Rising Sun Valley a lion doesn't concern himself with the opinion of a sheep
63 Posts
Ooc — Will
xD :P

[Image: LR3AH2c.jpg]

azzaroRaezho spoke insolently, snarling at him, saying that two days were too long and he needed to eat to keep his strength up. The older brother of the two had enough of the golden pup warrior's childish and immature behavior and keeping his stoic mask on, he spoke in a silky yet lethally dangerous tone. "Ssejinw!" Azzaro did not need a whining wolf to add to his list of problems, he seriously had enough already.  "Wux geou ti renthisj ekess ve nomeno idol. Tir ti wux jinthil svabol Drakhavo huena yenta?" The dark furred wolf gazed into his brother's eyes, a glint of icy fury evident in them for the briefest of seconds. "Vi khalas maulkic ulnaus. Vi khalas soneic ulnaus. Vi khalas protects ir voga. Vi isthasy protects jacida isthasy. Vi myvish protects jacioniv myvish. Vi opsola protects jacida deevdru. Vi dask protects jacioniv hianag. Vi odassa protects asta vrak. Vi vrak protects asta odassa. Vi svihelen protects ir voga." 

azzaroAzzaro turned his gaze to the river once more before looking at his little brother and speaking the last words softly, the silky manner he once spoke in, vanished, replaced by an unemotional one. "Opsola ornla qe jirank mrith wux." Then he leaned in closer and whispered into Raezho's ear,  "Yth re isthasyi. Ti irlymi. Yth re svihelen. Jinthil."

azzaroThe darker brother listened to the blonde wolf as he spoke, making a comment about their age difference joke once more before apologizing for his behavior which was received from the Ezok with a brief nod and a grunt. Though a gentler and kinder smile passed the wolf's features when Raezho spoke in a mature manner, saying he was glad he was here too instead of smirking at him and making a sassy and very annoying comment which would've made the older wolf smack him, not gently either. He supposed it was mostly out of fear for losing his pretty blonde face. 

azzaroThe stranger spoke, saying to talk to him this way was either very brave or very unintelligent. He took a few steps forward and asked them which were they, Azzaro twitched his tail, telling his brother not to move yet and hopefully his previous words of their father would make him listen to the leader's command. If not, Raezho would have hell to go through later.  "Sgos ui wer kaldaka svaust gethrisjic ahead ios majakir siofmea ekess wer risk." The Dotharan spoke, keeping his stoic mask firmly in place.  "Nurothokentinw ui drelniqtokvi stupidi, sugercoated." Azzaro cocked his head slightly, almost in a birdlike manner. "Wer weyotipre rionib sveargith vur pothoc shilta qe zi narrow."  

azzaroHe shifted his weight, a smile almost on his face. Almost. "Si suppose si geou anyui batobot visidark mrith nomeno sentence," Azzaro rumbled. "Yth re ti faessiri." He had inherited his wit and adventureness from his mother, much like his own brother, and his strategic brain and leadership from his father. They were a perfect match.  "Yth tepoha anyuia. Jaka, svaust re wux?"                                   
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RE: a lion doesn't concern himself with the opinion of a sheep - by Azzaro - April 08, 2015, 03:54 AM