Witch's Marsh Born With the Fate of Dying For Someone
52 Posts
The prince decided he liked this stranger, even though he did not even know the other wolf's name. There was something about him that drew the white eyed bastard to him, but that something was not something the northerner knew. It seems that Kenneth was leaving the boy speechless for the yearling did not speak or reprimand him like he had the moment before on the exaggerated expression he had done, but simply stared at him with those eyes. When the greyscale wolf finally spoke, the Gloom offered him a laidback smile, "Well, since you asked me so nicely," the man laughed, a chuckle that seemed to warm the air. "I'll try to."

The Borealem was glad when the yearling smiled, he managed to break through that shocked exterior Alastor had when he first scared the boy! If Kenneth had a computer and could type, he would have typed a hundred smileys then. He also took it as a good sign that Alastor did not run away in fear or some other emotion when he complimented his eyes, not only did the greek smile even more, but complimented him in return. Having only known insults on his appearance since he was a pup, Kenneth was not used to hearing good things about them which almost..just almost made him look at his hopefully newfound friend in astonishment. He caught himself just in time though.

The exiled prince laughed and grinned at the boy, "Thanks a lot, man, thats the first time someone has complimented me on how I look. My family kicked me out because I wasn't the perfect white arctic prince they wanted me to be," all that was said in a carefree, laidback tone, he did not want to bring a seriousness and solemness into this conversation yet. "But I'm glad they did that, or I never would have been free of their stupid opinions, or found wolves like you who how I look," he winked at the boy. "Just kidding."

Kenneth did not really care how he was acting around Alastor, he was like this whenever he felt like it and even though others might think he was flirting (which perhaps he was), their opinions did not mean one fuck to the black prince.

"The name's Kenneth, whats yours?"
Messages In This Thread
Born With the Fate of Dying For Someone - by Alastor - April 18, 2015, 01:21 AM
RE: Born With the Fate of Dying For Someone - by Kenneth - April 28, 2015, 03:54 AM