Profile of Emmanuelle: Quick Facts
Played By: Noki
Basic Info
Full Name: Emmanuelle LaCroix
Subspecies: Grey Wolf
Sex: Female
Age: 2 years (April 23rd)
Birthplace: White Birch Forest
At a Glance
[Image: tumblr_olt8pbG2vZ1vbprslo1_500.gif]
Profile of Emmanuelle: Details
- Grey scale
- White muzzle
- Dark back
- Light grey legs
- Medium build
- Long legs
- Light blue eyes
- Flirtatious
- Selfish
- Sociable
- Greedy
- Ambitious
- Vengeful
- Secretive
- Profound knowledge of poisonous plants/fruit
Pack History
LONER -- Current
Profile of Emmanuelle: Additional Information
Registered on June 28, 2016, last visited May 27, 2017, 09:47 PM
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