Blacktail Deer Plateau I'm one of your secrets
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
This title has been stuck in my head for days from a commercial.

Blue Willow woke up with a wide faced yawn that split her maw and showed her pink tongue. She shook her fur and then with a small step she stepped from the darkened den into the early morning light. She would look for some more plants today before she went on her way to find Osprey, but first rule of business was breakfast and the rest in the cache.

She smiled as she walked from her den smelling a hare immediately. With a small smile she began to stalk the little thing her green eyed gaze taking in the wonders of the early morning world. Early morning always filled her with such delight, it was the time when everything was waking and sometimes if you were lucky you could see baby animals blinking around blearily sleep still in their eyes.

She stalked the rabbit and with a quick rush of her paws and a snap from hre jaws she had it dangling limply from her lips, blood dripping in a pool below her. She was not very hungry, but she ate at least half of it, depositing the rest in the nearest cache. She would have to have a bigger lunch, as she would burn off some calories, she planned on a jog this morning.

She moved easily the wind rushing through her fur as she jogged an easy gait. Tufts of dirt was all that was seen in her wake as long limber limbs tore up the ground in a type of dance.

<i>avatar by Tokio!</i>
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Ooc — Sammi
Rob watched the black wolf quickly catch the small hare, a smirk appearing on his face. He gazed a moment longer, as she tore the rabbit in half, then moved on. The brown wolf was not traveling any place in particular, but he definitely strayed from the pups and the den. He was unsure about his feelings having to do with them; he'd heard he had a younger brother and sister. They were small, but healthy. Rob felt guilty for the way he'd treated his step-mother. No, more than guilty. He felt like a monster. Would his siblings hate him if they ever found out that their mother despised his existence? Did his father truly forgive him for what he'd done? He had acted like a spoiled brat, spewing hateful words at the mother of his siblings.

Lost in these racing thoughts, Rob moved forward, head down and eyes focused on the forest floor. Unbeknownst to him, in his path was the black wolf from before.
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue Willow was jogging at a loping run until she saw the other wolf in front of her ans she skidded to a stop and chuffed gently "Hello I'm Blue Willow I do not believe we've officially met, but you are Robur Aqua yes? She had not met all her pack mates, but she had at least tried to learn their names. Other than that she knew nothing about the male in front of her so she offered him a smile and then waited for him to speak and she studied him.

The male that stood in her direct path and was not even looking up was dark brown and had small circles almost like a raccoon. Though the circles were very faint and barely discernible. He was a little bit larger than she.
<i>avatar by Tokio!</i>
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Ooc — Sammi
Rob was so startled and deep in his thoughts that the only thing he heard was 'Robur Aqua, yes?' and he nodded dumbly.

Quickly renewing his attention. "I assume you heard that name from either Hawkeye or my father. Those are the only two who use my full name. You can just call me Rob." He paused a moment, taking in the black wolf's beauty. "If you'd like, that is. Robur Aqua is also fine." A small smile curled at the edge of his lips, his tail swaying slightly.
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue Willow realized she had startled him so she backed up a little bit and smiled again. "Okay well met Rob. I'm Blue Willow but most call me Blue or Willow whichever is your Preference. I'll only call you Robur Aqua if you're in trouble deal. She teased slightly, she was becoming very comfortable in this pack and found that her inner humor and mirth was starting to spill over.

"I heard your name from hawkeye. I have not really spoken to your father I have preferred to give him space.
<i>avatar by Tokio!</i>
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Ooc — Sammi
Rob grinned at her playful comment of using his full name if he was in trouble. "I guess you'll be using my full name a lot, then." Still smiling, Rob winked at Blue Willow. "How about BW? That way I get my own name to call you." Robur's silvery golden eyes shined with amusement.

He nodded at the fact that BW had heard his name from the Alpha. He refrained from saying or thinking anything disrespectful about his father. Instead, he asked, "How are the pups doing? I... haven't been to see them yet." He felt a sudden shame.
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue Willow wrinkled her nose she really didn't like BW but she would allow him to call her that if it pleased him. You can call me that if you like, though it just seems odd. She didn't know why the nickname just did not seem to suit her, but to each his own she didn't really mind all that much.

Blue Willow grinned and her tail wagged furiously any talk about the pups was enough to turn the healer into a pile of goo and make her do dances of ecstasy. "They are doing wonderful. Pura and Saena are good Pura is very hyper and excitable. Saena is very shy, she tends to stick to herself mostly and unfortunately Osprey Junior picks on her she seems to be the leader thus far always jumping into the fray. Tytonidae (don't know if I spelled that correctly) or Ty as I prefer I can't say her long name she is also excitable but she sticks close to home most of the time at least I haven't seen her out and about like Pura and Junior. Why haven't you been to see them yet? I bet your father would appreciate it? He's not handling the death of Pied well I don't think. She frowned as she thought of the older male, she was unsure if he would be able to clear the fog of grief that seemed to lay heavy on the air around him. She had never spoken to him admittedly more than when Pied died, but she had been around him and the sadness was palatable.
<i>avatar by Tokio!</i>
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Ooc — Sammi
Rob shifted, thinking of something else. "What about 'Blue'? I don't want to call you something you dislike. I could just greet you with comments on your pretty eyes." A devilish grin appeared on the brown wolf's face, the small spattering of freckles on his nose complimenting the look.

A smile showed on his face and eyes while Blue Willow spoke, but his eyes fell to the ground when she asked why he hadn't been around and then mentioned his father. "I... gah." Rob sighed heavily, his body showing his distraught. "I usually don't talk about my feelings, so I'll keep it short. I was rude to Pied before she died, and I never got a chance to apologize. I don't know if I will be able to look at my little brother and sister with the way I talked to their mother." He returned eye contact to black female. "As for my father, he has been through a lot. I doubt he will talk to a packmate unless prodded. Why don't you try pulling him aside one day?" Rob's chest ached. He worried about his father. Things weren't perfect between the two, but Kisu had lost two mates in his lifetime.
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue Willow smiled and said "Blue is fine, but really you could have kept the nickname you chosen. It's just not one I am used too. She was taken back and honestly did not know how to respond about her eyes. She just shifted and gave a small shy smile and a whispered "Thank you though I think their pretty normal to me. She was not used to attention from any male of any type so it was a surprise a kind one but a surprise all the same. She supposed she should probably start thinking about settling down she was going on 3, but well she just was so caught up in healing and helping others, she supposed sometimes she neglected herself.

Blue Willow smiled kindly "Trust me Rob you'll take one look at those pups and you'll totally forget you were rude to their mother trust me. They are far to cute to be ignored and Pura is going to need an older brother he lives in a den full of females poor little fellow. I hear his gaseous bodily functions can clear a den. Isn't that something brothers would be proud of. She teased kindly. Her brothers had been proud of that her father had said, why on earth she did not know but to each his own and males they were a whole other ball game. "I'll try it one of these days. I just didn't want to intrude on his grief. Pied was sweet as they come.
<i>avatar by Tokio!</i>
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Ooc — Sammi
Rob looked into Blue Willow's eyes. "They are not normal at all. They are vibrant and tell a story." The male spoke with honesty, but a hint of something else was in his voice.

The male smile. "I see my brother was named for our grandfather. I am sure he will hold his own among the females, especially with that sort of repellent. I am curious as to what my siblings look like. Funny that I am older than their aunt and uncles." He went quiet a moment and nodded, thinking about what Blue Willow said having to do with Pied. "He will be okay. He's been through a lot, but my father is strong."
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue smiled at him but bowed her head for a moment trying very hard to figure out what was going on and why the male was being so nice. This was a whole new ball game to the she wolf. Though her knowledge of herbs and pups and wolves and stories was vast and almost never ending the social cue's and relationships were a blank slate that she had yet to learn anything about other than her parents of course.

Blue smiled and spoke softly "I could not even begin to describe the kaleidoscope of colors to you. you will just have to see for yourself. And Yes I think he will be a definite ladies man, perhaps even one of those oh contrary sensitive males. she teased the last part Being raised with females he was bound to have some empathy and sentimentalist to females and others in general. Blue nodded Yes I am sure he is.
<i>avatar by Tokio!</i>
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Ooc — Sammi
Pushing his luck, Rob decided to continue the little charade. "You're even more beautiful when you act a little shy like that." He bowed his head to look at her, then raised it again and smiled, ready to continue on with the conversation.

"I think I will go and see them tomorrow, then. You have convinced me." He snickered at Blue Willow's comment on his brother being sensitive. "You know... that actually might happen with all of the girls he is being raised around. But, then you have our father, me, and Atticus and Peregrine to teach him how to be suave and gross." He winked at Blue Willow.
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue Willow's eyes went a little wide but she gave him a small smile none the less. Well Thank you Rob. Very much. She was unsure what else to say, she was unused to such attentions and didn't know what was the proper thing to say so she just thanked him. This was uncharted waters for the healer.

She laughed at him Yes I suppose you will teach him to be a gross boy, though he has some of that down pretty good with his bodily functions. and I suppose Peregrine and Atticus will teach him to swear like there is no tomorrow. Blue did not want to think of the first time Pura would let such a word fly in her presence there was a very good chance she might have a heart attack.
<i>avatar by Tokio!</i>
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Ooc — Sammi
Rob chuckled at the words Blue Willow said. "I am sure Hawkeye and my father will prevent that from happening — at least when he is a pup. I'll teach him how to woo the ladies... he might grow up thinking that Osprey Jr. and Ty are like his sisters, but they aren't They're going to be girls that are potential mates." Rob winked at Blue Willow.

He waited a moment before asking: "Do you ever plan on having pups?" He widened his eyes in realization of the forward question.
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue Willow couldn't help but laugh at his cavalier devil may care attitude. It was catching. You sir have a very contagious devil may care attitude. Oh i think they'll be too close for him to think about that too much. She didn't think about that all that much, had never really thought of how the pups would act once they got older.

Her eyes went wide at his incredibly personal question. However, she didn't really mind, she made no secret about the fact that she would want a family some day. well yes I would like to have pups of my own. I have to find a mate first though and then I would have to get permission from hawkeye and Peregrine of course. And if that is not in the cards for me well i'll just lover their little ones and Pura and Saena with all my heart. How about you? it was a personal question to be asking but he had asked her first so it was only fair that she repaid in kind.
<i>avatar by Tokio!</i>
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Ooc — Sammi
With her comment, Rob gave a devilish smirk and narrowed his eyes in a mischievous way. With that, he swiped his tongue across her cheek in a surprise kiss.

He scoffed at her words, but in disbelief, not offensively. "Peregrine likes you a lot. You're the Beta. Of course he'll let you have a family. I'm sure for the rest of us, though, it would be a firm 'no'.

And as for me... I am not sure. I suppose I am afraid of being a father after what has happened to my father."
Rob didn't go into details that would darken the mood.
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue Willow gasped and backed up slightly having never had that happen before she stared at him strangely trying to figure out what in the world was going on. What was that for? I find I'm not very comfortable with it. She was curious now and curiosity always killed the cat.

Blue smiled at his next words I am fond of Perry he is like one of my brothers. But bear in mind I would need permission from Hawkeye as well and as is her right as alpha she could reserve breeding rights for herself and only herself and of course I would be fine with that it is her right.

Blue looked at him a little bit of sadness peeping out of her eyes. You should not be afraid of something that could be the best thing to happen to you. And I am sure if yo uasked your father, he would tell you that regardless of what happened to his mates he would not change anything and he would still have children. I could be wrong of course but I can't see that being the case.
<i>avatar by Tokio!</i>
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Ooc — Sammi
Rob smiled sheepishly at her reaction. "Have you never been kissed before, Blue Willow?" He had kissed for the first time at a very young age. Younger than most. Such things were not very serious to him — not in his past, at least. Things were different in this area.

Rob "hmm'd" for a moment. "I can't speak for her, but from being around her it doesn't seem like Hawkeye has a problem with you. But her liking you may or may not reflect her opinions on allowing other pack members to have pups of their own. I think she mentioned once about being raised in a gypsy back..." His last words leaned toward him thinking the large, dark female would say 'yes' to Blue Willow, but he truly wasn't sure. For some reason, this bothered him; he wished to know.

"I suppose you are right. I know that my father cares for my siblings regardless of what happened to my mother and to Pied." He felt a slight twinge of envy that his brother and sister would get to grow up having a father and a pack that cared dearly for them. Rob had none of these things and had to make it on his own.

He shook his head, thinking that he was foolish for being jealous of his siblings.
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue stared at him a little longer and shook her head gently No I haven't that was a first for me. She had never had time her parents keeping her on a proverbial leash where other wolves were concerned.

Perhaps she will, but on top of that I would need to find a good male first as well. She had not really thought of it much, being she wasn't old yet and she had time and there was too much going on right now for her to eve nthink properly about the prospects the pack had to offer as it were.

Blue saw him shake his head and she briefly wondered at it. But she rather shrugged thinking of other things and she said quietly Yes it is a shame. Perhaps you and your father can begin to make some better bonds now when he should need you?
<i>avatar by Tokio!</i>
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Ooc — Sammi
Rob stared blankly at the female for a moment, wondering if she was playing him for a fool. After he saw she was serious, his eyes shifted down to the forest floor. "I am sorry, I did not mean to make you feel uncomfortable in any way, Blue Willow."

With her words of looking for a good male, he looked up and straightened himself. "Well, there's a nice male in front of you. With good gene. Just look at my family." He smiled like a dork, showing all of his teeth.

He thought a moment and nodded his head at her next works. "That's true. I didn't think about that. I suppose... I suppose that I always think of myself and not what my father must be going through." A sinking feeling in his chest came over him and he felt guilty for his selfish thoughts.
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue Willow chuckled not wishing to be unkind. no need to feel bad about it. I believe i was more surprised than anything. She chuckled at his not so subtle hints, yes you do have good genes I suppose Saena and Pura are certainly good looking, as is your father I suppose I have not really noticed. And she hadn't really noticed anyone.

Blue Willow spoke softly You can't blame yourself for such thoughts. You told me yourself you and your father did not have much of a bond. There is no shame in thinking for yourself when it's always been only you.
<i>avatar by Tokio!</i>
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Ooc — Sammi
A slight sway of his tail and a smile came from the words of Blue Willow and how she was simply surprised above anything else. He then laughed at the fact that Blue Willow said she never noticed his father's looks. Rob thought a moment. "Well, he's got some scars, which ladies love. And his eyes are super cool, of course." He winked, knowing that his eyes were a replica of his father's. "And my dad has coloring I've never seen on another wolf. Me being his and my mother's son means I have a good pool of genes and that we'd have strong, attractive pups together." His eyes lit up, thinking that his case was solid. Although it was mostly on the fact that pretty eyes and nice features were most important in a family, he knew that love also was in the mix, though he was still awkward in exploring those types of feelings.

He became quiet with the next words of Blue Willow. "I... I don't know what to say. I think for once I am at a loss for words, Blue Willow." Rob lifted his eyes to meet the orbs of the female before him. "It's like you know exactly what to say and somehow you understand how I feel inside." Expressing his emotions was overwhelming and new for Rob, and his chest ached.
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue chuckled Perhaps yes, but I look for other qualities than outward attractiveness. And above all else I want a love match. I also will do what is best for me first, even if I love the wolf if he is damaging to me in some way well he will be gone it is that simple. and it was Blue gave much and she lived through her heart, but she also did not give an ounce where mistreatment was concerned of any kind.

She shrugged self consciously, Most of my life depended on the body language of others and myself, so I have learned to read others fairly easily and I also know how you must feel in a way, but not fully. My mother and I were not close as a matter of fact we rarely saw eye to eye on anything.
<i>avatar by Tokio!</i>
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Ooc — Sammi
Rob blushed, partially in shame. "I've never... loved another wolf before. In that way. I-uh..." He trailed off, not wanting to tell the female before him that he had been with A LOT of female wolves, but never once had a feeling stronger than physical attraction. Scratch that, he'd once felt fluttering in his stomach when he'd seen a silver-colored female with matching eyes, but she was cold to him and wanted nothing to do with him after a one-night stand.

Straightening himself slightly, he met the green eyes of the black wolf before him. "Blue Willow, I would never be anything less than kind to you. Your soul is kind and everyone can see that. I guess I will just have to prove to you what I feel." His heart raced inside of his chest and he could hear the thumping in his ears. A rush came over him like nothing he'd felt before and he thought he would stop breathing.

When she spoke of her mother, Rob frowned. "I am sorry you were not close with your mother." He paused a moment. "...What about your father?" He asked the question cautiously, hoping for something positive.
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
I'm going to go ahead and fade here if it's okay and archive since this is rather old...if you want me to get it unarchived let me know and I'll do so. Another soon?

Blue Willow chuckled it's okay I have not loved another as of yet either. She meant on a purely emotional level granted she had never loved a male any other way either and she actually didn't even realize that was what he was talking about or surely she would have blushed herself.

Blue Raised an eyebrow momentarily confused had she missed something? She had only been talking in general terms she had not meant him at all. Okay Rob. And Thank you. She smiled again.

Blue chuckled in happiness My father was my best friend still is if he's still traipsing across the forest fancy free and footloose. She missed her parents and she loved her mother too she was just closer to her father. Don't get me wrong I love my mother and we had good times she and I just butted heads a lot.

Blue looked to the sky and noticed it was beginning to grow later and she figured they better go to their respective den areas. It had been wonderful to talk with you and I am glad to have met you today Rob. Please we must have a day spent talking again soon. She smiled then and trotted off towards the place she called home.

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