Kintla Flatlands fluorescent adolescent
37 Posts
Ooc — Marie
Again the small fox was out and about, skipping through the high grass with reckless abandon. His featherlike tail swishing as he leaped without a particular destination.

As he went, he hummed a happy tune that would probably scare away any birds or prey that was near. But he did not care, it was not food he was looking for, it was fun what he was after. Blinded by his never ending thirst for adventure he had wandered a bit to far from his usual grounds.

But who would blame him? He was just lone teenager, looking for trouble, high on excitement and drunk on adrenaline.
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue Willow was out and about on this nice day. Her eyes were keen as she looked out over the kintla flatlands. As she traversed the borders and on into the neutral ground she couldn't help but notice the young fox traveling near. She gave him a small huff, not trying to scare him away, though it was unusual to see a fox this far. They were mostly up towards the highlands and the creeks.

Hello there. she spoke softly.
37 Posts
Ooc — Marie
Like a mad bull the small fox threw kicks and blows at the air, his tail whipping wildly behind him. He felt the uncontrolable need to burn the energy he had stored inside him.

Bu before he could continue trashing around like a mad men, a gentle female voice called his attention. A few yards away a dark coated wolf stood looking at him.

Charlemagne like the naive teen he was didn't even stop to analyze if the larger canine before him could be a threat to him. Instead he raised his lush tail like a flag and revealed his small set of fangs in a mischiveous smile.

"Ello!" he barked, waving his tail in the air as he spoke.
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A small smile worked it's way across the healers face at the way the youngling was tramping and traipsing throughout the fields. You look like you are having fun young one? She spoke to him as she moved closer but staying a bit away as well after all he was a fox and she was a wolf, didn't always get along. Though as a rule Blue tried to get along with everyone even non-wolves.

She smiled again I am Blue Willow well met little fox. She shifted her weight, but didn't sit still a little slightly wary of the young fox male.
37 Posts
Ooc — Marie
The yearling offered a sheepish grin and shrugged, "Ha! Yeah" he laughed as he flicked his tail behind him like a cobra waiting to strike. The wolf didn't look threatening, so Charlemagne took the liberty to allow his muscles to relax.

The pretty female introduced herself and with a promt nod Charlemagne did the same. "My pleasure, my name is Charlemagne" he yapped dipping his snout slightly.

Then the craziest idea ran through his mind, perhaps he could challenge the wolf to a race! After all it didn't seem like the female had anywhere to be, and he was bored so...why not?

He dropped into a playing bow an swished his tail fropm side to side. Other foxes might've said he was insane for asking a wolf to play. But Charlemagne didn't care, he had done it before eventhough he almost never got more than a mocking laugh and a snarl.

Maybe she'd be different? Whatever, it's worth the shot, he decided, swishing his tail around once more.
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Pleasure to meet you Charlemagne. She smiled at him. She was momentarily taken back when he play bowed, but she really didn't mind. She had conversed with foxes and coyotes throughout her entire life, her parents were healers and healed any and all who needed it. They were in neutral territory after all and though most would probably look upon it as foolish, she realized she needed ot have a little fun and as long as they didn't traverse past her borders she wouldn't have to get aggressive or anything. Fun was long overdue for the beta healer of the plateau.

So chuckling to herself, she also bent down in a play bow tail wagging waiting for him to decide what to do. it is best to have allies of all sorts my girl allies of all sorts you never know when you may need them her father's words came back to her then and a great longing grew to see his weathered and scarred face.
37 Posts
Ooc — Marie
Charlemagne awaited a nasty response from the female, like almost every other of his bigger cousins. For some reason wolf's viewed themselves as superior, not only in size but all around better than every other animal in the planet. But surprisingly the female returned a smile and dropped into a play bow, mimicking the small fox.

Charlemagne chuckled and swung his tail grawing a big circle above him, inviting the female to take the first leap. His bright yellow eyes sparkled with mischief and his little black-tipped ears were tightly pinned to his head.
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue Willow chuckled low and she jumped forward snapping gently at the air near the little things shoulder. But making sure not to actually get him. She jumped back again and wagged her tail, barking quietly. her tail wagged as she waited to see whta he would do.

It was a little unorthodox to be playing with a Fox she knew, but she was okay with it. After all she was in neutral territory and there was no problem with making friends with anyone that wasn't a wolf.
37 Posts
Ooc — Marie
this is so cute, Blue is such a sweetheart
Then the charcoal female lunged for his shoulder, snapping it's jaws at the air surrounding his body, of course Charlemagne knew it was just playing so he pulled away standing on his hind paws and giving a high pitched yap.

Then as the female bounced back into her inicial potition Charlemagne sprung forward feigning to dive at her paws when he actually aimed for the fur that clinged from the side of her neck.
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Thank you I love her, but I kinda fear that if she does ever get riled up it will be bad lol

Blue Willow laughed outloud at the adorable fox as he reared up on his hind legs and let out a small high pitched yap. If she could get away with it she'd just keep him, but she knew that Peregrine would definitely say no to that, so she would just have to settle for play dates every now and again. Besides her den was reaching capacity, not that she minded it actually made her happy to have so many near her. With Osprey and Amelie and now Silvermane right outside while he healed well she was definitely busy.

She dodged slightly, though his little teeth got part of her scruff so she snaked her head around and pulled gently at his tail. Haha got ya little fox!
37 Posts
Ooc — Marie
Charlemagne responded to the she-wolf's laughter with a grumbling snicker of his own, as he dashed for the side of her neck, he felt the female's silky coat in his mouth, he nipped playfully and bounced back unfortunately not fast enough to avoid getting his tail pulled.

He squeaked and trashed his tail wildly hoping to tickle her nose, then he dove for her feet in an attempt to distract her and get her to release his fluffy behind.
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue Willow laughed and then sneezed as he tickled her snout and she reared back on her hind legs when he went near them. Laughing it was almost impossible for her to stand upright while trying not to bust a gut laughing as hard as she was.

Finally, she went to the side and thumped down laughing at the sly little fox. She chuckled and giggled and then lay there panting when she was calm enough too.

Give me a minute little fox. You are much more nimble than I.
37 Posts
Ooc — Marie
Charlemagne pulled his tail close to him once it was released, the tip waving like a snake. Then as he threw her attack at her paws she stood, and Charlemagne gave a little shriek of awe, the wolf was perfectly five times his size but with her front paws in the air she tripled the number.

Then as laughter took a hold of the female, she let herself fall to her side, the sound of giggles still erupting from her throat. Charlemagne waved his tail over his head and raised a paw from the ground, clawing at a non-existing enemy in front of him.

"It's the deal that comes along with being a fox" he exclaimed, puffing his chest with pride.
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue Willow laughed again then stood gently I can try and be nimble, but I think my bulk gets in the way. She looked down at her self with a small smile, not really minding her size just teasing the fox.

She batted back at him playfully, but making sure not t oget him she did not wish to give him a tumble and make him fly head over tail she would feel awful. He was so tiny, but he certain had a lot of pluck that was for sure. She chuckled again at his cocky little remake and spoke Is that so little fox.
37 Posts
Ooc — Marie
As the wolf moved to seat up, Charlemagne jumped back landing in a perfect bow, his front paws straight in front of him and his rear in the air. He waved his tail slowly as a coy for the female to engage back in the game.

"That's the only downside of being a wolf" he shrugged shifting his paws like the floor was made of lava and his tiny paws were getting burned. Then the female threw a punch and Charlemagne bared his teeth and gave a playful bark.

Then she confronted him, raising an eyebrow at his previous remark. The young fox swished his tail across the ground and flicked and ear back, "Well of course! There's no creature more agile than the fox!" he yapped and again crouched and waved his tail inviting her to play, "I'd be willing to race you just to prove my point" he challenged with a broad smile.
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue Willow stretched and then she herself went into a play bow before the youthful fox. She chuckled at his tail wagging and his happy grin. He was a sweet young male and she enjoyed his company she would have to leave soon, but she could have one more fun moment a race in the sun was joyful.

She shifted and nodded her head. Very Well Charlemagne. Let's race. But then I a m afraid little fox that I will have to get back and play another day. She tilted her head and waited to see how he would want this to go.
37 Posts
Ooc — Marie
When he saw the wolf bounce back into position, he gave a happy yap and copied her. "Alright lady wolf," he nodded, he didn't ecpect the female to stick with him the whole day, wolves had errand to do, always busy going from one place to another.

He scanned the horizon and saw a shrub several yards away a single yellow flower barely visible at it's tip. He then turned to the wolf and with a lash of his tail he barked, "Alright first one to reach the shrub over there and get the flower wins!" he exclaimed.

Then he dropped into position, his hind legs ready to propel him forward like a spring, and his tail waving behind him like a leaf in the wind.
"Ready.." he began, narrowing his eyes at the female, "Set" he teased with a long pause.

"GO!" he squealed as he lunged forward, his tiny legs moving at maximun speed.
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue Willow looked over at the shrub and the flower and smiled and nodded her head. She shifted he position so that she was fairly normal but her nose was pointed straight ahead towards the shrub. let's go little fox.

At his word to go she jumped into action. Blue black legs churning as they ate up the ground. She had length on the little fox, but he head speed. It would be a close race for sure. She wondered if they would tie or if the little fox would beat her with nimbleness truth be told she would not care either way she was just in it for the fun.
37 Posts
Ooc — Marie
Little paws galloped across the flat lands, trying to maintain the small distance between him and the wolf, his mouth parted and his sleek pink tongue lolled out, his breath being interrupted by jagged gasps and giggles.

Charlemagne could feel her breath hot on his shoulder, and flickered his tail in her direction in an attempt to tickle her once more. His bright yellow eyes were fixed on the flower, standing proudly with the promise of success.
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue Willow was gaining on the little nimble Charlemagne when she felt the brush of his tail across her nose. Trying hard, but failing at ignoring it she had to slow to sneeze and laugh. Of course that guaranteed his win.

She lay panting in the grass flicking her own tail for a moment. You cheated sly little fox. But it was said with amusement and laughter shining from both her eyes and her face. You little fox have made this wolf's day.
37 Posts
Ooc — Marie
Adrenaline pumped through the little creature's veins as the wild winds around him tangled his fur, he allowed his tongue to hang from his mouth as his tiny paws threaded lightly upon the ground. He heard the female shriek behind him but didn't stop to look. No, he would not stop until he had the flower between his jaws.

Finally he reached the shrub, and gave a jovial bark to show his triumph as he pulled the flower into his possession, then he turned to see the wolf, and with a smile approached slowly towards her.

"Better luck next time friend" he barked as he carefully set the yellow flower next to her paws, as a gift. "It was a pleasure to meet you," he barked sniffing the top of her head, "Hope to see you around!" he called then, with a playful wave of his tail.
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue Willow picked up the yellow flower and smiled at the fox. Yes I hope to see you again too Charlemagne. With that she stood quietly and trotted off towards her own pack lands, the yellow flower clutched in her mouth and a smile in her eyes. It had been a fun morning to say the least and she looked forward to the little fox's next visit.

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