Duck Lake The city, the crowd is fading, moving on
Swiftcurrent Creek
55 Posts
Ooc — Cheetz!
All Welcome 
Maneuvering herself around the legs of tall aspen trees, the young snowbird would come across the glittering reflections of water in the afternoon sun. A satisfied grin took ahold of her face just then, to which was then followed by a jolt in her hindquarters -- casting herself into a sprint.

Without much warning to the avian bystanders, who swam unperturbed in the lake, the body of a yearling slammed into the surface of the water and caused them to become airborne. The alarmed calls of many ducks followed, and Yukimi could only stare on with a light chuckle. Maybe her own way of saying sorry in duck.

The cooling water of the lake felt nice on her skin for the moment -- and when she was finally done cooling herself off she'd resurface, caring the weight of both herself and her soaked pelt to the lake's edge. The sun would dry her off soon enough if she found somewhere to rest....
[Image: 85512331_sBCUc47O1EZtqNO.png]
Fluent in: Common, Japanese, and Norwegian. Knows some Icelandic, but isn't very good at it.
Redtail Rise
60 Posts
Ooc — Kat
He drowsed in a tussock of long grass a few yards from the lake shore, eyes cracking open as he felt something brush him. Cambria lazily watched a tiger swallowtail as it skimmed past his elbow and drifted across the summer grass toward the water’s edge. His eyes slipped shut a moment later, his cheek wedging against one pale, outstretched foreleg.

He snorted awake at a sudden burst of sound, scrambling to his feet and then going rigid as he swept his surroundings with at least three of his senses. Cambria quickly zeroed in on the source of the disturbance: a wolf had leaped into the lake, scattering the ducks to its far side as she paddled about leisurely.

He remained very still and watchful as the stranger eventually waded to the shoreline. Cambria wondered if she was actually as small as she looked, or if it was just the effect of her soaking wet fur as she climbed out of the water. He blinked as he studied her petite, curvy figure, struck by the contrasting colors of her pelt.

Deciding she wasn’t a threat, Cambria folded back down in the grass and continued watching her, wondering if and when she might notice him.
Swiftcurrent Creek
55 Posts
Ooc — Cheetz!
Yuki, in fact, did notice him.

A vessel of white, not far off from the shoreline. His mismatched gaze seemed to observe her -- one was as deep as the sea itself, and the other like the sun that glistened above them. She didn't know how long they'd even been sitting there -- hell, she hadn't even payed attention when she dove head first into the lake. 

The snowbird's glacial gaze met his own, and her crown tilted sideways as the sides of her mouth pulled into a smile. Are you sunbathing? She questioned, her tail swaying steadily behind her.

The waters are too nice to be baking in the sun, don't you think?
[Image: 85512331_sBCUc47O1EZtqNO.png]
Fluent in: Common, Japanese, and Norwegian. Knows some Icelandic, but isn't very good at it.
Redtail Rise
60 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Her icy eyes found him, pinning on his own. Cambria held her gaze, watching as her lips curved into a pleasant smile. His own expression remained cool and impassive, though one white ear twitched at her cordial query. He wasn’t much of one for small talk, though before he could even think of some clever riposte, she posed another question.

A beat of silence stretched before Cambria replied, I’m resting. He paused, glancing at their surroundings before returning his inquisitive gaze to her face. Are you out here by yourself, he wondered, or is anybody else with you?
Swiftcurrent Creek
55 Posts
Ooc — Cheetz!
For now, I wander by myself. Though a freind of mine is close by. She answered honestly. True, Ash would've probably appreciated this place just as much as her. It was getting unbearably hot this summer -- perhaps she should've asked him to come along, too.

What about you, sunbather? She quipped with a playful grin on her face. I've already lost parts of my dark and mysterious air. I'd only be fair for you to loose some of yours, too.
[Image: 85512331_sBCUc47O1EZtqNO.png]
Fluent in: Common, Japanese, and Norwegian. Knows some Icelandic, but isn't very good at it.
Redtail Rise
60 Posts
Ooc — Kat
He wondered about this friend. Was it a woman, perhaps matching the description he’d been given? Cambria shook his head, deciding it was unlikely this friendly she-wolf was harboring a kidnapper and her victim. All the same, he would keep up his guard, because one never knew…

She clearly wanted to make small talk. Cambria didn’t enjoy it even on the best days and, presently, he was very drowsy. He was intrigued, though, and decided he wouldn’t mind getting to know a bit more about her. It sounded like he would have to tell her a bit about himself in exchange, a manageable fee.

I’m neither dark nor… he began, only to pause, considering. Maybe I am mysterious. But if you’re asking if I’m alone: yes.

The yearling sensed she wanted more than that from him, though if she did, she would have to ask outright. He blinked lazily in the sun’s glare, head tilting when a cloud’s shadow scudded across the pair of them. Cambria couldn’t say exactly why this sequence of events made him think to ask another question of his own.

I’m looking for someone, though: a small, skinny coyote. Have you seen her, by any chance?