Rising Sun Valley a lion doesn't concern himself with the opinion of a sheep
20 Posts
Ooc — Leondre
Raezho stood silently, shifting his weight from paw to paw. The other wolf seemed to calm down, before replying about how he didn't have any scars. Therefore making him a girl in the wolf's eyes. He groaned inwardly as his brother decide to take the matter further and poke at his pride. wer ergriff dril kii si mi scarless ui tagoa unlike wux He nudged his brother playfully. si gewjtokvi tepoha vi bensvelk sense di edarokic vur irisvir. si tira ti spend shio nomenes times mrith wer kaolaks ihk thric dril.

He shut his mouth after that, not saying anything in case he would offend anyone. The Khal was strong, no doubt, Raezho could see the well packed muscle in his limbs. Then the Khal spoke, saying he didn't have bison herds or grass plains. But he would find a new great grass sea where they can thrive and then the Khal surprised him by asking them if they would join his Khalas, and if they pledge loyalty to the Khal, they would alway have a place in his Khalas. 

Raezho glanced at his brother, wondering if he would reject the offer, it seemed like something Azzaro would do. After all, His brother had planned to build a place for them two, not join a Khalas. But as Raezho wondered what his brother would do, he thought about the offer. It was tempting and promised a great adventure to him. But he would also stick with his brother. The choice was too hard. But Azzaro shifted his form to become something more respectful and surprised him by pledging loyalty to Khal Rakharo, and turned to him, mouthing "not a word".

Raezho decided to give a typical eye roll, knowing it always annoyed his brother. Azzaro thought it was childish, but then again Raezho was your typical childish teenager. Raezho canted his head lightly, silently asking his brother if he was sure. But Azzaro always thought stuff through, if he joins, it means it is probably a good choice and Raezho should follow suit. But then... being back in a khalas might not allow him to wander off more. But he had always wanted to be either an asaverak or a kaolak, or both. But wandering was half his life, what if he wasn't allowed to be Raezho anymore? But Azzaro...

There wasn't enough time to decide, he might as well stick with his brother.  si, raezho pledge sia loyalty ekess wux, khal rakharo. si nishka qe wer ixen wer valignatic seanf wer gul. wux tepoha sia lex. The rest will come, but he was young and he had many more choices to make. 
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RE: a lion doesn't concern himself with the opinion of a sheep - by Raezho - May 03, 2015, 02:08 AM