Panther Park There is no luck in the draw, but only the success of the dealer
56 Posts
Ooc — Decay
spree request from @Alara! ^^
they'd rested up well. but now it was time to move on. 

he led @Cynna to the far side of the lake, intent upon continuing toward the mountains.

maybe it was there that he would find the place he sought. the perfect haven. 

the perfect empire for him to rule.
adopt one of the wild cards!

21 Posts
Ooc — xynien
From the hinterlands she drifted on the wind, aimless. A tall figure in the distance caught her eye.

He reminded her of someone.

You can never come back.

Chin aloft and tail flagging, she slipped closer to inspect. This was not him, she was sure of it. But Alara was curious all the same.
56 Posts
Ooc — Decay
the further into the wilds they traveled, the more wary he grew. 

when the new figure approached, he did not miss it. 

sounding a warning, via a near menacing snarl, his lip curled tight. his posture stiffened, eyes locked upon the stranger with a deathly glare.
adopt one of the wild cards!

21 Posts
Ooc — xynien
She froze in place, her own posture tense and unforgiving. Her own high growl clashed harshly with the man's warning snarl. Alara was still for several long moments, only watching; waiting.

She didn't fault him for his aggression. The scent of another lingered near; perhaps Alara too might have been defensive, had she anything to defend. But she did not. So she was only curious.

Curious, and unwilling to back down.
56 Posts
Ooc — Decay
there was no submission, but only a returned sound of aggression. 

this did not please him. not at all. 

another step forward. then his chin rose higher, teeth bared, saliva frothing through the gaps. 

they had only one choice in this moment. submit, or they would not leave this place unscathed. 

the brute would accept nothing less.
adopt one of the wild cards!

21 Posts
Ooc — xynien
But Alara would not submit.

She stood tall with tail lashing high above her back. Her pale eyes never left the man, never faltered, though a single paw lifted in silent preparation for her flight.

Presented with two options, she would choose neither. Hadn't this man learned anything by now? Surely he was old enough to know this, at least: wild women never did what they were told.
56 Posts
Ooc — Decay
we can either go free reign, or roll die for outcomes, should it escalate. entirely up to you!

she refused. 

a mistake. even if only in his eyes. 

spitting a final wordless insult, he charged the insulting woman. 

as per where his aim landed, he didn't care. there was red in his eyes, and the only interest he now had was to maim.
adopt one of the wild cards!

46 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
A cameo unless otherwise noticed

A quick jaunt to find food ended almost as quickly as it started when faint snarled warnings caught her attention, enough so that she abandoned her search to regroup with Ace.

Two figures stood at a stand still—one she knew, but the other was unfamiliar. Female, by the looks and smell of her. That alone made her own hackles rise. 

What is it with Ace attracting females? Okay, she knew what it was—he was handsome and mysterious. Shit, it worked for her, but that was beside the point.

The two wolves seemed overtly displeased with the other. Or, maybe it was just the way wolves liked to say hello? The coyote doubted the notion and chalked it up to a battle of wills.

So, she let them do what they needed, wordlessly sitting on her haunches to watch, her tail twitching in excitement. Ace had mentioned his lusting for blood, maybe he will get what he wished for.
[Image: IMG-0266.png]
21 Posts
Ooc — xynien
This will be Alara's exit unless pursued <3
The wolf moved; in the distance a figure appeared, one of her own kind perhaps, but the coywolf only spared a moment's glance for the ruddy silhouette. Alara was already in flight.

As quick as she'd appeared, she would slip back into the wilds and be gone from this place. She could find no use for a man who demanded submission from the moment his eyes fell upon her, and surely the feeling was mutual. So Alara retreated back to her solitude — until the next big thing.
56 Posts
Ooc — Decay
the cowardice. 

she turned and ran. 

the brute scoffed, turning his back on the retreating form. 

foolish woman. he scoffs, looking to his coyote.
adopt one of the wild cards!

46 Posts
Ooc — Kitt

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Cynna huffed in disappointment as she watched the woman turn tail—not getting to see the man work made her a cranky coyote.

“Well, how fucking lame was that?” She said in return. “She looked ready to knock you on your ass, though, Sug. I was really looking forward to you putting her in her place.” Her other disappointment was that she had been distracted by their noise making and missed the opportunity for a dinner and a show.

“Stupid bitch…” she grumbled, her stomach echoing the sentiment. If she had arms, they’d be crossed, her pout heavy on her lips.
[Image: IMG-0266.png]
56 Posts
Ooc — Decay
he snorted at the display of his little coyote's disappointment, lip twitching in amusement. 

mhm, what a loss for you.

looking over his shoulder, he made sure the coward had truly gone before turning back.

i'm sure you can manage to find some other form of entertainment for yourself, he mused with a cool grin.
adopt one of the wild cards!