Profile of Kaujimaq: Quick Facts
Played By: Kitt
Basic Info
Full Name: Kaujimaq Ostrega
Subspecies: Mixed Wolf
Size: Medium, Lanky
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 0.0 (03/25/2024)
Birthplace: In the wilds, will update
NPC Guidelines
doing puppy things! Anything but harm, getting lost/leaving family, death, is allowed.
At a Glance
[Image: IMG-0159.png]
Currently, a lump of silvery-blue hues.
Profile of Kaujimaq: Details
(Pup) Neither skinny or plump, with stubby limbs that evidently will become slender and long as she ages. Fur of dark silver, cooled coal, will lighten with age. Eyes a muddy blue. (Adult) Hues of blue-tinted silvers, dark blue/coal saddle, eyes made from the brightest of sunflowers.
A know-it-all, control freak. Always needing to be right, always needing to steer the world around her in no one else’s direction, but hers.
Currently a round wiggling lump. Born to Sialuk, reared by many of Moonspear.
March 25, 2024 Saliux ⨉ Argent, Chakliux, Killdeer, Talisman(RIP)
Siblings: Pauk Ostrega, Tiuttuk Ostrega
(Will flesh out more later)
Pack History
Moonspear- birth - current
Profile of Kaujimaq: Additional Information
Registered on March 25, 2024, last visited (Hidden)
Art Credits
All art by me
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