Ouroboros Spine you better run, better run, outrun my gun
10 Posts
Ooc — Van
Chipped ear turned in the direction of the male's voice, quickly followed by her sharp head. The girl's body turned about fully and she bounded over with similar enthusiasm to a horse just finding its legs. Coming to a curt, graceful stop before him -- which had at first seemed impossible by the way she was coming -- Envy tipped her head up as her tail wriggled slowly back and forth. "Brand spankin'," she assured him confidently. "Just got me a fresh coat of Cara all over -- check me out," she goaded, lifting her right foreleg as if to expose her armpit to him. But without the genuine expectation that he would sniff her there, she quickly put her leg back down after the inclination was made.

"I'm Envy, by the way. What you got goin' on here?" she fired off rapidly (if only because she was nervous), and she took a claw to his freshly covered hole and unearthed the rabbit buried there. "That's weasel business you're doin' here -- holdin' off on the pack like that. Tsk, tsk." In her family pack they didn't have caches; they were all too dumb to think like that and they just devoured and moved around as much as they could, probably losing more wolves than they had to in the process.

Envy simply wasn't familiar with the concept of preserving food sources. She was merely used to getting what she could, when she could. The dead rabbit at her feet served to remind her of her hunger as well, but she was also been raised in a system where hierarchy was tantamount to almost anything else. She wasn't so uncouth to take it without asking. "So... you're not gonna eat that?" was her way of asking.
Messages In This Thread
RE: you better run, better run, outrun my gun - by Envy Elric - March 20, 2015, 11:06 PM