Mudminnow River hard to love
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Ooc — haruto
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a soft rainfall, pattering on the muddy banks of the river, drowned out the sound of the water's movement. as shallow as it was, the river had few melodies of its own to sing. the current was slow but the nutrient-rich soil blotted the water with colour, obscuring all but the minnows that flashed near the surface before diving back down into the murk. apart from the gentle ripple of motion, the grey sky's reflection was otherwise perfect. when the variegated wolf moved along the banks, his frame was hardly distorted. 

he drew closer to gaze down into his own reflection. light waves caused his expression to jig, and as if in an attempt to please him, presented some semblance of a smile before the rippled moved onward, and the stoic expression returned. unmoved, haruto drifted from the water's edge, and redirected his attention to the plants that grew along the banks. 

useful plants, here. he lingered among the reeds, sniffing and inspecting, as comfortable in the drizzle as a duck. water trickled down his spine, but he did not shudder. now and again, he nibbled at a leaf, scrabbled at the wet mud with a paw and chewed a root. on the opposite bank, a raccoon did the same. neither batted an eye across the riverbed, as if it presented some sort of truce, allowing them to scavenge together in peace.