Redhawk Caldera breaking the habit
✝ november 27, 2015
391 Posts
Ooc — Iris
"Oh," Pantaleimon said when Peregrine mentioned that he did not know where his daughter had lived, or if she had been a lone wolf. Pantaleimon knew what had happened with Reek, and she thought to remember something about a Saena, but the two did not quite connect in her head just yet.

"My f-friend, uhm, Reek," Pantaleimon mumbled, not really willing to dump this upon Peregrine right now, but unable to help herself after her visit to Redtail Rise; "He... You a-attacked him, uhm, when he was helping Wildfire." Pantaleimon did not sound judgemental or like she thought Peregrine had done the wrong thing when she neutrally told him of what happened. She understood that a father would always protect his child. "I v-visited him, he... he says he's sorry." Pantaleimon felt a pit in her stomach when she lied to Peregrine and looked away, to the ground, drowning in guilt. She felt bad towards Reek, too, in whose name she spat out the lie. There was only one thing deeper, more important, than Pantaleimon's integrity, though; to make things alright between her two friends.

Peregrine's sudden emotions were unexpected, even though Pan perhaps should have expected it. When he leaned into Pantaleimon, she felt a flutter in her stomach that overpowered the overwhelming guilt she had felt there before.

"It's not your fault, Perry," Pantaleimon softly whispered -- how could Peregrine have known that his own daughter was a psycho? -- while she rested her nose against Peregrine's fur and could not help but find herself gently nibble the fur along his neck, trying to comfort him.
Messages In This Thread
breaking the habit - by Pantaleimon - May 17, 2015, 02:03 PM
RE: breaking the habit - by Peregrine Redhawk - May 17, 2015, 03:20 PM
RE: breaking the habit - by Pantaleimon - May 19, 2015, 05:37 AM
RE: breaking the habit - by Peregrine Redhawk - May 19, 2015, 08:34 AM
RE: breaking the habit - by Pantaleimon - May 19, 2015, 10:25 AM
RE: breaking the habit - by Peregrine Redhawk - May 19, 2015, 10:38 AM
RE: breaking the habit - by Pantaleimon - May 22, 2015, 09:40 AM
RE: breaking the habit - by Peregrine Redhawk - May 22, 2015, 10:17 AM
RE: breaking the habit - by Pantaleimon - May 27, 2015, 09:04 AM
RE: breaking the habit - by Peregrine Redhawk - May 27, 2015, 12:44 PM
RE: breaking the habit - by Pantaleimon - May 27, 2015, 02:57 PM
RE: breaking the habit - by Peregrine Redhawk - May 28, 2015, 08:11 AM
RE: breaking the habit - by Pantaleimon - June 01, 2015, 03:42 PM
RE: breaking the habit - by Peregrine Redhawk - June 01, 2015, 04:23 PM
RE: breaking the habit - by Pantaleimon - June 01, 2015, 05:05 PM