Rising Sun Valley a lion doesn't concern himself with the opinion of a sheep
20 Posts
Ooc — Leondre
When Azzaro glared at him, Raezho felt his insides crumbled. His brother was obviously the dominant one out of the two, he would do so much better in the future than Raezho. He would be able to lead a good Khalas, with strong warriors and have a good Khaleesi by his side. Raezho honestly felt like a failure at the moment. His brother then began about how they had eaten the elk two days ago. Two damned days ago. Raezho was still a growing wolf, he needed his food. jiil keari kiri drong. wux janik somehow vsist tepoha vi gliiwr resksik, shar si gewjtokvi rigluin ekess sone vur nakta sia dastudr svern. sjek wux tir ti tuor ekess letoclo ve, hak qe batobot idol. si mi gewjtokvi gethrisjir ekess sone. Raezho snarled, his impatience taking over. He normally never snapped at his brother, but hunger and slight fear were too much for him.

His brother then proceeded to talk about his joke. The way he twisted it almost made Raezho smile. Almost. fogah klewnoric usv asildk, coi ui still ti kiarf. He said, managing to stop himself from growling. Raezho inhaled, calming down as cold air filled his lungs. wux re harkt. si mi bivai ihk losing sia sanipkur sva wux. What were they...most likely he supposed to do if he couldn't even keep his cool with his own brother?

After he had said the words about them finding the plains, he watched as his brother mustered up a small smile and said he had spirit. Raezho positively beamed. His brother rarely praise anybody. Raezho didn't either, but he was more friendly than his brother, though not by much. When his brother admitted with a crooked smile he thought having Raezho there might not be that bad, he was astonished. Never in his life had Azzaro ever praised Raezho at that point. Ever. For a moment, Raezho was tempted to reply a sassy reply. But decided not to. si mi saeuth wux re tenpiswo kiri He muttered, feeling a little out of place. 

But his brother stiffened and his posture straighten, meaning something was wrong. Raezho sniffed at the air, his body stiffening as he scented an unfamiliar scent. Stranger Danger. It was obvious by his stance he was not afraid. He was a trainer warrior, even if the other wolf was more experience, he had his brother to back him up. They could definitely beat the stranger. 

The stranger turned out to be a bulky cinnamon wolf with specks of copper. Raezho held a low growl as his brother told the foreigner to stay back. He shifted into a battle stances, ready to pounce at the stranger if he meant trouble.
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RE: a lion doesn't concern himself with the opinion of a sheep - by Raezho - April 07, 2015, 09:00 AM