Stone Circle metal gear rising
45 Posts
Ooc — Laur
All Welcome 
For @Foxglove! Set a few days after this thread

He stalked through the wide meadow, demeanour as prickly as the grass stalks brushing against his stomach. He'd lost track of the girl after their encounter with Eivor a few days back. If it had been the Plateau, Arrax would have hunted her down and found where she had stashed the stolen gift easily; he knew every nook and cranny where she could be hiding. Here, though, here was a different story – and the newness of it all had frayed Arrax's usually even-tempered spirit.

With a trail gone cold and dark clouds gathering above, the boy pressed onwards with a frustrated twitch of his tail, changing his path to head back to where his family had carved out their own piece of Kvarsheim.

Perhaps he could goad one of his siblings into a wrestling match so he had somewhere to direct his irritation.
57 Posts
Ooc — xynien
It wasn't like her to avoid company — but Foxglove too was frayed by the newness of it all, made fragile by the loss of her parents. Save her sisters, she didn't much feel like speaking to anyone at all. Mostly she just wanted to be alone.

She'd found a new treasure to keep, a little pale stone that felt oddly smooth on her tongue and reflected many colors in the light — blue most of all, which she liked very much. Foxglove was seeking her sisters at a cheerful trot when she came across the boy. She recognized him immediately.


Dread froze her in place, and for a few long seconds she could only stare at him.
The world don't speak for us —

they lack the confidence
45 Posts
Ooc — Laur
He feels like he is being watched.

While it was probably not unusual here considering the wide open plains of Kvarsheim's territory, Arrax is not used to it. The fur along his spine bristles and he whirls around, narrowed gaze searching the land for the perpetrator.

After a moment, he spies the familiar girl – a shock of gold against the green backdrop – and immediately he stands upright. There she was.

"You!" he barked, beginning a determined march towards her. She is much smaller than himself, with strangely tall ears and a physique that was not quite entirely wolf. His ire grows.