Silverlight Terrace osmosis
5 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9
All Welcome 
Mzururaji was a good girl.

Honest, she was! Any doubt of it that was hurled her way would be met with a puckered lip and laundry list of justification. All of which would start with “well, my mommy says…”

Ah yes, mommy’s girl through and through. Mzuruaji, Minnow’s darling daughter, dutiful sister of the litter, Morningside’s little homebody.

But all baby birds must take their first flight, yes? Surely mother would understand when she returned from this journey?

Ha! Journey. In the eyes of the young pup yes this had been quite the trek! But in reality it was only a small ways away from the border. Even still she walked along the hills buzzing with a nervous excitement for such a foreign activity.
150 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Treepie raced down the mountainside as gracefully as a mountain goat, at least at first. Their nose suddenly itched and they sneezed explosively, which caused them to stumble and trip over their own over-sized paws. Their chin hit the dirt as their forward momentum carried them further down the slope.

They scrabbled to get a foothold or, at the very least, slow their roll. Pie slid to a stop near an overhang, a shower of loose scree raining down around them. The youngster let out a breath, then climbed to their feet and shook out their pelt. Gently, they touched a paw to the scrape on their chin.

After ascertaining the wound, they took their bearings. They were near the foot of Moonspear now. Pie padded to the edge of the scarp, which overlooked the neighboring terrace. The views were spectacular in and of themselves, though the pup quickly noticed another wolf below.

Hey! they shouted, raising a forepaw in an enthusiastic wave.

Common Tongue | Atkan Aleut | -Signing-

Please consider the following preferences when writing with me:
• I welcome casual power-play to optimize continuity and flow. Don't miss your chance to infer my character burped, sneezed, etc.
• I love referential tags, so please use them liberally. If you start a thread and tag me for participation, please allow 24-48 hours before proceeding without me. I will do the same for my tagged partners.
• Do not skip me without prior consent. I will also obtain express permission before skipping anyone else. If you want to skip or be skipped, please communicate that clearly beforehand so nobody's left behind or hanging.
• I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for a month. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested! Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply.
5 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9
Her ears twitched at the distant sound of something debris tumbling down the mountainside. Their eventual landing was what ultimately drew the girl's eye from her straightforward path.

Ah, a new face! Bright eyes could not hide her mounting elation, though a newfound warmth tickled her cheeks at the sight of the stranger. Unfamiliar as that feeling was, her excitement would not keep her from engaging with them/

Hi! she called back, her smile growing wider. Whatcha doin' up there?
150 Posts
Ooc — Kat
I live up here! they declared with a giggle before voicing the inevitable, What are you doing down there? But before the other pup could reply, they tacked on, Hang on!

Carefully now, Treepie picked their way down the rocky slope toward the terrace. As soon as their paws hit even ground, they galloped toward the other youngster with a beaming smile and waving tail. They were about the same size, which probably meant they were close in age.

But Tiuttuk couldn’t help the first thing that sprang to mind once they were up close, exclaiming, Aya, you’re so cute!

Common Tongue | Atkan Aleut | -Signing-

Please consider the following preferences when writing with me:
• I welcome casual power-play to optimize continuity and flow. Don't miss your chance to infer my character burped, sneezed, etc.
• I love referential tags, so please use them liberally. If you start a thread and tag me for participation, please allow 24-48 hours before proceeding without me. I will do the same for my tagged partners.
• Do not skip me without prior consent. I will also obtain express permission before skipping anyone else. If you want to skip or be skipped, please communicate that clearly beforehand so nobody's left behind or hanging.
• I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for a month. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested! Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply.