See the pack's internal territories for references!
Along the Boneyard she strode, a place already dedicated for their dead. Though it is new here it is not a new concept of the Deorwine who held one within their old forest home much akin to this. Already her family had began to collect the bones of those fallen, but few yet still, of the elk. No wolves bones, yet Odessa would be left to wonder if it would be she who is first laid to rest at this burial ground. To lay open in the woods, corpse to be picked clean by critters and bones to be bleached in the sun where not covered in moss.
She ponders her own death a moment longer, the chilling morning air crisp and a reminder of winter to come. She strides on and soon a great oak is before her, its base open and vacant for entrance. The Staghall, she breaths deep and enters and settles to the cool earth within. A praise to her High Elk was in order and prayer for his blessing of the pack's survival.
November 09, 2020, 09:23 PM
Célnes was a frequent visitor to the Herd, but not the prayer area. Unsurprisingly it was often taken by other Deorwine's, especially the Bull Odessa. Her pumpkin gaze followed her so, not disrupting, nor' a nod to the other. She wondered if the other even noticed her, as only prayers and songs about the High Elk filled her head.
![[Image: daypp44-35fafcf4-5681-4f2b-ade7-060f2833...UH7g592rRs]](
November 18, 2020, 12:24 PM
Praises now then finished, ever grateful the Deorwine had found a home again, the Bull turns sharp round within the hollow tree trunk to exit. Here she sees Celnes, the newly appointed King along her brother's side.
We owe the High Elk much for giving us a fresh start.For a time she was unsure if the High Elk would grant such a thing, wondering if they had lost the God's favor. He still remained with them and so figured perhaps Celnes' new acceptance of those unflavored by the Gods had not banished them just yet. Still, the old wolf had no intention of playing nice with them. They were still heathens in her harsh yellow eyes.
November 25, 2020, 10:08 PM
"Very so." The Deorwine King agreed to the Bull's words as she nodded to with a sickening sweet smile. Never once did Célnes come to the grounds to pray to him, but still created their area for those who still follow him so diligantly. Occasionally would she self-practice, for the comfort that someone may approve of her actions as no one else does..
But she knew, her belief to him was dying very slowly. However the facade of keepiong up with it was a must to win the hearts of the rest, "can you share me a prayer, Odessa? For the future." She asked the elder for a prayer to the High Elk in her honor, seeing if the other would instead caste her as a heathen to he, with a thousand horns, or bless her so.
But she knew, her belief to him was dying very slowly. However the facade of keepiong up with it was a must to win the hearts of the rest, "can you share me a prayer, Odessa? For the future." She asked the elder for a prayer to the High Elk in her honor, seeing if the other would instead caste her as a heathen to he, with a thousand horns, or bless her so.
![[Image: daypp44-35fafcf4-5681-4f2b-ade7-060f2833...UH7g592rRs]](
November 28, 2020, 11:07 PM
A smile, perhaps just as fake and forced as Odessa had seen time and time before amongst the family, as often Odessa was made to force a smile onto her lips, as now.
Never before had Odessa heard the young girl's prayers and today would be of no exception. She asks the Bull instead to do it for her, likely unwilling so to test her own limits with by giving prayer to the High Elk not of her heart, lest he strike her down.
Never before had Odessa heard the young girl's prayers and today would be of no exception. She asks the Bull instead to do it for her, likely unwilling so to test her own limits with by giving prayer to the High Elk not of her heart, lest he strike her down.
Of course.She speaks and lifts her head high, nose to the winds and her eyes close to enjoy a moment of silence until,
Blessed High Elk, we pray for you to give us the strength and conviction needed to be worthy of your acceptance and gifts.That of a thriving new home, that more of their family may be lead the long stretch of journey back to them, that the lands would remain plentiful, to survive through the years to come.
That long live our rightful King,no name drop intended, would Celnes catch that?
who will unite our rifts and lead us into a future where the Deorwine will prosper again.
November 29, 2020, 11:34 PM
"Praise be the High Elk." She caught the elders words so, but said nothing on the matter. She knew better then to argue upon the beliefs of their religion, as they were all very stubborn. To the end especially the Bull, she was already old enough that even Célnes knew the hope was little, and her only thoughts were to Calhoun.. Who she sometimes believed was even more deluded then the other.
"How are you doing?"
"How are you doing?"
![[Image: daypp44-35fafcf4-5681-4f2b-ade7-060f2833...UH7g592rRs]](
December 01, 2020, 05:34 PM
Its getting colder, Celnes...She speaks to the young girl as she comes down to a sit with a bit more effort than she should have.
My legs are more stiff, I feel the cold more then I ever had before.And a small cough then, she adds,
And the fires still plague me yet. I dont think I was meant to travel so much again.Alas she had been forced too and with it and the crossing of two mountain chains, the smoke and now the winter coming, it had been an overload on her system. Would Celnes be happy that there was a great chance one of her problems would be solved soon?
December 08, 2020, 06:06 PM
"I did not desire to drag us through so many mountains, but alas, the High Elk decided to roam so far from the our home." It truly was far from the old land. The journey was truly rushed, and they laid temporary claim to quite a few areas before officially finding where all the rest of the Apostles lay claim. Not without trouble, as her mind drifted back to the Firebirds, before coming back to the reality of where they are.
"You will live, as the High Elk did not let you perish through all that." Unfortunately, but Célnes truly did believe the Bull would not die anytime soon. Travelling through the mountains and back, to the fires and rain.. Stubborn, even to the end.
"You will live, as the High Elk did not let you perish through all that." Unfortunately, but Célnes truly did believe the Bull would not die anytime soon. Travelling through the mountains and back, to the fires and rain.. Stubborn, even to the end.
![[Image: daypp44-35fafcf4-5681-4f2b-ade7-060f2833...UH7g592rRs]](
January 09, 2021, 09:40 PM
Closing this up!
She would speak, saying she had no intention to drag them so far but it was the High Elk's bidding. She would place the blame to him, as she accepted no responsibility for her actions. In this case, however, she was true to say that their God had done the guiding and so, despite the travel, did as he so wished.
Perhaps for still many moons to come, then.She spoke on behalf of still living on, though all the trials. The trials of this new land and those she had endured through the years in her old home. Still, ever faithful.
If he so will it.She said then, knowing well she would not go until he felt it so. Maybe she was meant to stay, to try to hold the pieces together of what they once were.
Dipping her graying muzzle to the false-king, she did then dismiss herself and leave.
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