Boartusk Heights feast of fools
La Muerte

166 Posts
Ooc — bon
Pack Activity 
mini pack event b4 the birth thread! feel free to join in!
@Nivis @Hashut @Scoria @Paloma @Klara @Flaithrí @Emilio @Diego

her birth inched closer and closer by the hour. reyna started sucking in her breaths through her teeth now, dazed. she had not been told of the ills of pregnancy. would she survive? will her children see glory?

the queen rises from her bed anyways, expecting those to return from another hunt for boar. in between the end of alpine grass and the beginning of the palace rock floors pelts from other beasts are set to prepare, fermented fruit is ready too. bones lay about too, for decoration or for play.

it is a day of celebration: for the new parents, and for the encroaching birth of the royal children.
[Image: Illustration460.png]
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reyna is rated mature
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La Muerte
79 Posts
Ooc — idle

It was just shortly after the argument when Nivis spotted her growling in the nest of hers. She was in visible pain but he had no intention to disturb her any further; that was up to her maid to deal with. His plans were different and he wanted to utilize the time before it was too late.

Besides, it was easily understood he was the last person Reyna wanted around now. At least his eyes caught the last moment of her beauty before he was gone: out in the wild.

are you lost my little lamb, reyna?
in my heart perhaps? 

nivis is rated mature
reyna is welcome in all threads
La Muerte
A Handmaiden's Tale
34 Posts
Ooc — Vamikins
Reyna was in pain. Nivis was having one of his pity-party fits. The old man wolf who recently had a little was probably in over his head. Meanwhile Paloma was so very happy

With her light footing and even lighter build, she walked with weightless bounds, as though dancing on air. She hummed between herbs grasped within her jaws. Soon, the new princesses and princes would be born! 

Coming to Reyna's setup she had, Paloma settled the stems of flowers at her Mistress' feet. They were tiny white flowers in large, flat bunches. More yarrow, Mistress. It was helpful with her sleep and nausea, among a number of other things.
La Muerte

166 Posts
Ooc — bon
nivis caught her eye. she watched as he fled, abandoning her once again to deal with her kingdom. she did not even notice paloma's offering until she spoke.

of course, thank you. she sighs, straightening herself once more. though she had no appetite, her children certainly did. she ate the pig meat before the yarrow, head spinning with so much.
[Image: Illustration460.png]
nivis is welcome in all threads
reyna is rated mature
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