Ravensblood Forest Can you feel the Sun?
174 Posts
Ooc — Aero
The sun shown high and clear above him. Today he would begin training with his children. First up was Vale. He stood in the circle, the clearing would be the perfect place to start. He called out for his son @Vale, "Vale, meet me at the circle." His only real training of his own was forced upon him through survival as a child battling to the death. It was an ugly thing that he was terrified would catch up to his own children. It was what he still ran from and fought to protect them from to this day. He shook the thoughts of the past from his mind and the lingering phantom pains of his escape that was his missing limb. He stood tall as he wait patiently for his son, his face a mask, so as not to betray any of the lingering emotions.
93 Posts
Ooc — Trigedakru
Vale perked instantly at his father's call, and he gave a short howl to let him know he was on his way. The circle was not far — maybe a few miles away from the dens. Vale was larger now, and his paws were sturdy. He made it to the circle in just a few minute's time, and he grinned at his father, asking, "What're we doing today, dad?"
Physical Health (100/100)

Vale is healthy.

Mental Health (60/100)

Vale is struggling mentally.
174 Posts
Ooc — Aero
His son's call had him truly shifting back into the here and now. It only took minutes, he knew their territory well. He smiled broadly when his son arrived, eager as always. "Today you learn how to defend your home." He walked back and forth, it helped him think. He wasn't the greatest at the teacher thing. Patrolling came easier because he could move the entire time. He paused and faced his son.

"Would you like to spar with your old man?" He winked. He wouldn't attack of course, he would only dodge, allowing his son to be the aggressor, he wanted to assess his son's natural abilities and find his strengths first.
93 Posts
Ooc — Trigedakru
Vale's eyes lit up. "A spar?" They had not ever sparred before, and when he was younger he had always been the one preventing scraps from breaking out, mostly among his sisters. He saw himself as a peacekeeper... and he was wise enough to know that sometimes that meant getting violent. It would be good for him to learn how to fight.

He grinned toothily up at his father. "I'd love to, dad. How do we start?"
Physical Health (100/100)

Vale is healthy.

Mental Health (60/100)

Vale is struggling mentally.
174 Posts
Ooc — Aero
"In a true fight there will be no starting or discussion, but in a proper spar you will want to discuss the rules beforehand. For example we will not be drawing blood, so you must hold back your bite and claws. However, I still want you to attack me as if I were not your father but a stranger on your land. I want to see what you can do. We will take turns, you should try to defend my attack."

He winked at his son. He wondered if Vale would take advantage of his 3 legged status. His son was already nearing his stature, he would surely dwarf him in size and easily be able to topple him should he wish. Hopefully, he wouldn't continue to use it to his advantage, but Vagabond had also learned how to fight with and work with his disability as well. But truthfully speaking, he was almost positive that Vale would be able to win any fight against him easily once he was full grown.

He walked until he was in the middle of the clearing and his son on the outskirts. Then meeting his eyes he nodded once. Then ran towards him, zig zag patterning so as not to betray which direction he would ultimately come from. He reach Vale quickly his mouth resting atop his nape where his teeth could have easily dug in. He waited to see how Vale would deflect his attack.
93 Posts
Ooc — Trigedakru
Vale didn't know the first thing about defense, but when his father came charging at him, he bristled. He reared up, not unlike a bear, his forelegs crossing to deflect Vagabond's attack, but he was nearly pushed from the circle entirely. Vale returned the attack, ramming into his father's shoulder and aiming a quick strike at his neck.
Physical Health (100/100)

Vale is healthy.

Mental Health (60/100)

Vale is struggling mentally.
174 Posts
Ooc — Aero
His son was quick to react as he ran towards him. His own strength was of course, no match against his son's, but his initial reaction was to defend himself by raising himself off the ground such a way that did leave some of his other more vulnerable parts exposed. Vagabond would have to work on correcting that in training.

Vale's counter attack was good. He rammed into Vagabond's exposed shoulder, staggering him only slightly. He followed it with a strike to his neck but he was unable to gain hold as he pulled away, circling his son.

"Well done, Vale! Keep an eye on your belly when you're in the air, make sure I don't strike at that instead. Your attack was absolutely beautiful. Here I come again, get ready."

Circling Vale, Vagabond quickly approached, aiming for one of Vale's legs. Should he succeed he would hold it in his mouth for a moment before releasing.
93 Posts
Ooc — Trigedakru
Vale dropped back to all four paws as Vagabond began to circle him and when his father struck out for a foreleg, Vale curled it inwards with a cheeky grin. With his father's head so low and reaching, Vale easily aimed to bite and pull on one of Vagabond's ears — a sensitive location, he knew.
Physical Health (100/100)

Vale is healthy.

Mental Health (60/100)

Vale is struggling mentally.
174 Posts
Ooc — Aero
He couldn't help but let out a quick chuckle as he saw Vale's smirk as he reached for his ear. He allowed it, even though he knew he'd pay for it later. His ear ached where Vale's had held it briefly. He ducked his head and reached for Vale's throat, should he succeed, he'd hold it, giving it a quick shake before releasing it.
93 Posts
Ooc — Trigedakru
As Vagabond's head dipped to go for Vale's throat, the boy opened his maw in a great snarl, so that his father was met with teeth rather than the soft flesh of his throat. He had not sparred before, but he had good instincts, and he aimed a few quick snaps at his father's face.
Physical Health (100/100)

Vale is healthy.

Mental Health (60/100)

Vale is struggling mentally.
174 Posts
Ooc — Aero
last from me for this thread

His son was quick, a rumble came from his throat. A snarl mixed with laughter. His son was a natural, and somehow he knew he would be. Instead of ending the spar as he'd hope Vagabond was met with teeth, his son snagged him by his nose, a tiny trickle of blood began to form. "Geesh kid, you're kicking my butt here." He winked at his son, he bumped him gently with his own body, "C'mon kiddo, you up for a patrol or would you rather head home for the day?"
93 Posts
Ooc — Trigedakru
Vale had won, but not before he tasted blood. This shocked him, as he wasn't intending to hurt his father. Pulling away, he grinned sheepishly, and at his father's words he said, "I still have a lot of energy. Let's patrol!" and he would race off to lead the way.
Physical Health (100/100)

Vale is healthy.

Mental Health (60/100)

Vale is struggling mentally.