Firestone Hot Springs you're the color of my blood.
5 Posts
Ooc — ⌡
This place smelled like farts. Sulfuric, rotten egg farts. It wasn't a pleasant smell at all which makes one wonder, what the hell was Fossil doing here in the first place? Looking for a tar pit to toss his sorry self into? (Maybe.) Fossil was scampering along with his head in its usual downcast position, his gaze flickering between strands of grass which waved in his passing, or the occasional tree - solely to avoid walking in to it. But he was distracted; the hunger in his belly had far outmatched his desire for adventure. The boy was so distracted by the pit of his stomach that he didn't notice the last tree drift by, or the increasing scent of sulfur (farts) until the stench all but slapped his stupid face.

And when he stopped, brows raised and expression curious, he tried to get a clean gulp of air by lifting his head. That only made things worse - leaving him retching by the side of a pool, and just at the moment when something plopped in to the water, a few feet away. When he turned to look, he was doing his best not to inhale a drastic amount of air. And that was when he saw her - a smallish girl (at least from this distance) who didn't seem to mind the smell at all. But then, why would she? A plump, bundled lunch (likely a fresh catch) hung limp from her teeth.

Fossil, in his great need, sucked in a subconscious breath - feeling saliva fill his mouth, either because of the girl or the weasel - and then the girl did the unthinkable. She threw the bloody thing in to the water! An unholy screech tore out of him at that sight, and before Fossil could stop himself, he was stumbling her way. Gulping air, trying to stop himself from throwing up bile, and looking positively dismayed by her behavior.

He was beside her in time to see the body drift deeper in the water, hearing a blup. With a slackened jaw, Fossil turned to the girl with the most defeated, what the hell look upon his face; and then promptly turned away, because his lungs had unwittingly become host to a cloud of noxious fart-air. In the next moment he was retching across the edge of the hot spring.
Messages In This Thread
you're the color of my blood. - by Harlyn - March 21, 2015, 03:37 PM
RE: you're the color of my blood. - by RIP Fossil - March 30, 2015, 11:28 PM
RE: you're the color of my blood. - by Harlyn - April 03, 2015, 03:27 PM
RE: you're the color of my blood. - by RIP Fossil - April 03, 2015, 04:41 PM
RE: you're the color of my blood. - by Harlyn - April 06, 2015, 08:52 PM
RE: you're the color of my blood. - by Ahren - June 06, 2015, 04:48 PM
RE: you're the color of my blood. - by Harlyn - June 06, 2015, 07:28 PM
RE: you're the color of my blood. - by Ahren - June 06, 2015, 10:40 PM
RE: you're the color of my blood. - by Harlyn - June 07, 2015, 07:23 PM
RE: you're the color of my blood. - by Ahren - June 08, 2015, 11:29 AM