Blackbeak Bluff Weigh hey, roll and go!
109 Posts
Ooc — Cyprin
All Welcome 
"Wooaaahhh, yo what the fuck." A dark wolf made her way up the coast, a grin could be spotted as she showed her pearly whites. Bright, orange eyes shined in wonder as she looked over yonder. The area was covered in emerald, swaying grass, her white and black feet could not be seen in the mixture. Norsamu took in a deep breathe, admiring the treasure that had been spotted. She took in the wide sky that started to fade to orange, such a glorious pearl slowly made it's way under the sea line. She had walked up a steep area, not realizing a glorious scene would be ahead.

Without an air of wariness of cautious, Norsamu trotted over to the edge, peering straight down to the endless drop. Sharp, jagged rocks laid at the bottom with various gulls flying around it, occasionally perching onto the rocks. She could see them fly above her and caw, but paid no attention to their squabling, "wonderous," the maned wolf muttered. Sometimes even the scenary can be a treasure.
Sea Shanties
Now we are ready to sail for the Horn
Weigh hey, roll and go!
Our boots and our clothes, boys, are all in the pawn
To be rollicking randy dandy-O!
Crabs?! Giant crabs?! That definitely sounded like a creature from his worst nightmares, ranking right up there with ponies and Bambi.
110 Posts
Ooc — Bryndel
*pokes head in*  :o  Hope this latenight and rambly offering is
Also apparently I can't brain dates, because (jfyi) I meant for this thread to be before this and later this happened...whoops.  *shrugs*  That's my headcanon, at least!  XD  Don't think it should actually affect much of anything for you, here?

He hadn't devoted much time and energy previously to exploring the areas beyond the shores of the Isle, but with autumn inevitably turning its face toward winter and the days growing colder as they marched by, Driftwood figured perhaps he ought to seize the moment whilst he could and have a good look around before the less-hospitable lands elsewhere got too icily chill and unwelcoming, or possibly even snowed-off altogether, though that certainly took some doing. He cast a doubtful glance up at the empty skies as he trotted along; what few wispy clouds graced the skies' darkening face certainly didn't look capable of generating winter storms of such a magnitude. But he certainly knew as well as anyone that Mother Nature could be a treacherous two-faced bitch with a bad attitude, sometimes.

Despite his pensive inner musings focusing on the skyscape above, his eyes were repeatedly drawn downward to the landscape beneath his feet as he kept moving. His steps grew slower and less certain, and his pace slowed as the jagged black teeth of the cliffs rising swiftly up ahead loomed ominously ever closer. This was a far cry from the soft, sandy shores to which he'd grown accustomed, and as the incline rose beneath him his claws skittered a little on the rockier scree sneakily concealed beaneath the surprisingly still-lush green grasses nearer the cliffs' edge. The wind was blowing in strongly from the sea, flattening the verdant carpet below and buffeting his face with the almost disgustingly thick scent of seabirds and guano overlaid across the salt, whilst carrying their high cries distantly to his ears. Driftwood's halting steps started to carry him further from the edge and the noise and the smell; his ears drooped closer to his skull in dislike, and he paused to gaze consideringly out across the high grassy plain's expanse toward the lands and rising mountains in the distance as he considered departing altogether. He'd planned to go further up the northeast shoreline than this, but despite the grassy carpeting this area was seeming less and less appealing, especially when a small patch of hidden scree went tumbling away from beneath his outstretched paw. Driftwood snatched the foot back and watched with wide eyes as the jagged rocks and pebbles went clattering loudly down the steep cliffside, almost loudly enough to match the screaming gulls, at least until one rock hit the edge of a nest and earned Driftwood a solid cussing-out from the mother bird who'd been lounging inside of it. Driftwood grimaced and leaned back from the irate feathery creature doing its best to hover nearby and yell its opinions of obnoxious, interfering wolves at a volume fit to burst his eardrums. Great. Yeah, leaving this place far behind and never coming back was starting to sound better and better yet of an idea.

But just as he started to turn away and depart further inland, the next gust of wind carried a more tantalizing change of scent: an unfamiliar wolf-girl's aroma someplace rather close by. Driftwood's startled and much-abused ears stood back up at attention as he stopped and scanned the rugged cliffs, and were surprised to locate their quarry right up at the edge, practically falling over the side as, grinning and murmuring something to herself, she leaned into the empty expanse to stare down, down, down to the bigger rocks far below. Driftwood stared at her for a long few seconds—he was completely unable to make out whatever she was mumbling over the catcalling seagulls, as the mother bird roused a couple of others flapping nearby to join in her tirade for a moment, but her actions and the enthusiasm plastered across her face as she courted the danger the landscape offered had Driftwood a bit doubtful of her sanity at first blush. But he didn't hesitate too long before flattening his ears back toward his skull and making his way into the teeth of the stiff breeze as he carefully picked his way across to her. Hello? he said, raising his voice to a half-shout to overcome the eddying wind and screechy birds alike. How do you stand it?! he had to ask aloud with a glance up and back toward the seagulls and their noisome racket, but then his eyes were hooked and drawn toward the breathtaking scene the sun was offering up as she dipped a final graceful curtsey into the ruffled waves below. Oh, said Driftwood breathlessly as he halted some steps back from the stranger to drink the beauty of it in. Not for too long, though, before his attention was snatched wincingly away to first the furious female gull that darted what he hoped was its final scream and swoop in his direction, and then to the female wolf positioned kittycorner in front of him as he recalled with a small start who and what had drawn him to linger here.

But he didn't have a lot insightful to offer about the gorgeousness of their setting, only an inarticulate, ...Wow. and then, again: Um, yeah—hi. I'm Driftwood. At least he didn't have to raise his voice quite so much, at this distance, particularly since the female seemed to have found a small, less windy pocket here. Or maybe the mercurial wind was just waiting to pounce even stronger and harder in a moment, who knew—but Driftwood was grateful for a breath of a break from its gusty strength today either way.
109 Posts
Ooc — Cyprin
honestly her timeline can be anywhere bc i have no plans for her rn LMAO

Her eyes wandered around the rocky bottom, she saw the gulls dive downward, sometimes for a fish or for fun. It was high, but she was fearless staring down the pit, as the winds wanted to lure her downward with the laughing caw of gulls. Norsamu was intrigued at what may lay below, but she could not see a way down without a push. Perhaps a swim, but would the tides allow her to go without a scratch? She thought it might be worth the risk.. A bold smile and a swish of a tail came to be as she thought this adventerous plan, as it sounded enticing to do.

Though her dark ears flickered at a sound that was neither gull cries, wind nor' waves splashing, but another wolf. Norsamu turned her head toward a boy, more earthy and seemed well to blend with forests, but stand out against the ocean blue. She was the same though, black and white stood awkwardly between both worlds. She grinned at his loud greeting and question on how she stood her ground by the birds, "ahoy!" The large rogue greeted back with her own boisterous laughter, "ya ignore to see beauty laddy!" The gorgeousness of the scene off the cliff was enchanting enough to ignore the annoying avians, and the wind rustling against her fur. Many wolves ignore a poisonous heart for a beauty- was this not the same? There is a risk to everything that has a look like no other. She chuckled more as he seemed a bit startled by the birds and sudden drop of the cliff that led to the amazing gaze. It can be hard to take it in when there was annoyances.

She held the usual barbarian grin while the boy introduced himself, and she returned with her own name, "Aye, names Norsamu, nice to meet'cha," she was a socialable wolf who held no hostility, and openly welcomed him for a talk by continuing the conversation, "what'cha doin' here? Ya don't seem to be here for the scene." The maned wolf guessed by his slight startle over the sunset before he was not familiar with the area. Well, she wasn't either.
Sea Shanties
Now we are ready to sail for the Horn
Weigh hey, roll and go!
Our boots and our clothes, boys, are all in the pawn
To be rollicking randy dandy-O!
Crabs?! Giant crabs?! That definitely sounded like a creature from his worst nightmares, ranking right up there with ponies and Bambi.
110 Posts
Ooc — Bryndel
lol, glad I'm not throwing in any wrenches there at least  XD
*squints at all the shanties that have suddenly insisted on butting their way into her music files, meantime* Pretty sure you're to blame for all this, lol! Nah, I've always liked sea shanties, and when I clicked on your link up there...well.  X)  HAD to have some of that awesomeness right away, muahaha.

The hearty guffaws that escaped her caused Driftwood's eyes to widen in surprise once more. Mentally, he added another small tick to the "possibly 100% crazy" section of tally-marks. How boisterous laughter could be anyone's response to those jagged cliff edge's teeth right up in their face was beyond him, really. He ventured one step further back, then closer again, cocking his head in an intrigued fashion at her bizarre accent. Driftwood didn't think he'd ever heard its like... but honestly, as it jangled in his ears he kinda liked it. Or perhaps it was just that the enthusiasm this bitch was displaying was contagious after all. (Note that he still kept himself well back from the cliffs however, unlike his companion. He wasn't going to let himself get quite that crazy enthusiastic about this.)

Driftwood looked around them a bit before his eyes settled upon the figure of the other once more. ...Norsamu, he repeated back somewhat slowly, rolling the unfamiliar syllables around his tongue for a bit, tasting their flavor and trying to guess what their origin might be. Which, to be honest, he had no real ideas on as of yet. Maybe she'd tell him outright, in a moment. ...Good to meet you.

Driftwood shifted his paws again, moving neither forward nor backward, though his nose craned up and over a little bit further to peek with interest beyond where she was standing. He had trouble ignoring the nuisancy birds and blithering winds in favor of the scene's prettiness, but perhaps this Norsamu had managed to find the perfect spot with the perfect possible view, who knew. It was hard to see it beyond her fluffy rump at the moment however if so. I'm a Seawolf of Undersea, and Drift tilted his head vaguely in the direction of his beloved home isle. I hadn't explored the mainland much yet, though, and thought I'd just wander about for a little while, to see what there is to see...? Eh, now that he said it aloud, actually, it sounded kind of lame. Driftwood racked his brains for half a moment longer before hastily tacking on: Besides which it might be useful to find some good hunting grounds further away from the crabs if possible. Uh, for the pack, I mean. Eventually. Driftwood cleared his throat in mild embarrassment, and tried one last time to tack another conversational patch in there with—This seems like kind of a dangerous spot to be trying to hunt or anything, though. Sure looks like, anyhow!
109 Posts
Ooc — Cyprin
sea shanties are always great LMAO

He kept away as the maned wolf remained by the edge, unafraid of the heights and the winds that called forth. The view was great, but it was a scene that could last many moons, while a meeting would only last for a few moments of the day. It wouldn't go away, but he could, so Norsamu did not mind turning away from the heights. Large paws strided toward the boy, a friendly smile happily displayed as she grew closer to him, "ahoy," she joked upon inching more near.

"Da' fuck is Undersea? Ya live under the waves?" the large wolf chortled, literally thinking of being under the sea, "sounds cool though." How he spoke made it seem that it was his Pack's name, and an unusual one she thought, but interesting nontheless. Norsamu wondered who would create such a name, but what was more interesting as how he referred to this place, the 'mainland,' "Aye ya a newbie" Someone who only recently ventured away from his Pack? He must be a youngin', or a sheltered lad. Such a shame as there was so much in the world!

"Never too late to explore, aye, there more then just here!" This was an elegant view to see, but it wasn't a hunting place, only a treasure for the eye, "ya gotta go more inland my boy, see more then just thee waves." She guessed he lived more toward the ocean- and since he hasn't explored, that's literally all he knew. What a shame! The ocean was great, but there was a lot to behold to the mountains and plains too.
Sea Shanties
Now we are ready to sail for the Horn
Weigh hey, roll and go!
Our boots and our clothes, boys, are all in the pawn
To be rollicking randy dandy-O!
Crabs?! Giant crabs?! That definitely sounded like a creature from his worst nightmares, ranking right up there with ponies and Bambi.
110 Posts
Ooc — Bryndel
Norsamu abruptly came strutting up to him just as fearlessly as she had approached the cliff's sheer edges. Driftwood leaned instinctively back a little in uncertainty, unused to such boldness from strangers not on their own pack's turf, but his smile though small stayed indelibly stamped upon his face and his tail waved widely... her enthusiasm and good cheer was somewhat contagious. Ahoy, there...? he offered back somewhat tentatively. His ears perked up straighter and his expression grew brighter and more confident as she gave him an opening to expound about his most favoritest pack ever (okay, well, the only pack he could really recall, to be fair, but hey that still made it the best of the lot right?).

Undersea is the pack of wolves that have claimed Wheeling Gull Isle! It's right across that land bridge over there. His grin and tail both drew themselves in irrepressibly broader strokes. Coelacanth and Stockholm lead it, but they were kind enough to let me in, and many others too. ...It would be cool if it was actually underwater, he admitted, though he also wasn't certain how one would breathe in that case admittedly, but no, it's all aboveground...some of it very high aboveground, like the lake caldera of the Skybowl! You get a pretty great view of the waves from up there, but still only the tops of them. The idea of living underwater kind of caught his fancy regardless...until he remembered with a suppressed shudder that that would mean being even closer of neighbors with the pinchy little crabs that hid in the sands. Ew, okay, maybe not such a great idea after all.

Driftwood gave a halfhearted, noncommittal shrug at the notion of himself as a newbie. He liked to think of himself as an oldbie, and hadn't he ascended through the ranks a little ways by now after all? but then again maybe Norsamu meant to say he was a newbie when it came to this area, which certainly was the case. His ears twitched a little uncertainly at her enthusiastic endorsement of roaming so far and wide...Driftwood wasn't really sure how far he really wanted to go from his beloved home island in any case. Is there a lot that's good to see, further inland? Maybe this wolf, being apparently far more worldly, had a good idea of the highlight tourist spots to hit. Or maybe she'd seen all the best and the worst of it already, and Driftwood could dutifully gather up this intel by benefit of her experience without having to slog through it all himself. He shifted his feet again with conflicted ambivalence, and bought himself a little more time to think with a polite little outstretching sniff of the nearest side Norsamu proffered of herself, a body colored nearly as black-and-white bold as her own bumptious personality.
109 Posts
Ooc — Cyprin
The boy said a lot of unfamiliar names, none she recognized. Though he seemed quite excited to share of his home, so she patiently listened with a somewhat interest. She recognized 'isle,' and grew somewhat curious if the place was an island itself, for she heard of them, but never visited. It was a grand temptation to cross the bridge he pointed out, that Norsamu's sunset gaze lingered onto it with a desire before turning back to Driftwood going on explaining different areas, and the comment of the underwater, "wouldn't it? Get to see all em' fish n' monsters!" She laughed, before continuing, "All sounds coolio my lad!" She said with a grin, "maybe I should visit em' one of these days." She ain't gonna start trouble in an already claimed land. Now that just foolish! Though 'course, if they start something with her first, that's another story.

"Dunno!" She wholeheartedly admitted, "haven't been 'round these parts. Yet." While she has been inland, it wasn't in Teekon Wilds. She's been far from the area, and explored elsewhere before arriving to these perculiar lands. Though for the last few months been sticking around the sea, as she felt an odd inclining to being by the shores as of late. Thoouugh who knew when that would change, she could already see herself leavin' by the time winter be coming. The seabreeze is nasty once the ice hits, she don't want to face it, "but there is always a place to explore laddy, n' i'm gonna find the adventure."
Sea Shanties
Now we are ready to sail for the Horn
Weigh hey, roll and go!
Our boots and our clothes, boys, are all in the pawn
To be rollicking randy dandy-O!
Crabs?! Giant crabs?! That definitely sounded like a creature from his worst nightmares, ranking right up there with ponies and Bambi.
110 Posts
Ooc — Bryndel
Driftwood beamed at her suggestion of a visit. Sure! That'd be great; I'd be more than happy to show you around sometime, if you'd like. His tail kept steadily and gladly fanning the air: the the Energizer Bunny, it just kept going and going and seemed to have no intention of stopping for even an instant. He had seen the sudden gleam of interest and intent way she had turned to regard the land bridge to his home... but somehow Driftwood couldn't for a moment imagine this lady had any sort of nefarious intent. She seemed so jovial after all; perhaps a little bumptious with her enthusiasm, but what of it? He was sure he or any other Undersea member would be thrilled to have her do the tourist thing there on Wheeling Gull, properly supervised of course (given the pups underfoot and whatnot, especially).

He cocked his head curiously however as she admitted she hadn't been around this place all that much, though. He'd assumed that to be so boldly comfortable in her skin here, she must have been pretty familiar with the area. Driftwood secretly and somewhat wistfully admired her confidence as he asked her, Oh... you're new to here? Where is it that you came from, and what brought you here, then? And he couldn't help but also privately wonder to himself at least in passing if maybe, just maybe, she might have traveled someplace near where he had come from...and might be able to enlighten him on the matter a little, if so. That frustratingly hazy mist of his past was a bit of a niggling thorn lodged in the back of his mind: it would be nice to shed a bit of light on it, if ever that were actually possible. He wasn't certain how Norsamu here's travels might help elucidate any of this for him, but it didn't seem totally impossible at the very least...right? He hoped.