Wheeling Gull Isle Don't lose hope
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
All Welcome 
@Laska and preferably @Maegi they made it!!!

She and her friend had made it to the borders of a pack near the sea and Moonshadow was beginning to lose hope as she let out a howl. She had been going in the direction she had found the fur and hoped for some new answers so that they may make the journey home.
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian
She patrolled religiously with the puppies finally taking Coelacanth's milk.  She was reluctant to leave them, but finally she had established a routine she was comfortable with.

The winter soldier was not far when the call rang, and she took it upon herself to answer.  Her gait was even and her step was self assured, gaze level as she studied the strangers.

534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Decided to get straight to the point. Feel free to post next Laska

Moonshadow lowered her head out of respect as a female approached them. "Hello there, I am Moonshadow and this is my travel companion Laska. We come in search of a young white female from my pack. Her name is Maegi."
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
She didn't know what compelled her to follow Venninne that day (she had taken to the name Moorhen had called the mother from the Valley). She had become a sort of pale shadow to the woman, when not talking with other wolves. Maegi loved to watch her patrol the borders. It reminded her of Vaati's rounds, when she was younger. Always vigilant, always watchful.

The girl heard the call and knew Venninne would be first to answer--she usually was, and the voice came from nearby. Quietly, Maegi stalked behind her, not necessarily concealing her presence but not making any moves to announce it, either. At any rate, she was sure the guardian knew she was there, anyway.

There were two wolves in the close distance, one white and one black. Her heart thumped suddenly in her chest as imagination took over, and they morphed into Kove and Nyx. They were here--they had found her, they had come to take her home! She could barely contain her joy as she began to barrel forward, but before she could surge past Venninne, she took a second look--and came to a screeching halt, sand flying.

Not Kove. Much smaller, a pale woman. Her eyes shifted over, and--

"Step away from the child now."

Pit-pat, pit-pat.
The sound of blood on stone. The burning of a wound newly given. The feeling of wobbling near the edge of a cliff, the black yawning Void growing larger, filling the vision. . .

"Wake up. Prisoners don't die unless we allow them to."

The cool air of Shadow Mountain whistled past her face as she stared at Moonshadow, who she'd last seen grappling with--

"Skullchaser," she gasped, throat constricted with fear. She took a couple of hobbling steps backward, almost tumbling over herself in her haste to retreat. She huddled near Venninne for a brief moment, peering at the dark woman.

Moonshadow. Blackfeather's pungent aroma clung to her pelt, but all she saw was Skullchaser. His eyes, glittering inches from hers. His teeth, coated in her blood. That. . .smile--that hadn't reached his gaze.

There was Moonshadow--but all she saw was Skullchaser.

And just as she had when she last caught sight of the man, Maegi turned tail and ran the other way, heading for the tree line.

"careful with that axe, eugene."
53 Posts
Ooc — Lis
Laska stopped at the border just as the darker she-wolf did. This was their last hope and she was anxious that if they didn’t find her here then they never would. When she was introduced Laska nodded as if to confirm her story, but then she noticed the wolf behind come sprinting forward.
Laska perked her ears and squinted her eyes, it looked as though it was the wolf Moonshadow had told her about and as soon as she had realized the small wolf stopped and turned to run off. A confused look came upon her face as the small wolf took off toward the forest trees. “What’s wrong with her?” She asked her companion with worry as she kind of pranced in place so she didn’t take off after her.

Lighten up, just enjoy life, smile more, laugh more, and don’t get so worked up about things. - Kenneth Branagh

534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow let out a small whimper. "She called me Skullchaser. Tgat was the name of the wolf who took us and injured her." She was traumatized and the she-wolf didn't know what to do as she saw the young one run off out of fear. "Perhaps this was a bad idea."
273 Posts
Ooc —
feel free to skip rokig if i take too long~

He had been meaning to check out the howl but it seemed he arrived a bit too late. A somewhat familiar face fled the scene, his brows furrowing sharply. His stocky form closed the distance between the rest of the wolves present. Rokig acknowledged the masked seawolf with a soft nod of his head.

His gaze settled back on the strangers, though. "What did you do?" Rokig's voice was not demanding but it was obvious he wasn't being too terribly friendly at that moment either. Nothing good could have come from someone fleeing back to the trees.
53 Posts
Ooc — Lis
Laska reassured her friend, “ You’ve done the right thing by coming, at least you know now she’s okay. She may just be scared.” She said as another wolf came up after all this had happened. He seemed to be somewhat protective by the sound of his voice. 

The female wolf wasn’t sure if she should be the one to explain to the male or not but she took the liberty to do so. “I have accompanied Moonshadow here to find that pup that took off toward the trees. It seems as though they were separated when a pack had hurt them both. It seems as if she’s a bit scared.” She wondered if he would understand. 

Laska was aftaid for her friend. She wanted both the pup and her traveling companion to be okay.

Lighten up, just enjoy life, smile more, laugh more, and don’t get so worked up about things. - Kenneth Branagh

suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian
I mentioned something in Discord, but please respect the posting order. :)  

Laska/Moonshadow/Reigi/Rokig is what looks to be most reasonable right now, but let me know if you have any issues with this.  With how this thread is going as well, it might be wise to give leadership time to respond.  Thank you!  @Coelacanth @Stockholm @Komodo

She did not mind the company of her ghostgirl.  In a way, it made her feel useful — as if she were the girl's mentor, as if she was being a good mother.  It was her job to protect the island, and perhaps her adopted oldest could follow in her footsteps.

Time seemed to pass in slow motion as Maegi surged towards the strangers — and then bolted in the other direction in a panic.  As Rokig arrived, her hackles raised and her tail sickled over her flank, lip curled back to reveal long pearly incisors as she cocked her head in demand of an answer.  As soon as she could make sure the threat was taken care of, the winter raven would find her ghostgirl.  For now, her duty was to protect.

587 Posts
Ooc — KJ
Master Medic
Powerplaying Stockholm with permission.

New posting order: @Laska/@Moonshadow/@Reigi/Coelacanth/Stockholm/@Rokig — and please check my OOC notes, as there will be occasions Stockholm will be powerplayed by me and skipped in the posting order. ♥

The sheepdog took to motherhood with zeal that bordered on obsession. As often as she dared, she bathed Mur and Fern and nudged them to her feathered flank to suckle — and at last, she began to produce. Her milk was thin and dilute at first, but it thickened, sweetened, until at last it was moonfroth pale and rich enough that Poppy’s children might thrive even in Reigi’s absence. It was an arrangement that pleased the sheepdog and the raven, for now the black-masked protector could patrol as often as she wished, and Seelie could indulge in the tenderness of nurturing Poppy’s legacy. There was a tenderness to the little wolfdogs’ suckling that teased at something deep inside her heart: a portent of joys to come, as Stockholm’s seed took root and grew within her.

It was from this idyllic peace that she was roused, Maegi’s flying paws carrying her from the Strand to the skirts of Skybowl — and Coelacanth resented immediately whatever had quicked the ghost girl’s spirit and caused it to weep bitter fear in her wake. Leaving the puppies under Moorhen’s care, she whuffed to Stockholm, who was already moving toward the source of Maegi’s unrest. Impatiently she pushed past her mate, heedless of her condition, which was evinced by the scent of sweet cream that clung to her aphotic pelage. As yet, she was not showing, but there was no mistaking the hormonal changes in her scent signature. With the Gampr’s impressive form crowding her hip and flank, she marched onto the scene with her finely sculpted head flung high.

Quill-like hackles flickered like wildfire. She knew that scent all too well. Her body language was eloquent where words failed her: “leave!” screamed the lash of her tail as it swept above her spine in a position that was utterly uncommon for her breed. “Leave!” roared the piercing glint of her Neptune eyes as they pinned down the prancing female. “Leave!” hissed the soft growl that ticked like dynamite within her tuneless throat. She took one step forward, a swift jerk of her muzzle indicating that the strangers should proceed immediately to the sandbar.

This was Maegi’s island as much as any of the other seawolves, and for her peace of mind Seelie wished to drive any threats — perceived or otherwise — away.
112 Posts
Ooc — Sabin
The tension in the air, compiled with Maegi’s fleeing form and the heightened protectiveness he feels toward his mate, urges Stockholm to draw himself up to his full height. Close-cropped ears push forward assertively and there is a low growl backing his command: “Back up.” His tone brooks no argument as he pushes forward to stand beside his Aralez — she is a free spirit and he wouldn’t dream of trying to box her in or control her, but neither can he allow her to put herself in such jeopardy. He doesn’t know or trust these strangers, but he does trust Coelacanth and Reigi’s judgment. “Head for the sandbar.” He’s prepared to be civil, but his patience is already worn thin by the upset this intrusion has already caused.
273 Posts
Ooc —
Reigi/Stray has full permission to PP Rokig in this thread from here on out.

It was like everything became a hurricane in a matter of moments. He was not pleased with the answer and nor did the masked Tauhou didn't seem too pleased either. Before he could utter another word there were two more arrivals. One he was familiar with — the blue inked caregiver — and another he hadn't met before. Large and scarred with a stance that Rokig respected.

Carefully, the compact male took a few steps back away from the gathering. He didn't want to do anything wrong and it seemed the two lean females along with the scarred male had things under control.
53 Posts
Ooc — Lis
if it isn’t my turn to post feel free to skip until it is.

Laska looked at everyone arriving, she wasn’t used to so many wolves around her let alone the situation that they were in. They seemed so protective of the pup which was good so she backed up a few steps and put her head down. It was an awkward situation for herself because she’d never interacted with a pack before.

She didn’t know what to say or do since she lacked some communication skills. It was in her best interest to let Moonshadow explain, if she could, and let them know why we were here and what had happened more in depth since Laska herself wasn’t there when it all happened. She was a bit scared for what would happen next, because the wolf had told them to leave. In the meantime she waited for what her companion would do next.

Lighten up, just enjoy life, smile more, laugh more, and don’t get so worked up about things. - Kenneth Branagh

534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow took steps back as she lowered her sleek body to the floor in submission. Though she was told to go to this sand bar, and the female listened without a moments hesitation in order to not anger them any further. Once at the said location, Moonshadow spoke with as much respect as she could mister. "I would also like to state that it was not our intention to cause so much tension, if you would allow me to explain."
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

The warrior was singing for blood.  These two had a debt to pay for causing her ghostgirl such fright.  She did not understand what had transpired between them but what she did understand was that they were a threat whether they intended to be or not.

She would not start a fight so long as they complied, but the winter soldier had numbers on her side — something that had always heightened her drive to fight — and she did not yet know what part they had played in the ghostgirl's past to cause such upset.

She stalked forward on stiff legs, ears pressed forward as a deathly, defiant growl ripped from her throat.  It did not matter what those who disrupted the peace that Undersea provided wished for, it did not matter if they submit or not — they could talk... but only once they had been forced back to the sandbar.

587 Posts
Ooc — KJ
Master Medic
The second half of my post is from Stockholm’s perspective; his player is having internet connectivity issues and asked that I write this on her behalf.

The sheepdog found herself fraught with a certain impatience. She wanted to see to Maegi’s wellbeing, but she knew that protecting the guppy’s sanctuary was the greatest gift she could provide. Alongside her mate, Coelacanth looked particularly innocuous; the Gampr dwarfed his Groenendael in size and stature — but then, so did everyone else at the small gathering. It was the flicker of stubborn distrust in her Neptune eyes that lent her a modicum of strength as she tailed the strangers to the sandbar. With her back to the island and the visitors’ backs to the mainland and the sea, “Who?” she breathed in a featherlight whisper. “Why?” Roseblush tongue danced nervously across her lips as her cerulean gaze pinned down the strangers. They were polite and had bowed willingly enough to the seawolves’ commands, but she remained skeptical.

The Wolfskull had swallowed her once, and she had been savaged and tormented and chewed up by its stalagmite fangs. She would never forget the scent of Blackfeather Woods.

Stockholm was mollified by the females’ compliance but refused to let his guard down. Hackles bristled along his spine and through the length of his tail, and his golden eyes were hawkbright as he added to his mate’s list of questions. There was something more at work here — something beyond Maegi’s obvious fear. He knew his mate, and he’d felt the stiffening of her delicate framework. There were stories beyond stories buried beneath her silence, and the very thought of her being hurt by anyone or anything caused his blood to boil. Seelie had taken care of the who and the why, but the Armenian wasn’t satisfied.

“Where are you from, and what happened just before we came?”
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Permission was given to skip!

Moonshadow let out a long heavy sigh before speaking. "I am from Blackfeather woods as is the pup who ran off. We were both taken by a pack forming in the mountains by the wolf who injured her face and my eye while I fought him off, giving her time to escape." She lowered her head to reveal the scar and her eye of slowly depleting eyesight. "His was called Nikan and as the pup stated earlier Skullchaser was his rank. I came from afar searching for the pup after she escaped. To bring her home, but seeing her now, i see that he did more than just physically damage her. I thank the Gods that she's alive but perhaps it would be best for her to resume living here. Unless she decides to come, I am in no place to force her nor would I ever." Moonshadow was so grateful that she was alivetbut she was not going to make her leave if she was not ready.
587 Posts
Ooc — KJ
Master Medic
I was asked to skip Reigi and Rokig; second half of my post contains Stockholm’s response, so @Laska, it’s your turn. ♥

“I am from Blackfeather Woods — ”

Coelacanth didn’t hold the sins of the Darkenwood against Maegi, but her distrust for the injured female grew exponentially. The name, spoken aloud — Blackfeather — caused her posture to stiffen and her jawline to tremble with the effort of keeping her fangs politely sheathed from view. Out of fairness, she listened to the female speak until she was finished, but her Neptune eyes were openly distressed, and the bitter tang of fear began slowly to permeate her scent.

“Maegi safe here,” she intoned in a timorous whisper that shook more than she wanted it to. In response to the scent of her fear and the tremor in her voice, `Io’s bristling heightened; she continued to thrum with what seemed a neverending growl. Coelacanth did not check her, needing the reassurance herself, practically depending on the raven to be her fangs. “Heal,” she added, cerulean, seabright eyes flickering to her mate for his input. A low whine stirred within her throat.

Seelie’s intensely fearful response to the first half of the strange female’s sentence sets off warning bells for the Armenian. He takes his cues from his Aralez and listens with grave solemnity to what Moonshadow has to say, but he doesn’t let his guard down for a second. “We appreciate that,” he says of her willingness to let Maegi make her own choices. It seems to him that the girl needs time and space to heal, and as a self-appointed guardian to the seawolves, he attempts to advocate for that. “We’ll take care of her,” he promises, unconsciously echoing the words he’d spoken at Poppy’s death. The Gampr’s voice is gravelly with the vestiges of an unspent growl, but he strives for cordiality. He doesn’t mention that Hemlock and Seelie are practiced healers, or that the island has a spiritual healer in Komodo. Maybe it would’ve helped his case, but he is eager to put this meeting to rest and send the wolves on their way.
53 Posts
Ooc — Lis
Laska was watching all the body language, and it didn’t tell a great story with Blackfeather Woods and Undersea. She only could nod when others spoke, she had no words since she didn’t know Margo personally nor did she know this pack. Everyone seemed to be looking out for the right thing, Maegis well-being. Laska was hunkered in submission like Moonshadow, not that it seemed like it was helping but it was the right thing to do.

As long as Maegi is taken care of under your watch. Though I’m sure she will be Moonshadow was concerned for her well being as she did not know where she was until now.” She spoke softly to them, not knowing what to say it was the only thing that would slip out of her mouth. Afterward she looked over at her shadowy friend and then back to all the wolves in front of them. Her eyes were wide and deep down she really didn’t know what the outcome would be

Lighten up, just enjoy life, smile more, laugh more, and don’t get so worked up about things. - Kenneth Branagh

534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
There was but much more that the she wolf could do. Moonshadow however was certain that the young one was safe here. "Thank you very much for accepting her and caring for her. It is very much appreciated, I hope that one day she will return home but I know that it won't be so. I am just glad she is safe and in good care. I apologize for the uneasiness I have caused."
587 Posts
Ooc — KJ
Master Medic
Powerplaying the seawolves with permission. Thanks for the thread!

Coelacanth dipped her muzzle low in acknowledgment of her mate’s words. “Maegi safe here,” she repeated in a reassuring whisper, trying to make as gracious an exit as she could so she could go after the pale wraith with the mismatched eyes. She left the two females in Stockholm’s care, and once they’d finished speaking, would depend on @Rokig and @Stockholm to escort them to the Teekon mainland. She left the bristling `Io to her own devices; she was a guardian, so perhaps she would wish to see them off — but she was also deeply concerned for the ill-used guppy, so perhaps she would follow Seelie in her quest to find her. “Peace be,” the Aralez whispered in a tone that indicated the meeting was over, and followed it up with a, “Safe journey.”

Stockholm and Rokig stepped forward then, ready to see off the strangers.