Otter Creek closing time
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
For Xi'nuata!

"You talkin' to me?"

It was smack in the middle of a barren wasteland that Ariston found the confidence enough to attempt leveling up his 'badassery'. He'd been bothered by his unabashed complaining to Amekaze the other day and was still suffering the embarrassment of his vulnerability...the sensation of which prompted him to follow the old alma mater of join 'em if you can't beat 'em.

Or...something like that.

"Are you talkin' to me?!" He accosted his wordless victim. It was a shapeless pile of snow to anyone else but to him it was a safe partner to practice being tough with. So safe in fact that he satisfied the urge to smash its smug little non-mug with a deft pounce.

Everything from nostril to bonghole clenched as his forepaws plunged through the miniature snow drift and he discovered an icy reservoir - a puddle really - hidden beneath the powdery depths. A swear lodged in his throat; he tried to manipulate the words to his lips but was instead only able to spill out a garbled hybrid of sounds that did not sound at all kin to a canine...much less a male one.

The lesson was a painful one but it didn't seem to have much of a negative impact on him (or at least his attitude). He clacked his teeth together and withdrew from his trampled foe which, to its credit, had not gone peacefully...a true testament to most things in life. "Was not expecting that!" he commented aloud as he limped a few yards away and licked as his tingling toe toes to nurse away the sting of frostbite.

set by Emy

<a href=>Reference</a>
421 Posts
Ooc — Zyn

OOC: Since I'm not too sure where she would be at this point into, it's gonna be kinda...vague....

Much had been on her mind as of late, but none more so that than the visions of the mountain seen with the rise of the day and fall of night. It was not by coincidence, but reason that she had made her home on the mountains. The land was high, allowing her to overlook the endless white and spy the distant forests. She could just make out the wafting wisps of spring steam, and at her back the mist of the falls charging soundly down the face, then ebb into trickles into the quiet, crystal pool. Had she not known better, she would have thought that she could see all there was to behold. But she knew there was more; such was the way of the world, never settling for what the eyes could see.

Her intentions were to continue and see what more the vantage of the mountain could not grant her, and in swift descent she lept down from the ledge, taking each with a practiced grace that would have made even the most skilled billy bleat with envy. The ledges were her stage. The mountains, her theatre. And the caves and chasms that ran wide, long and narrow were her seats that she might witness the world below as it carried on.

Though some adventures were better experience than witnessed…

…one such being the mild chase of living white as it limped through snow along the mountains impressive shadow. Her stride was silent in pursuit lest she disturb the wanderer that crept near her domain. She had not mind to shun him from the mountain, as it was not hers but all’s to take shelter in or explore its plentiful corridors. However, she was protective the of grounds, this sacred reprieve, and hadn’t the intentions of letting just alone walk within the shadow without first assessing whether the intention was to conquer or benign.

Though the suggestion of the limp supported the latter, compelling the female to relinquished her tense stature and command an easier stride for keep pace with the male ahead.

…though she was almost certain his scent was familiar.

sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
Microscopic slivers of frost and debris were plucked from the damp crevices betwixt his toes during the time he was being approached; it was the misplaced crunch of stamped snow that betrayed an otherwise remarkable silence. His head turned sharply to behold the unknown apparition and his tender forepaws were discarded in a moment of tentative alarm only to have recognition bloom on his face the moment his eyes adapted to the blinding light of a solar flare.

To see her mahogany crown was to illicit the nervous, birdlike fluttering of his heart...the likes of which were quelled only by the squelching of a nervous gasp. "Nuata!" he hailed to keep with his promise of which name he'd recall her by. Ariston knew not of what had brought her to him this day, or if she was even aware of his identity at the beginning of her approach, but the brightness of his expression hinted that he was glad to see her all the same.

set by Emy

<a href=>Reference</a>
421 Posts
Ooc — Zyn

The blinding white made it difficult to look ahead at first, what with the reflection of white upon yet another white surface creating the striking glare. Yet crossing through the shadow of the mountain provided adequate shade to allow the eyes to adjust to the walking figure ahead. Recognition came quickly, awakening her otherwise haggard features to life. And what was more was the soft smile that blossomed over her muzzle, inviting the tongue to unfurl and brows to lift with glee. Familiarity was always a treasure she cherished.

“Ariston,” she piped in turn and assumed a swifter step toward the male. Her tail swept from round thigh to round thigh in glee, though its rhythm was lacking as if not often used for such expression. Her steps were awkward on the flat plain, her weight shifting and unbalanced as she tried to keep her heavy body upright. She was the image of a pup attempting to run for the first time, regardless of her age. But such was the result of one that had hardly a reason before to add a spring to her step. Never the less, she smiled. “It is wonderful to see you.”

sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
The fact that she was excited to see him filled his breast with such a sense of elation that he felt fit to burst; a swath of red patched the bridge of his nose as he blushed. So pretty he marveled as she grew near enough to make note of the earthy flecks in her honey colored eyes. He had seen her only by the silvren cast of the moon before...but in the daytime her uniqueness was made all the more obvious. She both called his name and narrated her content at having stumbled upon him again; both occurrences were enough to make his plume's tempo pick up to its maximum rhythm.

"You've been keeping your promise!" he noted gleefully. It was true that she appeared a bit worn on the evident in the matting of an ill kept pelt and smudges of dirt spoiling her complexion. But all in all she was a lively specimen for something left to fend for itself in the wild winter - something he knew he was not entirely equipped to do - and he was warmed by the reassurance that those sleepless nights of his spent worrying for her were nothing but that: simply sleepless nights.

set by Emy

<a href=>Reference</a>
421 Posts
Ooc — Zyn

She had found a better balance when near if only by use of her tail, just in time to aid her to a halt before him. Her nostrils flared excitably as she drank in his familiar scent, bypassing the collected scent of the plateau to immerse in his own unique musk. She whined contently, and even allowed her forepaws to drum the snow in elated rhythm. Rarely was she touched by joy of this likeness, but when it had taken hold of her senses, it was difficult to stifle.

Her smile only grew as he mentioned her promise, and like a shimmering thing she beamed with a modest gleam to her bi-colored eyes. “I have tried,” she confessed, taking quick note of her pelt well worst-for-wear. A regular grooming was to the benefit of a pack wolf, not a wanderer that too pride in the musk of their travels. Though that was not to say that an occasional twig within the folds was not bothersome. She was proud, however, that regardless of the struggle of a wandering life, she had managed to maintain some semblance to her natural heavy weight, if not a few pounds less from extended travel. Quite the contrary to the well-kept form of her companion. “Have you been well?” she asked kindly with ears perked forward with interest.

sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
Sorry if this is somewhat fuzzy xD This cold and flu medicine makes my thought process a bit foggy!

"And done well," he agreed with a satisfied nod. He did not criticize the imperfections of her pelt or the subtle loss of mass in her shoulders. She was strong, vital, and most importantly -at least in that given moment - happy.

The countered inquiry of his well being made him pause. He pondered for a moment whether or not confession his loneliness would do him any good. He'd faltered in the company of Amekaze already; the thought of how pitiful he must've looked to her made him groan and flop in mortified angst some nights. Ax was not one to dwell on his misgivings...and neither was he one to openly (and continuously) whine. The perfect shine of the lone femmes eyes, so keen on the chance of crossing courses with him, abstained the little tickle of truth that started its way up his throat.

"I've been alright!" he answered with a quickness that betrayed him having mulled over the reply he'd originally intended. A laugh fell briefly between them and he reached out to gently brush his snout against her shoulder. It was a confusing hybrid between both nudge and rub though he did not allow it to linger in honor of Xi'nuata's personal space. The Plateauer drew back and gave his head a quizzical tilt. "You smell like the mountains!" he remarked as if he couldn't believe someone of the slopes would voluntarily be found at his current altitude.

set by Emy

<a href=>Reference</a>
421 Posts
Ooc — Zyn

Xi’nuata did not fancy herself a vain sort of creature, though in comments to her appearance she believed she gave as much care as any other might have. If not a bit less. She felt the warmth of the compliment in regard to her present state even though she was aware she was anything but presentable. Had he commented on her size, how she had notable grown wider since last they crossed paths, she would have smiled all the more and felt wholly complete. She adored her large size while others might have prodded at her for it. A large, plump beast was a healthy beast in her eyes, and the more she returned to her original weight and was noticed for it, the happier she would have been.

But her steady progress would do for the time being.

“I do thank you,” the genuine smile brightened her lips. “However I am not as fat as I would like to be.” But there was time to change that. Her eyes shimmered excitedly as she awaited reply from her companion, her eager paws flexing through the soft snow to grab hold of the earth in wait, then release it when at last he spoke laughter. Her tail swayed pleasantly. She received him openly when he drew near, allowing the soft nudge to her shoulder followed by a light pat of a similar likeness in turn to his cheek. He smelled strongly of the plateau, but not as drenched as one that frolicked through the woodlands on the regular. His was an adventurer’s scent; a scout’s scent. Heavy with the musk of the pack but also of the wild. The fine balance teetering toward one end or the other but never truly settling for long. She would not have thought he traveled at length. It was similar to her own scent, though instead of the fragrance of the pack laden in, there was the culmination of many lands explored. No one dominating the other, but strangely harmonious. Though there was one scent that rose above the others.

“Indeed,” she smiled whilst her tail swept gaily. “I was born upon the mountain and have only ever lived within the mountains. It was natural that I return to their familiar grace and haunt their paths and passages.” And though she was personally content with her reasoning, she could not help but feel bothered that it might not garner approval from her companion. Her smiled waned slightly as her muzzle tipped in question. “Is… that strange?”

sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
Her confession of pining for fatness was a such a perfect tribute toward her unparalleled uniqueness that he felt himself beseeched with a tide of laughter that died quietly after only a few seconds. "I would like to get fat too!" he shared with a slight, breathless heaving of his sides. "You think maybe you and I could get together later in life and get old and fat?" He hadn't meant to bold instigate a future between them but was naturally flustered by the insinuation behind his words; a dusting of heat settled on his nape like a fine cloak.

But he was distracted from his teenage blunderings with the fresh tentativeness that crept into her voice as she seemed to seek his approval of her habitation...the likes of which he did not permit to linger too long with silence. "It's not strange at all," he reassured her with a genuine smile. "All wolves tend to gravitate toward a place that feels like home. I was born in the low laying woods of the south...I was never acclimated to the mountains. It is a difficult place for me to get around on." He stretched his forearms and studied them for a moment before adding, "Maybe my legs are too stubby and that's why I'm such a poor climber."

set by Emy

<a href=>Reference</a>
421 Posts
Ooc — Zyn
The sound rose without her knowing, starting first as a tickle that compelled her shoulders to quiver, then blossomed into a ringing chord- soft yet unwavering in its exuberance. Her maw parted to better release it, unable to confine the mirth wanting free.

"Oh, my friend..." she sang as laughter merrily took hold. "Only females are desired fat. The larger and more full, they better prepared to carry and nurture life." Orbs of amber and umber sparkled as they looked to the pale male, her laughter somewhat subsiding until she envisioned his toned physique round and plump with life.

She forced herself to sit to keep from toppling over in joyous fits.

"I would rather you remain as you are," she smiled to him with laughter still in her eyes. "...and age gracefully with the seasons. Stubby legs and all." Gently she raised a paw to bat lightly at his shoulder intending not to grate him with her callused digits. "But if you'd like to command the mountains as you do the earth underfoot, then I would be glad to share what I have learned with you."

sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
The unpredictability of her amusement was as fetching as it was contagious. Dark lips split wide into a mirthful smile that exposed the varied peaks of his teeth; his mild chuckling had quickened into boyish giggling with the renewed fever of her laughter and he found himself entirely out of breath by the time her foot patted his shoulder. The wolf obeyed the delicate weight and leaned with the playful push until the other's appendage abandoned him.

"So that's a no on me getting fat then?" he asked with feigned disappointment. Merriment flickered in his eyes before his head turned to look toward the slopes in regard to her offer. "Well I'd love to," said the male as he renewed his focus on his coppertop companion. "Then again," he added with only a mild strain of bashfulness in his voice, "I'd love to go shark long as you were there."

set by Emy

<a href=>Reference</a>
421 Posts
Ooc — Zyn

“Afraid not,” the female giggled when certain his disappointment was false. Last she wanted was to cause him unintentional insult. She as fond of the male, as she was of a few she had met in the wilds. And each soul was precious, their dispositions unique. And while not all had the fortune of befriending near all in their path, her respect of them was a manner to be taken to heart, as was their perceptive of her. Simply, she wanted to be liked by those she liked in turn.

And what better means was there to nurture the budding relationship than with an exchange of skill that either might enjoy. However, she was admittedly at a lost to his alternative. “Shark hunting?” her autumnal crown slipped with a curious titled. “Is shark a kind of prey? Does it live on the mountain?” Or was it an ‘off-ground’ prey only unique to certain areas? She did not mind her ignorance, nor did she shun away from it, knowing full well that no answer would come to her in silence. Better she ask to hold the same picture as her companion than feign her interest and have no idea at all.

sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
He's a straight forward kind of flirt xD

He was beginning to sense that Nuata's psyche was entirely comprised of literal interpretations. It wasn't that he felt she lacked a sense of humor but there was a marginal difference between what he expected her to understand and what she didn't...such as when childlike bewilderment peppered her features at his joking mention of sharks for prey.

Ariston grinned and shook his head to gently dismiss her superstitions. "Sharks live in the ocean," was his explanation. "And they are not prey. Very dangerous!" This latter point was made to permanently abolish any inkling Nuata might've felt in case she came across one while sporting an appetite.

He straightened and swiped one foreleg toward her though the distance between them was just enough that it hit only air. "I was just joking," he said. And then, "I simply meant to express that because I like you I'd be willing to do even the craziest things so long as you were involved."

set by Emy

<a href=>Reference</a>
421 Posts
Ooc — Zyn

OOC: Dense... all kinds of dense

The very notion that something ‘not prey’ could be for sport didn’t sit too well with her, though she tried to ignore it. As most things were that she did not understand, she simply let it be until there was a time she could devote to its comprehension.

Although it appeared it was all in gest, given by his outward gesture. Admittedly it gave her something to think about, as did his following confession of which she took openly. For the second time she was told she had been liked by another, and for the second time it filled her with a quiet, radiant joy. She couldn’t help the smile that surfaced nor the endearing whine that rang softly as her tail swayed near in time to the joyous rhythm.

“I like you too.” Her smiled broadened as the tip of her tail wiggled. “Though my friend, I cannot imagine what ‘crazy’ things there are to do. I am afraid I am not at all exciting.” Afterall, she had always seen to herself a dull, monotone thing in personality.

sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
Although he wasn't entirely clear on the terms and conditions by which he liked Nuata he felt a distinct pang as he was unceremoniously declared as a platonic companion. Friendzone! his thoughts whispered in panic. It was a common plight for 'nice guys' like him...but it was not one that quelled the fire in his breast as he continued to look upon her.

"Not exciting?" he scoffed playfully while throwing back his head in jest. He felt an inkling of youth squirming in his bones; it drove him to suddenly stand and lift his voice with dramatic inflection. "'re NUATA. Conqueror of mountains!" Today the wind was his ally. It whipped across the open meadow and tousled his wild hair...quite a play on theatrics in his mind. "And I am ARISTON! King of the meadow!"

Cackling (and inwardly praying he didn't look entirely crazy) he turned on his heels and took off across the field. "You'll never catch the King!" he challenged before putting more fuel to his fire.

set by Emy

<a href=>Reference</a>
421 Posts
Ooc — Zyn

OOC: Hehehe. Are we actually having them race? Or implying it and fading out?

She was none the wiser to the effect a single word might have had on her companion, for as she saw him, he was happy and positively brimming with enthusiasm. The manner in which she ‘liked’ him was no different than the way one might enjoy the sunrise, or enjoy a bask in the warm afternoon light. She adored him and the positive light he brought into her otherwise sober life. She cherished their moments, and would eternally- of this she innately knew. Though romantic inclinations were for the time beyond her, as she simply accepted each day not yet looking towards the future.

She smiled as he exclaimed and reared back on her hindlegs in mirth. Her tail danced excitedly as his own whipped around in his retreat as he sped off down the meadow. The instant her paws touched the ground, she lept for a low lying ledge then pulled herself up over a protruding stone. He could have the meadows to run through, while she could make the mountains her path. “Grasses wither and turn barren with time,” she boasted after him as she scaled her mountain path. “But the mountains are resilient and not so easily worn down.” A testament to her own constitution, no doubt. He could run ahead and fast as he wanted, but her endurance would see her as the victor.

Let the chase begin.

sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
She's welcome to catch him at any time and then we'll work to a fade!

Much in the same way he'd played with Amekaze he did now with the other lone femme in his life. The two of them were particularly special in his eyes...though it was difficult to ascertain whether that was due to their lone wolf kinship or simply the compatibility of their personalities. In any case it was obvious that he was more himself in either lady's company and he whole-heartedly sought to take advantage of the peaceful moments...such was what lead him careening across the grounds like a madman in the dead hours of the afternoon.

"Well the mountains want to get fat and lazy!" he teased over his shoulder in retort to her playfully ominous threat. "You said the meadow wasn't allowed to get out of shape!" His voice had an uneven kilter as his legs pumped beneath him in an effort to keep ahead. Ever-so-often he felt his heart emit a nervous flutter; it was as if he occasionally forgot that the creature behind him wasn't actually pursuing him on the whim of hunger or aggression.

It would've been an outright lie to say he wasn't a touch intimidated by the figure Nuata was cutting across the grass behind him.

set by Emy

<a href=>Reference</a>
421 Posts
Ooc — Zyn
The mountain may have been fat, but it was far from lazy. It was patient and enduring- waiting for the appropriate moment to spring and strike. The female continued her pursuit along the base of the mountain, taking her advantages when able in the form of a rising stone or jutting rock. Each ledge taken underpaw to elevate her to the ideal height above him; not too pronounced but enough that she could spy the ridge of his back, the fine hairs as they caught the striking winter light.

He was a force on the meadows, this she could not deny. But she had the advantage of the ideal terrain on her side, and though her mastery was not absolute, it was enough to gain her a lead in their chase. She bound from a jutting stone to take flight then land nearest to his thigh. Her muzzle shot out with a quick snip in hopes of catching him just as the base of his tail. She whined in mirth assuming her tactic had rewarded the prize of pale fur. Though if it did not she doubted she would have been any less thrilled. It had been a considerable while since she had a run like this.

And dare she admit… it was fun.

sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
Faded and will archive!

She tagged him with a gentleness that betrayed the ominous projection of her pursuit. The touch to his tail was scant enough that he almost didn't register it but the subsequent while pried his attention enough so from the chase that he was aware of her victory. "Good job!" he called to her in congratulation. He certainly didn't mind being was no shame to be bested in such trivial games.

He slowed and they resumed a largely relaxing pace as equals; their side by side pacing allowed them to converse about all manner of things that did well to cleanse his thoughts of the troubles within the Plateau. When it was time to part he did so with a saddened expression...his primitive yips and barks sending Nuata off into the wilderness with both hopes of her continued well being and their reunion at a later date. When she was gone from sight he too turned and abandoned his pretend kingdom...his heart warm with the memories of friendship.

set by Emy

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