AW! Feel free to intercept her on her way to talk to Del since I have some threads with e going already. Maybe @Khali? Tags for a heads up and not necessarily for inclusion.
Seabreeze is feeling much better, although it looks like many of the invading cats and even some of their packmates are on death's door. The Governor's sister is looking especially worn. Eris — or was it Lanawyn? — had reverted back to a near-feral state the last time Seabreeze had went to check on her, shivering and drooling, and she thought she could smell death on the girl. She worries about how this is affecting @Alarian, but she says nothing. She will likely know soon enough.
It's been a while since she's checked up on @Delight. Most of her time is spent with @Olive and the children (who have — thank the stars! — avoided illness), and her sick patients Eris, @Lily, and @Korei Julia. She's glad she knows the little bit about herbs she does, so that she may alleviate some of their symptoms; it is no cure, but she does what she can.
She brushes her nose against her love's dove soft fur and sets off to speak to Delight. She doesn't have any answers for him, but.. she wants to see that he's holding up alright.
![[Image: 70c0c50922211f79c19a9fbb2dbe797a.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/70c0c50922211f79c19a9fbb2dbe797a.png)
September 13, 2018, 10:17 PM
Since the sandy man had come into contact with Lily he too had started to feel slightly off. He had a tickle in his throat and felt a bit weaker than normal but he continued with his days as he normally would hoping that it would just pass on. Most of the pack were seeking shelter in their dens because they were so bad off, he wasn’t one to check up on them but he did feel bad for them.
At this time he was headed out for a stroll to clear his sinuses and whatever else might be developing because that always seemed to work. As he was padding along he caught sight of the woman that Alarian greeted at the borders with open arms, as BRS members do, but she seemed to have already know him before. Khali was excited that someone was out to maybe have an interaction with him so he gave his tail a slight wag and sped his gait up.
When he neared the woman he chuffed a greeting with a small smile on his face. “Good Day!” He said matching her steps. He felt better already with just seeing someone not sick.
At this time he was headed out for a stroll to clear his sinuses and whatever else might be developing because that always seemed to work. As he was padding along he caught sight of the woman that Alarian greeted at the borders with open arms, as BRS members do, but she seemed to have already know him before. Khali was excited that someone was out to maybe have an interaction with him so he gave his tail a slight wag and sped his gait up.
When he neared the woman he chuffed a greeting with a small smile on his face. “Good Day!” He said matching her steps. He felt better already with just seeing someone not sick.
happy to throw him in!
“Swahili” is in blue, he tries not to speak it so no one will know his past.
italics are A flash back or in his head depending on the wording of the post you’ll know.
italics are A flash back or in his head depending on the wording of the post you’ll know.
September 15, 2018, 06:02 PM
Hey,she says as the man catches her off guard. She lets out a small laugh. She had been so busy taking care of the sick members of the sanctuary that she hadn't really made time to meet with any of the healthier members. As she looked at him, she tilted her head.
You were there when we arrived here, right?It had been a good thing to see; she remembered thinking that at least the members of the Sanctuary were friendly.
I'm Seabreeze.
![[Image: 70c0c50922211f79c19a9fbb2dbe797a.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/70c0c50922211f79c19a9fbb2dbe797a.png)
September 16, 2018, 08:13 PM
Khali was relieved when she laughed, it was a lightened mood to hear a laugh. With all the sickness around there wasn’t much of that going on around here lately. As she mentioned her first arrival he nodded, “yep! That was me “ He said sort of proud he had greeted someone new.
Earlier in his life this pack stuff wouldnt have been his thing but he had been getting used to it. The borders had him for a while but now he was integrating himself in everyone’s daily lives and making it a point to get to know everyone. He figured that the past was never something to hold onto, besides he hadn’t seen his sister in a while to remind him of it so he didn’t see why he couldn’t create a better future for himself.
”I’m Khali, it’s nice to meet you Seabreeze. I’m surprised to see someone who isn’t sick. “ as he said this he hoped she wasn’t because she didn’t look it but no one could be too sure.
Earlier in his life this pack stuff wouldnt have been his thing but he had been getting used to it. The borders had him for a while but now he was integrating himself in everyone’s daily lives and making it a point to get to know everyone. He figured that the past was never something to hold onto, besides he hadn’t seen his sister in a while to remind him of it so he didn’t see why he couldn’t create a better future for himself.
”I’m Khali, it’s nice to meet you Seabreeze. I’m surprised to see someone who isn’t sick. “ as he said this he hoped she wasn’t because she didn’t look it but no one could be too sure.
“Swahili” is in blue, he tries not to speak it so no one will know his past.
italics are A flash back or in his head depending on the wording of the post you’ll know.
italics are A flash back or in his head depending on the wording of the post you’ll know.
September 20, 2018, 05:32 PM
She gives a short, nervous laugh. She has done her best to take care of the patients she has — really, she has — but it still seems like everyone is getting sick except for Khali and Alarian.
Yes, I'm doing well. It's nice to meet you, officially. So, what do you do around here?
![[Image: 70c0c50922211f79c19a9fbb2dbe797a.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/70c0c50922211f79c19a9fbb2dbe797a.png)
September 21, 2018, 03:13 AM
His brows furrowed at her laugh. He let it go though as some could just be nervous. “I like to patrol the borders, hunt for food, if need be I’d protect anyone here with my life.. “ he got more serious at the end. It was true he would protect them with his life, they felt more like family than much of his own family at the moment. Everyone was so welcoming when he first came it made him sick but now he’s gotten so used to it he hoped they never change even though the cats had invaded them. He shook the thought and then smiled at her, “I didn’t see much of the pack a while ago because I had stuck too much to the borders and didn’t integrate myself so I’m working on it. What do you do?” He asked curiously.
“Swahili” is in blue, he tries not to speak it so no one will know his past.
italics are A flash back or in his head depending on the wording of the post you’ll know.
italics are A flash back or in his head depending on the wording of the post you’ll know.
September 25, 2018, 06:44 PM
A genuine smile comes to her face that crinkles the corners of her eyes.
That is very kind of you. I hope that it does not come to that, because you are a very sweet wolf and it would be a shame to lose you.
She tilts her head for a moment.
I'm a counselor, and sometimes also a caretaker. I do what needs to be done, though, I'm not any good at hunting.
![[Image: 70c0c50922211f79c19a9fbb2dbe797a.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/70c0c50922211f79c19a9fbb2dbe797a.png)
September 26, 2018, 11:21 AM
He smiled back at her, he hoped that was the case. This pack had changed him and he was glad that someone who had just came had saw it too. "Well thank you, I'd like to think I'm pretty nice." he said chuckling, it was sort of a joke even though he was a nice guy.
"Lots of responsibility now that almost everyone is sick. I hope you are getting you're rest and all the help you need?" he asked. If she needed help, he was always around to lend a paw if needed. He didn't know much about healing or counseling but helping was something he loved to do. "If you ever need some help, I'm always around." he made it a point to say.
"Lots of responsibility now that almost everyone is sick. I hope you are getting you're rest and all the help you need?" he asked. If she needed help, he was always around to lend a paw if needed. He didn't know much about healing or counseling but helping was something he loved to do. "If you ever need some help, I'm always around." he made it a point to say.
“Swahili” is in blue, he tries not to speak it so no one will know his past.
italics are A flash back or in his head depending on the wording of the post you’ll know.
italics are A flash back or in his head depending on the wording of the post you’ll know.
September 29, 2018, 11:30 AM
She laughs genuinely at his joke, and is flattered by his offer to help. Bracken Sanctuary should be thankful for a wolf like Khali, so kind and willing to offer a hand wherever they needed it.
I would appreciate that. Sometimes after I've handled the patients, they need someone to watch over them just to make sure they don't get any worse. It doesn't require any training, really. That way I could get some rest, instead of always being at someone's bedside.
She tilts her head.
If that doesn't sound agreeable, you could continue to watch the borders. Someone needs to be marking while everyone else is off-duty.
![[Image: 70c0c50922211f79c19a9fbb2dbe797a.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/70c0c50922211f79c19a9fbb2dbe797a.png)
September 29, 2018, 01:32 PM
Khali smiled as she laughed. Rarely did someone ever take to his jokes so he felt a bit proud. He nods at her instructions. “That sounds like a job I can do. Rest is always one needs when taking care of so many. While you are tending to the patients I can also tend to the borders. Lots of work but nothing that’s too much.” He assured her that nothing was too much for him at this point.
Hopefully soon everyone would be back up and healthy, if not a lot of work would be left on the healthy ones. A pack helps it’s own so Lhali wasn’t too worried about the work it helped his mind stay busy.
Hopefully soon everyone would be back up and healthy, if not a lot of work would be left on the healthy ones. A pack helps it’s own so Lhali wasn’t too worried about the work it helped his mind stay busy.
“Swahili” is in blue, he tries not to speak it so no one will know his past.
italics are A flash back or in his head depending on the wording of the post you’ll know.
italics are A flash back or in his head depending on the wording of the post you’ll know.
October 06, 2018, 12:39 PM
She was thankful for his enthusiasm. There had not been many that were capable of helping; every paw was valuable. It just made things better when they enjoyed it.
She dips her head, casts her eyes to the side. "Do you mind?" She hated to ask, but she was tired.
She dips her head, casts her eyes to the side. "Do you mind?" She hated to ask, but she was tired.
![[Image: 70c0c50922211f79c19a9fbb2dbe797a.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/70c0c50922211f79c19a9fbb2dbe797a.png)
October 09, 2018, 04:33 AM
“No not at all you rest for a while and I’ll go watch them. If anyone gets worse or needs anything emergent I’ll contact you right away. “ he assured her and then motioned her to leave. He wasn’t one to tell anyone to do anything but she seemed tired. Khali himself wasn’t too well rested but that was enough for him to run on. He turned to head toward the ones who were sick to watch over them.
“Swahili” is in blue, he tries not to speak it so no one will know his past.
italics are A flash back or in his head depending on the wording of the post you’ll know.
italics are A flash back or in his head depending on the wording of the post you’ll know.
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