Blacktail Deer Plateau For a dreamer night's the only time of day
Shattered windows and the sound of drums - People couldn't believe what I'd become
1,357 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Lasher was kind, far kinder than he felt he deserved, though he wasn't sure why he felt that way.  He wasn't sure if anything he felt right now, and the effort of sorting through this was enough to make him shirk the act for the foreseeable future.  Usually so introspective, it was rare that he avoid his own thoughts, and it lent a sort of melancholy isolation.  

The physical he could remark on, for it was impossible to hide anyway.  He had had worse, but he had been better too. "Some.  Not enough to seek relief, but enough to make me wish for it at times."  His lips twitched in a small smile. He was alright when it came to dealing with pain, a childhood of ferocious fights ensuring he knew what a good wound felt like.  But his mind could be weak as any other, and it lamented the pain as any would.  Sometimes he grew angry when he could not get comfortable in the night, and a part of him would be tempted to find Blue or Harlyn for relief.  Yet he always quashed it, his distaste for what he saw as unnecessary medicinal consumption outweighing the irritation.

He accepted Lasher's proximity without comment, but shifted himself as well, so his haunch met Lasher's own.  Also a rarity, that he should seek the comfort of physical contact, but the part of him that sought the warmth of companionship it would bring won out over reason.  He silenced the voice that wondered if this was best, if Lasher still felt as he had previously. That guilt, as with the rest, could await another day.
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RE: For a dreamer night's the only time of day - by Dante RIP - May 07, 2015, 10:35 AM