Silverlight Terrace Just sit back and hold on, but hold on tight
33 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Moonglow had only just called her home, yet already Nasamiituuq's heart sang for more. In the quiet of the night she dreamed many bright, vivid dreams whispered by a spirit filled with ambitions of its own. Soon, she often told herself, soon but not yet.

It was the earthly ties of the body which tethered her to Moonglow still. Her family grieved. They had great need of her now, but perhaps come spring, they would not need her so much. Spring always promised new life.

Nasamiituuq traced a path through the moonlit silver of the terrace now, searching. Or perhaps she had found what she sought. The sunshine girl felt herself too young to know just yet. She knew only that many things would change before spring — and that this place too would change.
19 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Birds were wise creatures - that was why Waawaashkeshi had found herself following them across territories. They would lead her to where she needed to be.

Trotting across the grass in a doe-like stride she tilted her head up to let out a howl. It felt right - someone was here, someone would respond.

She could feel it in her heart.
33 Posts
Ooc — xynien
The breeze was gentle through her fur, but cold! Nasamiituuq shivered lightly, halting in her tracks when wolfsong cut through the night. A gentle, melodic call; she was reminded of bright mornings and birds singing their greetings to the world. She turned then, searching.

Her eyes caught on a gilded figure under the moonlight. Curious now, Nasamiituuq lifted her muzzle to call back to the other wolf. Her tail swayed at her haunches, friendly but uncertain.
19 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
The call was returned.

Rushing towards it with a smile she soon spotted the other. A familiar figure.

Ears perked and tail swaying, she began her approach.

"I know you, yes?"
33 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Recognition lit behind her eyes as the woman approached. Ah, Nasamiituuq knew her! Remembered fondness warmed her features, and she stepped closer with tail swaying merrily. She wondered immediately whether the gilded wolf had followed the birds here, or if she had carved her own path.

Keshi! Yes! It is so good to see your face, Nasamiituuq gushed, ears hot with delight and frayed nerves in equal measure. Are your people near? Moonglow would welcome them, the sunshine girl thought! Surely such a visit would brighten the spirits of her grandparents!
19 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
She shook her head, a grin on her face as she came forward to nuzzle the other, tail wagging furiously.

"Oh, no! I came alone." She giggled in response, giving a lick to Nasamiituuq's muzzle. "I followed the birds to you."

She had asked them to lead her, and she did. Later she would need to give her thanks.

"The pack you spoke of interested me."
33 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Oh! Moonglow! My home is not far from here - just this way, Nasamiituuq beckoned Keshi eagerly, turning at once to lead her. All the while she cast nervous glances toward the birdhunter to be sure that she followed.

The journey is very long. I do hope you fared well! She added, stumbling a bit over a rock she hadn't seen. Her cheeks grew hot again. Watch where you put your paws, she chided herself, focusing more fully on the path ahead of her now.
19 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
"I've picked up quite a bit on the way, so the time wasn't put to waste." She was quick to trot after the other. Her goal had been reached, and she couldn't be more glad.

The pack that the other had spoken of had held her interest for some time, so when it was time for Keshi to make her decision to either leave her home or stay, she knew exactly where she wanted to go.

She loved her birth pack, however she could not learn much remaining in one place. She needed to explore before she settled - otherwise she would only be left with regrets.
33 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Oh, Moonglow will surely bring you joy - the sunshine people hold much knowledge, Her voice was warm, eyes bright. Nasamiituuq had spoken fondly of Moonglow to the Summerwalkers, who had welcomed her tales in spite of how strange Moonglow's ways had seemed to them.

Moonmother most of all - my grandmother, who leads Moonglow with my grandfather, Sunman, Only once had she spoken of her grandparents among the birdhunters. Always she held those names between tongue and teeth with reverence. Still, it felt odd to speak of them; it felt as if all the world should know already.
19 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Waawaashkeshi was doing little to hide her excitement, comfortable in the presence of the other. She craved the satisfaction of newfound knowledge.

"Will they mind you returning with me?" She asked, "I wouldn't want to cause you trouble."

If Nasamiituuq's family was as friendly as her Waawaashkeshi assumed that there would be no issue, so long as she behaved.
33 Posts
Ooc — xynien
I'll start the thread at Moonglow so Keshi can get ranked <3 we can continue this or fade here!
Moonglow will welcome you, Nasamiituuq reassured the other girl. My youngest sisters might like to hear stories of your people!

Will you stay? Her words were careful, then. She hadn't expected anyone to follow her, least of all Keshi! They'd spoken only sparingly during her time among the birdhunters. But she was glad that the green-eyed girl had come. Nasamiituuq hoped secretly, maybe selfishly, that she would stay at least a few moons.
19 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
We can fade from here! If you shoot me a tag I'll follow to the next thread <3

She giggled, finding amusement in the other's carefully worded sentence. "Don't say such silly things!" She rubbed her pelt against Nasamiituuq's as she spoke. "If I came, then I will stay." Her words were gentle, her tone genuine. It was like honey running down your throat.

There was things to learn here. Once she had discovered all there was to know she was not sure she would stay, but that was not something to think about now. She could worry about the future as it became the present.