Rising Sun Valley a lion doesn't concern himself with the opinion of a sheep
63 Posts
Ooc — Will
[Image: LR3AH2c.jpg]

azzaroAzzaro was glad his brother listened to his command and did nothing but stay still, who knew what would've happened if he didn't. A fight probably, and if this wolf had backup, they were dead meat, and though they would die with honor, fighting a battle. They would lose the battle, and then they would die and dishonor their father's name, as well as having let him down. And that was seriously not something he wanted to do. Nor something, Azzaro believed, Raezho would like to do.

azzaroThe current leader of their small Khalas of two listened as the man opposite spoke, apparently he had not been impressed by Azzaro's display of intelligence and wit. But then, most Dotharan's did not, they believed in fighting after all, not words. Words were for weaklings, so they thought. The youth could control himself expertly, but he nearly lost his temper when the wolf in front of him referred to his brother as a 'girlfriend'. But kept his cool, yelling out right now would help nobody and he hoped Raezho would keep his temper in check too.

azzaroApparently this Khal Rakhavo thought they were following his Khalas, seriously, if they wanted to follow his Khalas, they wouldn't be discovered at all. "Jaci ui sia isthasy vur vi Dotharan, ti vi fanol," the dark furred wolf hissed."Yth re jaka shadowing dout khalas. yth confn de raesh dahaan vur banprivi confna de wer diieson direction lae dout khalas. yth confna acht nomeno stream ergriff klewari ago vur yth walked tenpiswo de batobot caesin svern mobi." Azzaro motioned to the forest they came from, his voice regaining the same calm and quiet cool it usually had, unless provoked.

azzaroThe Dotharan tilted his head slightly and replied to the Khal's second question, "Yth tuor ehis de wux usv dout khalas unless wux tepoha plains mrith herds di bison houpetor zahae tenpiswo." Azzaro spoke, but he flicked his ear backwards this time, telling Raezho that if he had anything to add, he could tell them.
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RE: a lion doesn't concern himself with the opinion of a sheep - by Azzaro - April 16, 2015, 04:25 AM