Rising Sun Valley a lion doesn't concern himself with the opinion of a sheep
63 Posts
Ooc — Will
Please let @Raezho post first. Mild PP, will edit if you mind. @Rakharo  Hover for translations. :)

[Image: LR3AH2c.jpg]

azzaroHis father had trained him well and he knew Drakhavo would've wanted him to take over and rise from the rank of Ezok to the rank of Khal the day he died. To lead the Khalas on hunts for Bison, on raids, to plunder and pillage, to steal and fight, for the their Khalas to keep its reputation as a fearsome and formidable pack. But Drakhavo had not risen to the rank of Khal when he had just reached the age of one, the age of an adult. He had proven his skill and efficiency in battle again and again, earned the Khalas's trust, then defeated the old Khal and took over. Azzaro had been young, and though he had proven himself a formidable opponent in battle, he still had the rank of Ezok when Drakhavo died, he hadn't even gotten the rank of Lajak yet. His father was a Ko when he fought for the rank of Khal. Azzaro had been an apprentice, an initiate, an Ezok. The wolves of their Khalas knew of his, and his reckless brother's ability in battle, but they knew not of his leadership abilities and so the Ko of the pack branched off, taking a good amount of wolves with them when they did, leaving almost nothing behind for the two brothers. The bloodfangs of Drakhavo remained to bid them farewell as they too, left, to join Drakhavo in death.

azzaroAzzaro had been expecting some wolves to leave but he hadn't expected for all the wolves to take off and leaving only a few slaves with them. Bitterly analyzing the situation, the darker brother of the two suggested they leave their beloved fatherland behind and find another home somewhere else, another Khalas, perhaps maybe to even start their own when they conquered a new land. Though their departure was because of death, the two brothers left in hopes for a better future, for new lands to conquer and raid. The slaves followed them loyally though they soon died from lack of food, for the two brothers had to be fed first and Azzaro wanted to keep moving. He thought with a certain kind of dark amusement that Raezho was sure to be in heaven now, after all this journey was probably only adventure for his little brother's reckless soul. He wondered if Raezho even cared for their father at all, the dead Khal had been a good father to them, gentle but strict and he made sure his sons were of Dotharan standard, fiercesome and formidable warriors, matching their father in combat. He had loved them dearly.

azzaroShaking miserable thoughts away from his head, Azzaro focused on the more positive part of the journey but he was beginning to wonder if this journey was in vain. They had seen world wonders, roaring crashing waves, forests, lakes, valleys, mountain fortresses but they still had not come to see what they truly needed. Widespread plains inhabited by Bison, the inspiration of their beliefs and the main source of their food. Perhaps they should never have left their fatherland, he hadn't seen anything for them here, and the dark furred Dotharan feared he had led he and his brother to their deaths.

azzaroStill, he continued walking but was only met with disappointment when the forest opened up into a valley with a river running through it, with neither plains nor Bison inhabiting the land. They walked down towards the creek where Azzaro sniffed the air and the ground, but finding only traces of small prey and the usual deer and elk. A dark scowl decorated the Ezok's usually stoic features for a moment and released a deep guttural growl of annoyance, spitting irritably into the rushing water. "Yth geou pok tenpiswo ihk naeck vur gethrisj shafaer earenk." Azzaro spoke to his wayward brother, his face back to its stoic mask as he sank onto his haunches by the creek's edge.

azzaroThe dark furred warrior glanced up to look at his brother, meeting Raezho's ivory gaze, much like his own and their father's and offered the light furred Dotharan a half hearted smirk. "Sjek wux iaco, moxt isthasy." A small frown followed, and the Ezok spoke again, "Mobi seems ekess qe ehis ihk udoka tenpiswo. si l'gra si tepoha led udoka ekess hesi marfedelom."
Messages In This Thread
a lion doesn't concern himself with the opinion of a sheep - by Azzaro - April 05, 2015, 04:40 AM