Ocean's Breath Plateau Closer
11 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Limit Two 
When she wasn't with her mother, Seelie was alone. Deliberately alone; there was no other way to be, between her own siblings and the older seal hunter children. Sometimes she felt as if she couldn't find any room to breathe. To think.

So she stole away when she could. The selkie girl busied herself with playing in the water, testing the ways she could bend it to her whims and the ways she could not. The sea was a constant; relentless, but forgiving at the shores where she lurked. She knew enough by now to recognize its moods, and thus found the ocean a predictable companion. Volatile, but never unreadable.

It was a simplicity she wished she could find among her family.
256 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Life in the village was, as he had explained to Aditya, ever-present and rarely changing. Raiyuk had busied himself with building a new lodge; when that was done, he tidied his collection and made sure it was secure, then began to task of reaquainting with Moontide.

He had not yet visited his father and felt growing guilt about that.

It was with this in mind that Raiyuk tread towards the various sleeping places he knew of; along the way, he thought he would find something to bring as a gift (in part to apologize for his late return, and in part to assuage this growing guilt in his heart).

Along the shore, he spied a dark shape. It looked to be a young girl, and she was playing in, or around, the water. As he drew nearer, Raiyuk recognized her quite suddenly as Dutch's child. The one who he had stumbled upon surrounded by all that death... And he wasn't sure what to do next.

The young man was intent on finding something to give to his father, and the beach was big enough for the both of them—so he turned towards the retreating tide and began his quiet investigation there. In the back of his mind though, he wondered about the girl.