ll know better than t’ take me fer a fool.

so he waits, fire colored eyes turned ahead, searching the treeline with an ambition that burned cold as the day he was born. a hellfire eternally raging.
[Image: 90109103_Bnc0SuThh0zmeFC.gif]

Captain *
112 Posts
Ooc — orion
The howl dredged Nox from the rather mundane task of filling caches, a sense of urgency in his step as he emerged shadow-like from the treeline to gaze upon the girl and the silhouette of another. He dwarfed them both, and as the captain drew nearer, it became clear that life for this stranger had not always been easy.

Sunken flanks and hollowed cheeks, the tell-tale markings of a man treated unkind by the forces of nature. He regarded him coldly for a moment, sympathy clouded by obvious distrust. Outcasts and stragglers were not an uncommon sight in Murkwood, but first the captain wanted to be sure of this wanderer's intentions. 

"Who's this," he turned to Meredith with an expectant tilt of his head. "Another stray ye picked up?"
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First Mate *
83 Posts
Ooc — honey!
meredith leaned back on her haunches, a sly smirk creeping onto her face as she tipped her head toward nox. aye, she drawled, her mummer’s accent thick, he found me, more or less.

she shot a glance at the ragged man behind her, her expression sharp but tinged with the faintest hint of amusement. claims he’s got fight in him, though he looks more like he’s got one foot in the grave. figured it was worth bringin’ him to you, captain. see what you make of him.

her tail flicked lazily behind her as she turned her attention back to nox, her tone casual but respectful. didn’t want to be makin’ any calls without yer say-so. he’s yours to deal with now.
join murkwood!

speaks with a mummers accent.
ᴄᴀᴘᴛᴀɪɴ, i think i'm in love with 'ye!
46 Posts
Ooc — grim
his flame-colored eyes fixed on nox with a look that teetered between defiance and disinterest. his lips curled into a faint smirk, and he tipped his head as if assessing the captain like one might a dull blade.

queenie here says i oughta speak t’ the captain, so here i am. reckon yer the one who decides if a rogue like me’s worth keepin’.

the way he looks upon nox is hollow now. a stare meant to pierce, to see past walls and into what lay behind. numbing, emotionless, but that veneer of a rogueish smile was ever present on his gaunt face.
[Image: 90109103_Bnc0SuThh0zmeFC.gif]

Captain *
112 Posts
Ooc — orion
Meredith set the scene, and Nox listened with eyebrows raised. "Sounds 'bout right," he mused at her comment of the man's gaunt appearance. There was some merit to her claim; with a little fattening up, the guy could be an asset. But something about the intensity of his focus set the captain on edge. A familiarity in his speech and stature that nagged at him like an itch you couldn't quite scratch.

"Now I get a lotta rogues like ye turnin' up on my doorstep," a purposeful step forward as he directed a grateful nod in the girl's direction. He appreciated her honesty, even if he didn't quite know what she saw in him yet. "What makes ye different from tha rest? Mere here says yer a fighter - that true?" 
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Ooc — grim
crowell’s smirk deepened, teeth and eyes glinting with equal amounts ferocity.

aye, he chortles like a crooked brute. i’m a fighter. been one since the day i clawed my way outta my dam’s belly. he shifted his stance, his tail swaying lazily, though there was nothing relaxed about the way his gaze bored into nox.

two twin eyes uneasy, unsettling.

i lived through winters where the snow came up past yer shoulders, chewin’ on bones while others froze solid. when the rivers dried up, i dug deep, drank mud ‘til the rain came back.

he leans in. the look in his eyes just crazed enough to speak truth. he weren’t bullshitting. an’ when the hunger clawed at my belly like it wanted t’ split me open? i turned hunter. took from those too fat an’ slow t’ protect what was theirs. wolves, loners, even whole bands who thought their numbers’d save ‘em. it didn’t.

a growl comes not directed at any one wolf but moreso the brink of his existence. so, aye, i’ve survived. not by luck, not by mercy—by takin’ what i needed an’ leavin’ nothin’ fer the vultures. an’ if that ain’t enough t’ make yer decision, captain, then ye can point me t’ yer worst an’ see if i’ve still got fight left in me.
[Image: 90109103_Bnc0SuThh0zmeFC.gif]

Captain *
112 Posts
Ooc — orion
The girl settled nearby, graciously taking the back seat as Nox took charge of the situation. He hadn't forgotten the odd nickname he'd called her - queenie? The hairs on his spine had yet to flatten completely, and it was in uneasy interest that the captain regarded his words. 

A tale of survival, the dregs of society, each sentence traced with a threat as if as if turning him away would invite chaos into their woods. There was little reason to lie. The man had nothing, and would lose nothing if Nox were to deny him this chance. 

"Well ain't that a sad story," his lip curled to expose a long, yellow canine. "Dare say we could use a man like yerself." To take a chance on the unknown, wasn't that all part of the fun? "But, be my guest. Prove yer more man than ghost an' I won't be offended one bit." A jut of a chin, a challenge as if to say: the worst is right here if you want it.
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Ooc — grim
a crass chuckle comes from the lanky beast; posture dipping into a threatening slither as he moves past meredith and into the space of the captain, one large paw after another. flame-bright eyes narrowed, corners of his mouth curled into a wicked grin of stained teeth.

ye wantin’ t’ fight me, captain? he drawls. eyes flashing with amusement, scouring over the much smaller man.

he's close now and expects the unexpected, but he don't take nox for much of a threat; shoulders squaring up. his tail swaying lazily behind him. i’ll warn ye now, captain—i don’t fight fair.

a growl underscoring his words. go on. make yer move. let’s see what kinda man’s runnin’ this little patch o’ dirt.
[Image: 90109103_Bnc0SuThh0zmeFC.gif]

Captain *
112 Posts
Ooc — orion
The captain remained steadfast in his position as the man slunk his way, molten eyes drinking in every inch of his sinewy body for any signs of weakness. While he had not been expecting a scrap, he wasn't opposed to flaunting his strength - especially in the presence of the girl. 

"Guess that makes two of us," his sneer morphed into a crooked grin, unafraid and even curious to see if the rogue was all he was cracked up to be. It was all very well talking like a pirate, but could he fight like one?

His heart thudded a steady beat in his chest as he began to circle him like a crow does a carcass. The man towered over him, sure, but Nox had the advantage of surprise. "Ye'll be wishin' ye went first, mate." A snarl as he darted teeth-first to nip at the tough flesh of his hip, realising too late that his position left him exposed to an attack from behind.

stole the idea of a d20 dice role... attack: 6
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46 Posts
Ooc — grim
d: 3 / a: 7

crowell felt the captain’s teeth rake against his hip, sharp enough to sting but not deep enough to faze him. his grin twisted into something feral, ignited by a fire he hadn’t felt in quite some time. how long it’d been since he had fought something other than vermin!

like he said, blackbeard wasn’t the type to play by the rules. using nox’s momentary exposure to his advantage, he twisted sharply, his body moving with speed provided to him by his lithe, leggy form. his jaws snapped out, looking to catch the captain just behind the shoulder with a forceful bite.

let it be known, crowell wasn’t aiming to seriously harm—assuredly, he wouldn’t try and kill nox. there wasn’t anything to gain from this other than a friendly spar; a competition between two men. now, later, if he decided he wanted to usurp little captain’s crew—well, that was a whole different story.

he weren’t feeling too ambitious right now, though.
[Image: 90109103_Bnc0SuThh0zmeFC.gif]

Captain *
112 Posts
Ooc — orion
defence: 10, attack 4

A similar spark burned electric through his veins as his teeth grazed skin. His movements were swift, but the rogue was by no means slow. Before Nox could secure his hold, his eyes caught a streak of brown as the man slipped from his grasp and towered above.

The captain had only a split second to react, ducking clumsily as crocodile jaws sailed past his shoulder and made contact with his nape instead. Redirected, the bite only bruised though the sheer power was enough to force the wind from his lungs in a breathy laugh. 

He had no doubts the man was holding back and, in many ways, Nox was too. His jabs mirrored that of a boy not yet sure of his style - stuck in the muddied ways of childish spars honed not by the need for survival, but by the urge to prove himself a worthy captain.

And so he played dirty. Recovering quickly from the blow, he lunged low to where the rogues tail waived like bait in the cool air, jaws snapping towards it's greasy, feathered end.
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Ooc — grim
d: 2 / a: 16

crowell saw the captain’s feint too late, his flame-bright eyes narrowing as nox’s jaws snapped down on the greasy plume of his tail. pain shot up his spine, sharp and biting, and a snarl ripped from his throat—a sound more rage than hurt.

he twisted with the momentum, pulling free at the cost of a few tufts of fur, and spun toward nox with renewed vigor. dirty tricks, eh? now that’s the spirit, cpn, he growled, his voice laced with rough amusement, though the fire in his eyes burned hotter.

without hesitation, crowell surged forward, all sinewy muscle and coiled aggression. his jaws eager to find their mark on nox’s foreleg, an attempt to shake him off balance and take the fight to the ground with crowell on top.
[Image: 90109103_Bnc0SuThh0zmeFC.gif]

Captain *
112 Posts
Ooc — orion
defence 9, attack 9

The snarl brought forth a hearty snicker from the captain, spitting out a mouthful of the man's dark fur as he backpedalled, pleased in his endeavours. Though the attack had not meant to cause damage, it had certainly worked to up the ante of their spar. 

By the time the rogue's words split the air, Nox was ready and waiting for another barrage. Eyes followed every move, and when it became clear where the other aimed to target, he was ready to intercept. 

A moment too late as the man's teeth sunk painfully into his foreleg, causing him to stumble and keen dangerously to the side. Though, as he toppled like a felled mast, his teeth sought the tender flesh of the rogues ear now temptingly within his reach. If he could not win by force, he was sure to inflict maximum annoyance and intended foolheartedly to bring the outcast down with him.
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First Mate *
83 Posts
Ooc — honey!
she watched. observed. it was typical for men to duke it out like this— a raw preposition for who was dominant over the other. they'd claim it was a spar, but it was simply just to see who came out on top.

it's not like meredith didn't enjoy the show.

she sat back, content, eagerly watching the boys, men at most, trade attacks back and forth. they seemed like naturals despite the captain's age, almost like they were bred from the same seed.
join murkwood!

speaks with a mummers accent.
ᴄᴀᴘᴛᴀɪɴ, i think i'm in love with 'ye!
46 Posts
Ooc — grim
d: 5 // a: 8

crowell snarled as the captain’s teeth split the tender flesh of his ear, hot blood streaking down his face in thick rivulets. adrenaline and anger are a potent mix now as they flood his system; he throws himself fully into the tangle with the captain.

ye little bastard, he growled through gritted teeth, shaking his head violently to dislodge nox’s grip, his blooded ear stinging. he throws himself fully into the tangle, his lean frame colliding with nox’s in a clash of muscle and fury.

crowell’s jaws parted wide, and he aimed to grab the captain by the snout and viciously shake as if he were his favorite bone.
[Image: 90109103_Bnc0SuThh0zmeFC.gif]

Captain *
112 Posts
Ooc — orion
defence 7, attack 10 (end fight? - odds for yes, evens for no: 2)

The captain hit the ground with a loud thunk as the air rushed from his lungs and a familiar iron tang filled his mouth. He'd drawn blood. "Didn't I warn ya," he grinned feverishly, gracefully spitting a wad of bloodied flesh at his feet. With his reactions sluggish from disorientation and exhaustion, there was little he could do but brace himself for the rogue's next blows. 

His teeth struck true, caging his muzzle in grisly, yellow fangs, but Nox had one more trick up his sleeve. Allowing the man to  rattle his body like a ragdoll ensured the captain was now exactly where he wanted to be, even his head felt as if it had been tossed about in a riptide. A few brain cells was worth the sacrifice, and it was now that his real attack could begin.

Tensing his body unexpectedly, his hind legs kicked out sharply to strike the soft furs of the man's stomach, hoping that with enough force his jaws would be dislodged and he could aim for the throat.
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46 Posts
Ooc — grim
d: 17 // a: 19

crowell isn't stupid. a seasoned fighter, a seasoned pirate; he sees young nox's throat attack coming before it can even land and digs his chin into his chest, teeth bared; the clink of their teeth announcing the deflected attack. a grim laugh comes, one of mockery; breath poolin from between bared teeth in rancid waves.

the fight is paused for only a second, swords clashing, before he rears backwards. dislodging himself from atop nox, paws skid in sand and pebble before he turns. diving back in for the captain before he can haul himself back up.

a shark in bloody water, he aims to seize him by the throat; what would've been a killing blow if they were really fighting. scrappy body quick and jaws unhinging, mandibles dripping with bloodied saliva. hungry. searching. proficient.
[Image: 90109103_Bnc0SuThh0zmeFC.gif]

Captain *
112 Posts
Ooc — orion
rolled a 2 for defence.. LOL.

Caught off guard, the clang of their teeth rattled his bones as the sound ricocheted from tree to tree. The captain dove upwards with a grimace and a snarl again, but each attempt was met with a parry and the stench of bad breath. Seriously, it smelled like the guy had let an entire fish die and rot within him.

His paws had made little ground either, finding no purchase in the rogue's underside despite his scabbling. Energy waning dangerously now, he searched desperately for an opening. A moment of respite as the weight was lifted from him and he knew now was his chance - too late.

The world span, body leaden as his eyes narrowed to see his mangy figure blot out the sky. Only a fool would not take this chance to win and he was glad to see the man had more than seaweed for brains. Bitter laughter warped then as pressure engulfed his throat, rag-dolling once more in a heady display of submission.

Intoxicating, to have his life fully in control of another. And as teeth punctured skin and dribbled red in rivulets to the frozen ground, he wondered: would he? 
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46 Posts
Ooc — grim
im sorry nox i love you

so victory comes swiftly. but not without struggle. crowell had underestimated the boy—who now was a man in his eyes. just as teeth puncture hide and draw blood, he is releasing the lanky captain from his grip and stepping away.

a humble chuckle upon his lips as a tongue rolls out across his mouth to lap soothingly at his nose. ah good spar, cp'tn. a compliment. a genuine one, at that. which was rare, coming from a slimy bastard like crowell. but game recognizes game, at the end of the day.

nox didn't need to expect any shit talkin' from crowell for the immediate future. but what comes is never promised, and it is with a lowering of his head that he steps closer again. to wrench a paw forwards, a gesture of camaraderie, an offer to help the captain up.

ye' got room for me on yer crew?
[Image: 90109103_Bnc0SuThh0zmeFC.gif]

Captain *
112 Posts
Ooc — orion
he's good sport lmfaooo <3 last from me
not sure if you wanted to get 1 more post in honey

And so the captain waited with baited breath for a bite that never came.

The pressure was gone as quickly as it had arrived and marked the end of their spar, much to his relief. His breathe came in great gulps, chest heaving as he rolled sideways to better recover and he nodded curtly at the man's compliment; for while there was no doubt the man's words held some weight, he was always one to second-guess. One leg raised to trace the puncture wounds, deep enough to scar without a physician present.

"S'pose I do," he grunted, batting away the helping paw, "don't ye be gettin' any funny ideas though." Hauling himself up with a wince and a shake of his pelt, he moved to stand besides the girl @Meredith, casting a sidelong glance at her before returning his gaze to their newest recruit. What did she think of all this? Beneath a ripple of self-doubt came a genuine smile, gesturing to the treeline with a wave of his tail.

"Welcome aboard." 
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First Mate *
83 Posts
Ooc — honey!
meredith watched the exchange with sharp, calculating eyes, her tail giving a slow, thoughtful flick. the stranger had proven himself, though her lips pressed into a thin line as the captain hauled himself upright with a grunt. the man might’ve won, but it didn’t sit easy with her. still, she kept her thoughts locked behind a sly grin.

congrats, she said, her voice light but distant, offering the barest nod to the newcomer. without waiting for a reply, she turned and padded after the captain, her focus already shifting as she fell into step behind him. whatever her thoughts were on the fight, she kept them to herself for now.
last from me!
join murkwood!

speaks with a mummers accent.
ᴄᴀᴘᴛᴀɪɴ, i think i'm in love with 'ye!