[j] i was the fear of man
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46 Posts
Ooc — CJ

The monk heard the first call and perked his ears up, blinking back into reality as he pulled himself from meditation. He listened to the request to join their ranks and gave a warm smile. As he stood and began to make his way toward the epicenter of the howl, a second song touched his ears. He recognized the voice of Anemone and his grin broadened. They were growing as a family and he was ever-so-grateful for the wolves who had chosen to settle into the Vale with them. His pace quickened and it didn't take him very long to find Anemone's scent trail. He followed it gingerly and again his heart fluttered at the thought of family. The Vale had brought those three siblings together again, and that was another thing Tenzin was grateful for.

It didn't take him too much longer to arrive where Anemone had answered the first call. Tenzin trotted up with a relaxed state of being. "Hellooo!" he chimed, weaving around to stand beside Anemone as if she were merely his sister and not his subordinate. He wasn't very good at being visually alpha, but his ability to lead and take charge was certainly more than present when it needed to be. As he took in the handsome features of the black male before them, Tenzin winked to Anemone playfully as if suggesting something. Ever the trickster, the monk found his jokes quite pleasing and chuckled to himself much like an old man would if he told you a piece of grass was hilarious.

"Hello friend," he greeted warmly, giving the stranger a kind and welcoming look. "I caught that you were looking to join. Do you know of our factions, or are you in need of more information?" Tenzin asked, not wanting to repeat any information the wolf may already know. "I am the monk Tenzin, and this is one of the Vale's clerics, Anemone," he said, gesturing to Anemone as he offered her name.

Messages In This Thread
[j] i was the fear of man - by Cyril - February 18, 2014, 06:27 AM
RE: [j] i was the fear of man - by Anemone - February 19, 2014, 11:24 PM
RE: [j] i was the fear of man - by Tenzin - February 25, 2014, 11:51 PM