there was one shadow, now there are two
17 Posts
Ooc — Soapbox
He yawned. Tiny fangs snapped together as he was roused from his roust by the snarling of challenging wolves. Asbestos shook himself out of his slumber and crawled onto his perch to watch it all go down. Beady eyes watched the happenings as he squeaked here and there to cast a audible mirror of the scene. Pesky wolfies. Pesky peskies with all that snarling and biting at each other's faces.

He ninja snatched a mosquito from the air and chowed down, chomping on it like popcorn as the show eventually came to an end. The male scampered, leaving the female alone in the afterglow of her victory. He watched her for a moment before fluttering to a lower limb and leaning up against the trunk of the tree. He folded his leathery arms over one another and looked to her.

"Congratulations champion!" he chirped, pushing himself off the trunk and walking a few paces down the branch. "I've always wanted to have a mighty wolf hunter helping me out! I will be your wise leader, and you - you shall be my fearless minion!" He hopped down from the branch and settled on the ground a few giant strides away. "What say you!? Shall we go for a test drive?"
Messages In This Thread
there was one shadow, now there are two - by The Ripper - March 20, 2015, 04:36 PM
RE: there was one shadow, now there are two - by Asbestos - April 24, 2015, 05:49 PM