Northstar Vale Let's see how you take this
Montagne de Ciguë
Grand Gurrier
100 Posts
Ooc — Xenon

His brother no longer leaves his den often. A part of Chaudry misses him.

He has avoided visiting with him, for he does not wish to argue; he knows Chesley blames him. He knows he is likely angry over Chaudry being left in charge. But what was maman to do when his brother isolated himself?

Stood tall outside the hollowed ground where the soot brother resides, he let's out a sigh before slipping in with a rabbit gripped in his maw. He knows maman will have dug out room for two.
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Thread titles from "Little Wolf"
Montagne de Ciguë
60 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
He heard him at the door. Pawsteps that matched the gait and heft of his brother. The small den grew darker as the large wolf filled out the entrance. 

Though his scent wasn't alone. He had food. Food seemed nice. 

The black wolf stirred from his rest. A nap, kind of, but he hadn't been sleeping. 

"You can just leave it right there," he said, though didn't turn to face his brother. He'd rather his ruined face not be viewed. His useless, clouded white eye. The imperfection that disgraced his once-beautiful face. It should not be seen.
Montagne de Ciguë
Grand Gurrier
100 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
The rabbit is dropped to the ground, Chaudry moving to sit by the side of his brother and allow light into the den.

Maman will be home soon. He speaks in a light tone, uncharacteristic and yet familiar to his brother's alone. Chaudry is a cruel man, but his family alone is who he is truly good to. Their opinions are the only one's to pierce his impenetrable ego. Will you leave your den to greet her?

He tilts his head, awaiting his answer. He wishes that Chesley would look at him, that he would not feel shame.
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Thread titles from "Little Wolf"
Montagne de Ciguë
60 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
Hearing the wolf move closer, Ches’s lip raised in anger. 

He wouldn’t leave his den. He didn’t leave his den. Only when no one was around, to relieve himself if required. Not for his mother. Not for anyone. He did not want to be perceived like this. Not with a permanent tear stain where his smokey eye dripped incessantly. Not tarnished the way he had been. 

”I said leave the food.”
Montagne de Ciguë
Grand Gurrier
100 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
It is here. He states curtly. You need it closer? He asks, lifting the rabbit after a moment and placing it in front of his brother.

He sighs now, legs folding to lay himself down, head placed to Chesley's flank. You feel shame. I cannot pretend I understand, but, He pauses, frowning. I want you to feel better.

Maman was growing worried, Chaudry too. Life was passing by his brother; it did not feel right. There is excitement in the new year, siblings to meet. He pauses once again. Nieces and nephews too. The glaieul is yet to mention the litter he has sired; Chesley is the first, because he knows his brother will not tell.
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Thread titles from "Little Wolf"
Montagne de Ciguë
60 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
He wouldn't feel better. But the act of bringing the food closer did hide his fangs. He shouldn't be angry with his brother. 

Was it the new year already? How long had he been hiding.. 

He raised an ear, nearly turned his head, but refrained. 

"You? Does mother know?" 

Mother should know. He didn't think she'd take well to the news if a litter had not been discussed.
Montagne de Ciguë
Grand Gurrier
100 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
He shook his head, though his brother was not facing him. Not yet, but I have planned for some time. He says, tail curling around himself. Maman struggles to have daughters, but the good thing about sons is that we too can give them to her. Granddaughters are viable heirs. It was an act done out of goodwill.

I want only one, the rest can be sons. With one girl we will avoid arguments. He stares at the wall of the den, mind wandering. Admittedly, he is excited. He already has a name for her, pictures of her life flashing through his mind.

He will love her dearly, maman will love her too. Eyes move back to his brother now. They had the joy of growing up surrounded by family, he hopes that his children will have their uncles at the very least.
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Thread titles from "Little Wolf"
Montagne de Ciguë
60 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
He wouldn't tell her. But he wished his brother would have left him without this knowledge. It felt dirty, to hide something like that from her. 

As much as he liked the idea of caring for his brother's litter, he knew this would be frowned upon by his mother. 

"And if there is no female? What then, Chaudry? Are you stupid?" 

A genuine question, one that he wasn't asking for the first time in their lives, either.
Montagne de Ciguë
Grand Gurrier
100 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
It is already done. Pala carries my litter now. It is spoken of lightly, as though she mattered little. I will tell maman upon her return. She has spoken of grandchildren before. Do you not remember how thrilled she was when Chevalier had taken a wife? Though of course, their brother's children had not survived. Maman had not been upset with him for illness was not always preventable, but the abandonment of his wife had left her livid. He didn't think maman and Chevy had spoken much since.

But Chaudry would be a good father, worthy of her praise.

He inches his head closer, hoping to meet Chesley's eyes as he smiles. One of my sons will take our father as his middle name. Their father had passed when they were only a few days old. Viskani had never told them how. But Chaudry knew that he too had been Grande Glaieul; a strong man, handsome and powerful. He had captivated Chaudry for their whole lives.
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Thread titles from "Little Wolf"
Montagne de Ciguë
60 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
He wasn’t convinced. Mother could be hard to read. Something like what Chaudry had done would certainly elicit a reaction. Positive, if he were lucky. But it entirely depended on her mood. He’d better hope she had a good trip. 

But regardless, he could be excited. He could allow himself that. And in fact, his pristine black tail swayed for the first time in weeks at the mention of his father. His head moved, and his half-gaze found his brother’s. 

” happy for you, Chaudry.” he said, a stiff smile making its way across his unpracticed muzzle.
Montagne de Ciguë
Grand Gurrier
100 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
A gaze finally meeting his, he reached to lap between his brother's eyes. Thank you. He stood now, shaking out his fur. It was nice to curl up as they had when they were pups, even for a short time. He wished Chandon had been here too.

I like the scar, it suits you. He decides, tail waving at his hocks. A show of strength. Auntie Aude used to say that father had a scar across his eye too. Though unknown to the brothers, that partial blindness had been how their mother had bested him.

He turns now, exiting the den of Chesley. There is work to be done elsewhere.
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Thread titles from "Little Wolf"
Montagne de Ciguë
60 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
The wolf shied at the mention of what was so obviously wrong with him, no longer meeting his brother’s warm gaze. 

But his tail thumped behind him. 

The scar didn’t suit him as much as two perfectly working eyes. But his brother’s words had been reassuring. 

And then he felt his side grow cold, and heard his brother walking further away. 

“You don’t have to leave..”

It was his way of asking him to stay, without asking. He missed him.
Montagne de Ciguë
Grand Gurrier
100 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
He pauses now, head turning back. You want company? He asks. He hopes Chesley will decide quickly - he's a bit large to be standing in this den.

He is excited, really, for his brother is often far colder towards him. It will be good to spend time together.

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Thread titles from "Little Wolf"
Montagne de Ciguë
60 Posts
Ooc — Dingo
”N-no. You’re just warm. And I’m cold.” 

He wouldn’t admit truth here. But he hoped his brother knew anyway. 

Good with fading!