Bearclaw Valley a homesickness for a home that never existed
215 Posts
Ooc — Will
one last post from you and archive?

He felt Scarlett's red eyes on him and turned to look at her, a smile touching his features and a warm chuckle rumbled out from the Roman when she joked. "I'll do my best," he teased her, but the more he thought about it, he realized that he had practically had the job of counselor thrust upon him since his childhood, since his birth actually. With a brutal father and the adoptive one always away from home, a mother who was too afraid of her brother to fight for her children as they were savagely torn apart by Aku.

As the oldest of the litter, Raziel had to act strong even if he was quivering with fear beneath his pelt. He had to comfort Azrael and Anselm and offer them wise advice with life, he had to protect them. In fact, now that he thought about it, he had grown up a lot faster than other children and definitely not in a good way. No, no one else would have his life, not in Bearclaw Valley, not on his watch, not if he could prevent it.

Raziel had brilliant fighting skills and he had always thought of himself as a warrior, but now he could see another future for himself, one that involved less violence, one that helped others more. It grew clearer and clearer while the bloodstained road grew dimmer, shrouded with grey fog. It was clear then, what route the fates wished for him to take, and he went forward willingly, casting not a single glance at the crimson road that was slowly vanishing.

A large, almost shy grin spread tentatively over the greyscale prince's face at Scarlett's comment. She held so much faith in him, he would make sure not to disappoint her, or Kove in that matter. "I'll do my best to serve you and Kove, Bearclaw Valley, my new family." he vowed before rising onto creamy paws. "Duty calls," he said, pointing his muzzle towards the sun, "I'll see you around." With a salute and a farewell smile, the Roman turned away and trotted towards the forest where he had seen a deer trail.
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RE: a homesickness for a home that never existed - by Raziel - May 18, 2015, 08:42 AM